Bunde Positive

Section head text.

US cyclist Bunde hit with two-year doping ban
November 20, 2007

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colorado (AFP) – Jared Bunde, a 31-year-old American cyclist, was given a two-year doping ban by the US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) on Tuesday after testing positive for the banned substance clomiphene.

Bunde, a member of the GS Mengoni Cycling team, tested positive July 28 at the International Cycling Classic in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. His two-year ban began October 15, the day he accepted a provisional suspension.

As a result of testing positive for the anti-estrogenic drug, Bunde forfeits all results since July 28, including his US National Track Championship 30-kilometer points race triumph August 28 at Trexlertown, Pennsylvania.

Also wiped out was Bunde’s sixth-place overall finish and third-place points effort at the Vuelta a Nicaragua, which included a victory in stage five on September 8.



I’ve been around just long enough to know that there are pressures from within the sport that may destroy it. Until the sport is rid of those at the ‘top’ (nationally & internationally) with political talents that dwarf their leaderships skills, we are all subject to the petty power struggles carefully crafted for the purposes of posturing against those who present dangers to their corrupt infrastructures. Until I see the return of honorable & credible people in these positions, I’ll give guys like Floyd Landis and Jared the benefit of the doubt.


I’ve been around just long enough to know that there are pressures from within the sport that may destroy it. Until the sport is rid of those at the ‘top’ (nationally & internationally) with political talents that dwarf their leaderships skills, we are all subject to the petty power struggles carefully crafted for the purposes of posturing against those who present dangers to their corrupt infrastructures. Until I see the return of honorable & credible people in these positions, I’ll give guys like Floyd Landis and Jared the benefit of the doubt.

olf larsen

Nice deadpan humor, FDA. For all the blind Jared defenders, why not google the word Clomifene and see what results you get in the newsgroups. Just a crazy “coincidence” that Bunde was busted for this!

Jared’s deafening silence on the matter is as much a confession as that GUILTY plea. Repeat: GUILTY, and if anyone is self-deluding enough to believe it was an accident, pony up his defense $$$.

Re: Alan Atwood, I respect your work for the sport but your loyalty here is greatly misplaced. Jared should rightly be barred from the scene entirely and then, if he still wants to come back in two years… fine. Tell us what REALLY happened first, however.

Hey, Mengoni Masters Program: Props on throwing Bunde off but c’mon, a little more distance from the OBVIOUS truth.

Many of you need to get past the hokey pro fanatasy nonsense that led Jared to this pathetic place to being with, it’s really embarrassing to as a native New Yorker– we’re supposed to be cynical and street smart, remember?

& for what? At age 31, Jared was never in line for even a $10K pro ride. It’s unfathomable you people could be soooo foolish to think this was a one-time lapse in judgement. (And spare us even more word about “tainted” supplements; the only thing tainted is Jared and the critical faculties of all his mindless defenders.)

the truth will set you free

wow this is GREAT! now all Jared has to do is drop a quarter in a pay phone and call them…or better yet, since its a 718 are code…perhaps he could just ride his bike over and start the campaign to clear his name in person…now I’ve got to go break my prozac in half..Dr. says it’s more effective that way…


The claim that supplements taken were possibly tainted with prescription medications is very serious. The FDA pursues claims like this and, if true, will shut down the offending supplement manufacturer because it is illegal to mix prescription medications with dietary supplements. The NY FDA consumer complaint # is 718-662-5588. They seem to be very reponsive.

Joe Lawler

I dont know what is more upsetting…reading this news so close to thanksgiving about my friend Jared (who in numerous ways has probobly effected the path of my life)… or seeing my grandmother in a nursing home, on thanksgiving, unable to comprehend or remember anything and not recognizing her deaf brother who cant even communicate with her anymore.

Oh no wait… thats right, my grandmother and her brother would be much more upsetting. So upsetting, it doesnt matter what Jared did because he doesnt have to deal with my problems, nor do I need to deal with his! Neither do you people! But… we can talk about things, and we can grow from them.

I hope I’ve gotten my point across. A lot of people in this world lack understanding, common sense, and origionality but hopefullly someone here understands my post. Or maybe there are a few buddhists reading this?

Keep on keepin’ on!

Joe Lawler

I dont know what is more upsetting…reading this news so close to thanksgiving about my friend Jared (who in numerous ways has probobly effected the path of my life)… or seeing my grandmother in a nursing home, on thanksgiving, unable to comprehend or remember anything and not recognizing her deaf brother who cant even communicate with her anymore.

