Bandit Cycling HQ

Section head text.

The Bandits, they of the questionable photoshop skills, have a new HQ! Read all about it on their site.



With only one bicycle between them, I think the Bandits are gearing up for a run at the “Little 500”
Good luck to them.


I just passed by that building today. The text has obviously been scrubbed off of the building. But there’s a cardboard image of the team that I found in the dumpster.


it’s obviously real. yhey were just in a hurry to get the photo up on velocity. you can see how the front wheel of the bike has sunk into the not-yet-dry asphalt.


I made a site visit and took some measurements. After some lab work, and intensive mathematical calcultions, I have determined that the average Bandit has grown to 8 feet tall OR the photo has been doctored. You decide.


I just drove by the building on my way to work and the signage isnt up yet. Obviously they just photoshopped it for the photo, but when will you guys put the signage up for real? And will you really have the snack shop/bike shop in there? Out with it!


I heard they are working a deal with Toga and the Runicble and will have a small bike shop and coffee shop on site open to public. I hope it’s real. That would be so cool.


maybe this is just my astute observation techniques picked up in “a government agency” but the fact that there are no leaves on the trees leads me to believe it must be like 20 degrees out and i don’t see one set of knee warmers on those guys…even pros wear knee warmers under 50-60 degrees…come on!


I heard Armand and Jeff have set up the barefoot grape crushing area behind those big windows, Matt and Justin will be bottling in the basement. Tastings daily.


it won’t make them faster. They should really put their energy into training rather than a new HQ. How much did this thing cost anyway?

Left turn

I saw Jeff King heading north on 9w and he looked like he’d finished his workout and was on the way home.


I believe this is for reals….. I went to buy a bottle (well box, nothin says lets get sloppy to your significant other like a BOX of wine) of the lovely Bandits wine as recently as friday at 6 pm, only to learn that the company has been sold to some huge multinational wine maker….. and then to confirm I went out to Lenells ( in Red Hook Brooklyn and they too said that the Bandits vrac was no longer going to be available….. they instead offered me a bottle of Adler brand whiskey….. is this the end of Bandits Cycling, have they gone all corporate on us?

CRCA Rider

Well not exactly a genius, but you know I’m no slouch. Anyway, thanks for picking out the shrub discrepancy Eugene. These guys must take us for real chumps to not have someone catch that.


their all lawyers and investor bankers so they can for sure afford that bilding its been sitting theyre for years empty just looking for someone even a team to make it there HQ.


That photo is totally believable. But there’s just one detail that’s obviously fake– the small hemlock shrub next to them is a rare strain only found in a remote section of woods near Alberta, Canada.
Nice try, guys.

CRCA Rider

I’m not buying it. For one, that building would cost way more than any local sub-team’s budget. For two, it kind of looks like you pasted the name of the team into the picture. Not sure, but it also looks like the rider’s were pasted in as well.


You’re the guys who chopped down that nice patch of woodlands on 9W for your HQ– instead of reusing one of the many existing buildings in the area!

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