The Youth in Asia

Section head text.

It’s mercy killing time. On this page, you can talk about lots of things, just not THAT thing. Suggested topics:


Michael Ball

Schmalz’s cowardly balls

Ceramic ball bearings



where are dave wiswell’s updates on track racing? we need more of them about how things are going in the land of the “frites”…


where are dave wiswell’s updates on track racing? we need more of them about how things are going in the land of the “frites”…

we haven’t had one in a while


You obvously feed off of the blood of others and can’t do anything alone.
You must be an insecure leech.
Silence can be good sometimes. I can focus on my life and goals while keeping a moderate pace. Who wants to hear all that chatter anyway. That’s what the first 12 miles were for.
You don’t even have the balls to sign your name.
Now go off and enjoy YOUR silent activity of attacking everyone online instead of on the road.


“the best part was the silence. Everyone was about business..”

you sound like you know how to have a great time engaging in a fun activity!

Captain Ed

Don’t see any conflict with Bear Mt.We have the Ronde von Mullica scheduled for 4/6 and the Pine Cone for 6/15.


When most of us think of out of town races we’ve been heading to New England. Jiminy Peak, Fitchburg, Green Mtn and Palmer/Sturbridge , Housatonic Hills … are all familiar but there are many good races emerging in upstate NY and in PA. Who’s considering what for this year?


“the best part was the silence. Everyone was about business..”

you sound like you know how to have a great time engaging in a fun activity!


The Gimbels Regular or Short ride is reported on this site Sox is the author and great guy. Its good to know some of the people on any ride to get food or water if and when you are bonking.

CRCA Open Racing

Bear is on May 11.
Among other things we are adding a
Cat 4 40+ race.
A full announcement will be made soon.
PS. The park and the park police have been contacted and we are on their calendar.

Bear or no Bear

Is bear on Mothers day this year or the weekend after? Has a date been tentatively set?

Thank you and keep up the hard work.


MYR – I am sure that was Jaoa. He is the only guy around riding for that team. He ussually mentors some CRCA juniors on the ride and hangs with the Bicycle Mag crew (his employer). The long ride is quiet and has a more organized feel. The regular ride is much more of a hammer fest with varying levels of riders. It (the regular ride) can get very sketchy in the warmer months even on the front. Like I said, the Gimbels long is very different once the weather gets warm. See you Sat.


It’s funny you say that, right after the left turn at the top of the hill a rider in a Bissel kit (reeking of that new clothes smell) rolls up and looks back at me and I give him the nod to jump in. I read somewhere that Joao is riding for them right.
I liked the ride a lot better than the short ride, the best part was the silence. Everyone was about business…


I don’t know as it was my first long ride. It wasn’t as hard or as long as I thought it would be though.
I made a last minute decision to do the long and I wasn’t prepared…
I know enough to eat a breakfast and I had food packed (I’m used to never eating it as breakfast usually does it)


When you get to Rte 22, (light by gas station/Rte 22) the normal “long” route goes right. In the winter they go left at this light and extend the ride. Its not much longer and goes pretty slow. I have not done the long ride in a while or Gimbels because I think your time is better spent training in small groups or solo. This time of year the group yells if you go to hard and there is alot of slow paced sitting in.

MYR – dont sweat it. Make sure you bring food next time and get used to the ride now. Once the spring and summer comes along, you might find yourself on the wheel of JP Kaminski, Chad Butts, or Jaoa Correia (Sp?) and thats when the real hammering begins.


you’re late and in a rush…..whatever, I had fun and getting dropped only strengthens my resolve to kick your anonymous judgemental asses.
I’ll see you this weekend…


Any shop worth their salt can true a wheel, regardless of how fancy schmancy it is. Except well perhaps a lightweight….stop hitting shit with your zipp and you wont need to true it.


somewhere in the city to take my zipps to be trued. my front wheel needs some love but the minimal spoke/radial design is proving to be a bit beyond my skill level.


I thought you said , No helmet talk?
As for the helmet, do you wear one when riding rollers? There’s probably a higher chance of falling than on the road and what if you fall and your head hits an edge on the roller. Could be ugly.

Captain Ed

Although I appreciate you’re thinking I promote these races, I don’t. I’m not consulted (nor would I expect to be), the shop owner, Jason Bradley, runs the show in regards to race promotion. It seems to me that what you’re seeing is the addition of a lot of races to the calender and everybody is scrambling for dates.I know speaking with Jason that quite often he’s given a date and he’s stuck with it. And to be honest, Bear looks like a fantastic race, but it doesn’t generate a whole lot of interest down here. It fills up almost instantly, it was canceled last year, and one year(as I re-call) it was canceled due to fog.As for our team, our big road trip for the year is Battenkill. So we’ll look forward to seein’ all you NYC boys up there(and of course we’ll be up for Prospect and Central Park).


Dude, bear mountain is a crap fest. Only 4s are into bear mountain, for some reason they think its actually difficult. get over it. CRCA sucks balls.

get it in writing

hey, i just want to remind the CRCA to apply early for the permit for the Bear Mountain race. here is their phone # (845) 786-2701.