Oh no wait… thats right, my grandmother and her brother would be much more upsetting. So upsetting, it doesnt matter what Jared did because he doesnt have to deal with my problems, nor do I need to deal with his! Neither do you people! But… we can talk about things, and we can grow from them.

I hope I’ve gotten my point across. A lot of people in this world lack understanding, common sense, and origionality but hopefullly someone here understands my post. Or maybe there are a few buddhists reading this?

Keep on keepin’ on!


It doesn’t feel so good, does it? Maybe you’ll think twice before you do it again. Or did you miss that piece of irony?

And you’re anon: no one even knows who you are. So imagine how it would feel if you were being named.


Ya’ll keep on attacking Viper. What size chainring of hypocrisy are you riding when you attack him (yet claim that even commenting on Bunde is wrong)? Duh. Viper hasn’t said anything about Jared that Jared didn’t acknowledge already. Duh. Time for some of you to run out and buy some Captain Obvious Under Roos. It’s Black Friday, hurry up.

Kelly McGillis was not hot, but somehow looked great in Top Gun.


Viper, you don’t get it. Who has more resources for a suit – a supplement company or a bike racer? Who can convince a court it has more to lose – a company claiming it’s been libeled or Jared. Who would have an easier time proving contamination or not?

Stop talking out yur butt


LOL x 2.

What you should be saying, to those with their scanted personal posts/comments “Don’t raise your voice, improve your argument.”

FYI, several folks agree with my sentiments, these debates are never easy, simple and one-sided. The fact that some can’t accept a differing opinion from their own, resort to personal attacks…only makes them domestiques in the field of debate.

Oh, above quote is from Archbishop Desmond Tutu’s dad.


“well he sure talks like a bitch.

“I bet viper takes lady drugs for his lady parts.”

LOL. At least I have the intelligence to post in complete sentences, the spine to post what I truly think, the wit to not attack others while I use a name in posting instead of anonymous.

School’s in and ya’ll are suspended. Cutters!


“…is name-calling, pompous, inflated language, and trying to pass it off as nobility. Give me a f-ing break.

No one’s disagreeing that doping is wrong, what they’re disagreeing with is your self-righteous attitude, intentional twisting of words, and obvious disregard for the fact that this is about a human being. And if you can’t understand that, then you can’t talk about morals. The only thing worthwhile in all of your posts was your Milli Vanilli reference.

And now I choose to turn my back on you.”

The main thing noted here dude is your personal attack of me, which makes you all the weaker for it. Plus, you should know/note, I couldn’t care, really, this entire thread is not about me, but about Jared Bunde’s two year suspension for a banned drug use.

I stand firmly on everything I said and no, I never dug Milli Vanilli, even when they were big, girl you know it’s true.

“Turning your back” on someone on the internet is Marlon Brandflakes; it’s like like bringing coals to Newcastle (while drinking a Newcastle) while taking water to the ocean, sand to the beach, wood to the forest and trying to sell green clovers to General Mills.

I wish Jared well, there is no karma ever gained in wishing ill will. However, I am clear, staunch and firm in my perspective of cheaters…and I am allowed to feel this way, it’s not the USSR before the Beatles sang about it.

Don’t confuse self-assurance or confidence with self-righteousness. Having never tested positive for anything other than a crush on Cheryl Ladd, I can offer my perspective on this suspension of Jared Bunde.

fellow human

Hey Jared,

Hope you have realized as you read these posts that there are some people out there who are just dicks and who will use this to justify their own natural instincts, and there are those who don’t believe in what you did but who recognize that you are just human like the rest of us. So whatever you do next, know that even if you don’t ever forgive yourself, plenty of others will be willing and able to.


…is name-calling, pompous, inflated language, and trying to pass it off as nobility. Give me a f-ing break.

No one’s disagreeing that doping is wrong, what they’re disagreeing with is your self-righteous attitude, intentional twisting of words, and obvious disregard for the fact that this is about a human being. And if you can’t understand that, then you can’t talk about morals. The only thing worthwhile in all of your posts was your Milli Vanilli reference.

And now I choose to turn my back on you.


good luck to you in whatever the
immediate future holds.

bike racing isn’t life, i hope you know that. i also hope that you are
completely forthright in describing any activities and/or lifestyle choices within the peloton that may have lead to this. we all know what goes on. and someone has to unring the bell so that, someday, folks are competing mano a mano rather than mano a pharmacisto.

use this time and lesson wisely.


Your post is right on. There is so much here that I agree with, and believe me, I have gone through many emotions in this situation. I don’t take any of my actions lightly, and understand that there are consequences regardless of my initial intention. Will I go away, no. Will this change and affect me through the rest of my life, yes. I don’t wish this situation on anybody, but I do also feel that it has brought much important dialog to the surface. As an athlete you do have a higher responsibility to the public than a normal citizen, and ignorance is no excuse, for this I will pay a huge price. I am sorry for those that are hurt by this, but I embrace these conversations in collective growth. Happy Thanksgiving.


Jared might not be able to finger the supplement that did it (assuming that is true) due to fear of a lawsuit from the company making the stuff


this is still going… but the conversation hasn’t progressed.

i’ll offer something up for you… take it wherever/however you want.

when you travel the globe and race against the best – as bunde did – you begin to get a very clear picture of the “haves” and “have nots”. if you have been racing at that level for the past decade – as bunde did – whether or not you doped was a matter of choice and whether you were willing to make that extra sacrifice.

on a positive notes, the sport is cleaner today due to some positive work by USADA and WADA.

so everyone take their head out of their collective asses. it doesn’t change the person bunde is, or his contribution to youth cycling. he took a step to be a better bike racer and now he’s paying that price.


between the choice of drug, which is controversial as to whether it’s even a performance enhancer and after reading the Rory Sutherland case where they found 5 to 10 billionith of 1 gram in his system which gave a positive, I’m skeptical if there was intention. I certainly would like to know the amount that was found in his system and hear his side.


where’s the hate? Rasmussen did do something wrong. Petition the UCI to change the rule. He was fired and stripped of his tour lead because he lied about his whereabouts which was against the rules.


black and white Giro atmos? jesus. you guys are ridiculous.

Maybe you should just assume anyone good is on something, which is generally the case, and feel better about yourself that you aren’t and if you can beat them, even better. If not, well, there’s probably not much of a future in cycling for you anyways, other than it being a hobby; it doesn’t get any cleaner the further you go.

As for Rasmussen, I’m pretty sure lying isn’t a positive drug test, its lying. Lots of people lie. Although I’m sure he was doing something while hiding away, theres no proof of it. So go on and hate away cause hes a liar.


Rasmussen was caught for lying, which in many circles is indeed something.

Bunde failed a drug test, and part of failing a drug test is having your peers be pissed. Some more than other, and much of it with a good dose of hyperbole. But the idea the ‘he made a mistake, lets forget it and all move on’ really diminishes the role of honesty in the competitive endeavor. He wasn’t honest, and baring some sort of bombshell suplemement outing he’s going to have to live with that.

More than the three people who finished near him in a race are harmed by this. Obviously the presence of one strong rider can alter the tactics in a race, but more pertinent is the competitive balance. Guys seem Jared getting faster and faster. Winning. And they’re more likely to resort to these sort of tactics. One could make the argument that usage on higher levels is what brought Jared to make a decision such as he did. In the effort to try and make the grade one may resort to desperate measures. So the idea that the victims are but one or two is sad. The cycling community suffers. He had a great season, and it was one that could inspire people to race and train harder. It also speaks to the kids he works with. As a parent I wouldn’t be to thrilled with my youngins hanging around a track with a guy who failed a drug test for PEDs. That doesn’t negate where his heart is at, or any potential or past good he did, but kids are impressionable enough. This is part of “handling your own child’s moral upbringing.” Just saying no, to having your kids coached by a guy who made this sort of decision. Plenty of guys make bad choices and become good ‘look at what I did wrong’ role models but that’s for another time and place.


was that supposed to be a dose of the truth? Because to me it sounds like a big rock.

My point is that your version of “morality” is unnecessary and reprehensible. You should try turning that mirror around once in a while.


the issue I have is that we are all saying it anonymously. It’s lame, cowardly, and over the top. And we still need some perspective (hence my DWI anlogy). Yes I could throw a stone, but I live in a glass house, and chose to be bigger than that. Can we? Yes. Should we – you decide.


Might stink more. Bunde violated the rules we all race under. To go from that to cheater may not be the hugest leap, but to lump him in with large-scale EPO/blood dopers and heavy steroid users is a large leap.

The substance Jared tested positive for is not a masking agent, nor is it an actual steroid. It is a substance that can be used, among other things, at the end of a steroid cycle. However it can also be used to performance-enhancing effect without steroids. It is false to say that if someone has used clomiphene, then they have used steroids. It is certainly more likely, but not necessarily true.

All that said, Bunde tested positive for a banned substance that he should have had a better handle on, either by knowing that he was taking something that had been banned or actually knowing exactly what was in the supplements he was taking.