Im interested in the pro vernon race…..prly cause im not a cat 3 or 4 or over 35…..Stop hatin on the good guys!


At the gas station stop /22 turn, if you go right its the normal Long Route. If you go left its the extended route. I think a stage race close to home would be great. Taking two days off in June is no big deal and you dont have to get a hotel for the race. I am looking forward to it regardless of whether there is a 1/2 field.


If he can make a Cat 3/4 Stage race during the week in June work great. Besides Schmalz, I don’t know how many will take off from work.
If he’s expecting a pro road race on Sunday, he’ll fail.
If he wants an elite stage race, he’ll fail and hurt PCT.


hear it is going to have a bigger purse for a pro-1-2 race. Maybe be a bigger race like “back in the day”


When the ride gets to the route 22 corner (with the gas station on that right corner) Is the ride turning left to do the extended long ride or are they going the regular long route still. This time of year they usually go the extended route. Would consider going if the ride was longer.


Wonder why Captain Ed always schedules his races against Bear Mtn? Seems his races would do better on a different date and why doesn’t he race Bear? Making a long trip to do PP and not coming up for Bear doesn’t make sense.


Most of us are not concerned with the pro race and are only concerned with the masters, Cat 3 and 4. So I am looking forward to this event being that it is so close to home.

As for a “Gimbels” shout out. Getting dropped on the long ride in January is pretty sad. They average about 11mph on the climbs this time of year.


Most of us are not concerned with the pro race and are only concerned with the masters, Cat 3 and 4. So I am looking forward to this event being that it is so close to home.

As for a “Gimbels” shout out. Getting dropped on the long ride in January is pretty sad. They average about 11mph on the climbs this time of year.


Final day of Tour of Vernon, professional race through local roads originating at Mountain Creek and ending in the streets of historic Warwick, NY. must be a mountain bike race. Ray Smith can’t be that dumb to organize a pro race against Philly.


To all of the long riders that dropped me in the fourth quarter. I promise to eat a breakfast next time and not be 20 minutes late….
Wow, that was a stinger…


Tour of Vernon
Mountain Creek Resort, Vernon NJ and Village of Warwick, NY
June 5, 6, 7 and 8, 2008
This is a four-day, five-stage race where cyclists race each day during the tour, in Tour de France fashion. Their overall total time is tracked and the fastest riders with the lowest overall race time win the tour. This tour is combined with the U.S. Open of Mountain Biking, a national mountain bike event, to make this an exciting week-long event for bike enthusiasts of all types.

Thousands of riders are expected. Nightly activities are planned for the riders, their families, spectators and bike enthusiasts.

The final day of this event includes a professional race through local roads originating at Mountain Creek and ending in the streets of historic Warwick, NY. A fun-filled family festival will take place in Warwick during the final day of this bicycle tour. For additional information, go to and


Tour of Vernon
Mountain Creek Resort, Vernon NJ and Village of Warwick, NY
June 5, 6, 7 and 8, 2008
This is a four-day, five-stage race where cyclists race each day during the tour, in Tour de France fashion. Their overall total time is tracked and the fastest riders with the lowest overall race time win the tour. This tour is combined with the U.S. Open of Mountain Biking, a national mountain bike event, to make this an exciting week-long event for bike enthusiasts of all types.

Thousands of riders are expected. Nightly activities are planned for the riders, their families, spectators and bike enthusiasts.

The final day of this event includes a professional race through local roads originating at Mountain Creek and ending in the streets of historic Warwick, NY. A fun-filled family festival will take place in Warwick during the final day of this bicycle tour. For additional information, go to and


China has become disgusting. Too much too fast. I dread having to go there, and can’t wait to leave when I do.


If Tour of Vernon is planning any type of elite Cat 1/2 racing its bucking heads with PCT events in Reading, Lehigh Valley. PCT is planning elite as well as Pro races. I wouldn’t be surprised, since it’s typical of NJ-BRA to totally disregard anything happening beyond it’s borders. Westwood holding cross event same day as UCI event in LI is another example.


New concept you might not be familiar with…it’s called asking a fucking question, you ass. Have a nice day.


I see the guys who put on Branchbrook are doing a 4 day 5 stage race in Vernon NJ about 1.5 hours north of NYC. Anyone have the scoop on this. Nice area for a stage race and close to home.


You wrote: “I see [they] are …”
And then : “Anyone have the scoop on this?”

It seems like you have the scoop… not!


All i know is that there is a race for 4 days. No details on the stages etc. Crit? Circuit races? RR? hill climb? TT?

Specifics … NO information on the site. Stop being such a fucktard.

Chris M

Yeah, but we all know driving in China is way more dangerous than riding a bike real slow-like. Plus, look at the passive safety device she is wearing in the form of large coat. She values her body more than head, which speaks to cultural differences. Higher risk of lung disease (witness mask) vs brain trauma from bike crashing means that, all things considered, she is behaving rationally for a young Asian girl.

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