He got nailed, and a 2 year ban seems like a pretty real punishment, particularly for someone who’s life is so completely defined by being a bike racer. Which is something most of us here cannot say.

In fact, if one of us got busted, we’d probably take up some other sport that facilitates huge expenditures of money on gear, like triathlons. Wait a minute – that might actually be a worse punishment. Mankinis for 2 years!

Anyway, time to eat pie for the rest of the day and stop reading freshman-level legal positivist argumentation.


You missed the point of the poster you just quoted, which was that people should just leave him alone already. Guilty or not, he’s still a human being.

“While nobody should thrown huge rocks at him, one can and should hand out a dose of truth, not Kool Aid ™. ”

You also said:

“Mr. Bunde has sunken down to the depths of cheating and will forever be associated as a cheater, a liar…


These types of discussions are healthy– we shouldn’t be afraid of them, or of differing opinions.

And Viper, you wrote some weird things earlier, but I think you’re on-point this time.


Whats the point in discussing this any further? let him serve his ban, end of story. He’s not going to fight it, suppliments or not it doesn’t really matter anymore. All of you are talking out your asses, and have no clue what really goes on around here. Jared’s positive won’t change much. I’d be very surprised if guys all of a sudden became mysteriously slower next year. As long as there are farmacias, guys will get their speed from a bottle. Although, I do enjoy the hypocrisy around here…


“I don’t really enjoy reading people’s casual bashing OR defending of Jared character. It’s as if none of you bashing him(in an extreme way) has ever done anything wrong or “illegal”(please!) in life…”

So if one speaks honestly of a cheater, someone who did, say, lose their license to a DWI, or lose their cycling license/credentials due to cheating…we’re not allowed to comment due to the fact that each one of us has swatted and killed a mosquito in our lifetimes? This equation above is known as LCD, the lowest common denominator and it’s the basis for a super liberal, ever-accepting, shrug-at-everything mentality. Why not just walk around 24/7 and when confronted with an issue of morality, right versus wrong, offer, “Well, it’s all relative…” No. Nope. Laws exist to keep us in line, to keep the paceline, peloton or audax in line. Wrong is wrong is wrong. Everything else is fluff in the eyes of justice. Bunde was an above average cyclist, at 31 his best years were miles behind and he wasn’t the calibre to reach the big races, but now his actions have offered those 15 minutes of fame. During those 15 minutes, we are allowed to offer our opinions in support, defense or assessment of Bunde’s case; he was innocent until proven guilty and he’s guilty, case closed. While nobody should thrown huge rocks at him, one can and should hand out a dose of truth, not Kool Aid ™. Wearing rose-colored glasses is something the eyes of justice cannot utilize; clear Oakleys ™ are required. Mr. Bunde is standing in the cleats he’s wearing, in the very spot he’s standing, because he placed himself in that spot. The sport no longer looks the other way, Michael Rasmussen savored 14 minutes of fame this past summer and he’ll now resent a lifetime of shame.


I got busted for a DWI, put others in harms way while doing it, and had my license suspended. Paid my dues and now do not drink and drive. I never believed I was a bad guy, I just made a few bad choices. Hopefully I learned and am better for it. Lets get some perspective people.


what do you think a “rundown of every supplement he took in July” consists of??? it’s not a dissertation…and its not the “vitriol” he has to get out of his system…it’s the Clomiphene!!!!!

confirmation bias

Sure. Especially so if you’re inclined to be persuaded.

“There’s no mystery on the streets, no arch criminal behind it all. If you find a body and you think his brother did it, you’re gonna find out you’re right.”

– Verbal Kint


I think the caliber of this discussion has gone way up since anonymous posting was cut off.

Mengoni doesn’t have the resources to provide a team doc or a whole fleet of lawyers and the whole US anti doping agancy process is kind of a black hole.

There is a big difference between Tyler Hamilton and Floyd Landis, guys with full time trainers and a whole committee of people telling them when and what to eat, swallow, inject, drink, saying that they “just don’t know” how it got there, and a racer like Jared who was totally on his own, buying his own supplements and recovery drinks.

If I were Jared I’d need some time to recover from the bitter vitriol on this board before I had the energy to sit down and post a rundown of every supplement I was taking in July.

Daniel Zmolik

If that is so, (and I don’t buy it for a second, sorry) it means that Jared did not intentionally cheated his fellow cyclists.
Well in that case he has a huge responsibility to tell us all, what supplement it was, so that this disaster does not happen to any of us. Once we know what supplement it was, we should send this information to cyclingnews and such, also contact the manufacturer, so that they can warn everyone else. And Jared should absolutely sue the company.
In any case, I won’t hold my breath for all this happen, as it is most likely just another lie in a long string of lies.
I will be happy to apologize, if I’m wrong, but for now, all facts (Mengoni statement is not a fact, more like a cover up and distancing them selfs)are saying Jared did it.


I simply don’t believe it.
besides it almost an Ivan Basso defense…except bass-ackwards….instead of “I intended to cheat, but I never cheated” we have “I cheated, but I never intended to.” He had testosterone boosting/masking agent in his blood ergo he CHEATED. I think we have all heard about the dangers of tainted supplements and knowing what we ingest. Tainted supplements seem to be the #1 arrow in the dopers quiver of excuses. What supplements EXACTLY was Jared taking? I find it irresponsibile of the Mengoni team to NOT inform us what supplement contained the bitch-tit enhancer. Aren’t we all in danger of accidentaly taking this steroid tainted supplement now? I’m sure Jared will be suing the manufacturer for damages and restitution for his shame and lost wages????? Riiighht….

Ken Harris

His case for “unknowing ingestion” will become persuasive when they name the suspect supplement or amount of clomid found.


I’m hearing he was taking a lot of supplements and some of them were contaminated. Dumb, but it it’s true it’s nowhere near as bad as going to get steroids or epo.


I don’t really enjoy reading people’s casual bashing OR defending of Jared character. It’s as if none of you bashing him(in an extreme way) has ever done anything wrong or “illegal”(please!) in life.
And commenting on his good character doesn’t do anything to defend his doping case. He may have taken banned substances(otherwise why would he accept the two year ban?). Ok, he knew the rules, he probably did it anyways and was caught. He will now have to face the punishment. That’s a severe one, and he probably knows and feels it more than we can imagine. Let’s leave him alone. Move on, get on your bikes and start training(or eating).

Good People

We should all be thankful Alan Atwood is our regional race official. Alan’s balanced opinion of Jared clearly shows the goodness in people who contribute to cycling with two speeds. Not without his entourage.

Dave Perry

Fan Forever

dopers are cheaters, and often liars.
dopers are innocent because they are religious
dopers are guinea pigs, for science
dopers are heroes giving more than 100%.
dopers are players, everyone has to do it.
dopers are basic athleties doing R&D training.
dopers are mulatto, not white or black.
dopers are vegitarians that but know what works.
dopers are people that cannot be stopped.


If it’s all about the facts, why use words like shun, shamed, liar, gluttony, greed, pride, weasel, spin? Viper’s post posed as emotionally neutral but was ultimately just more shit-slinging.

Connor Sallee

“Laws exist, those laws must be enforced and although you may not like it, it’s not about your feelings or your emotions, just the facts.”

– viper


affect (INFLUENCE) Show phonetics
verb [T]
to have an influence on someone or something, or to cause them to change:


is it really true that clomiphene is present in present in OTC products in significant amounts? you’d think that would be pretty problematic since it is a powerful stimulant of ovulation.

just asking.


“…and Envy is what makes those who once worshipped Bunde turn on him like an angry mob at a hanging.”

I disagree. “To do good is noble; to teach others to do good is nobler…and less trouble” said Mark Twain. Turning your back on a cheater or a liar isn’t jealousy, it’s nobility. One can choose to forgive when one hear’s an apology…


“So what? Bunde is a great guy. He’s not really guilty of anything and he’s still awesome.”

No one ever said anything like this. Stop twisting other people’s words and stop preaching.

I commandeth you.


“…they declare,…’He’s not really guilty of anything…’.”

No one here wrote or suggested that.

“Greed, lust, pride and gluttony fueled his cheating”

You claim to know his thoughts. You don’t even know the facts. You only know the test results, and no one is disputing that.

chris yack

Great pic on cyclingnews.com
GREAT endorsement for Champion Systems…I’m sure they will be just dying to sponsor the squad again next year…No Press being Bad Press and all…
Bunde suspended for two years

31 year-old Jared Bunde was suspended from cycling for two years after he failed a doping test and tested positive for clomiphen on July 28 at the Point Premium Root Beer International Cycling Classic. His suspension begins October 15, when he accepted the penalty. Bunde forfeits all results, prizes, points, and medals after that date.

According to the Associated Press, The US Anti-Doping Agency said clomiphene is an anti-estrogenic prohibited substance per USADA and UCI rules.


I for one am bored of listening to those who shrug at this guilty suspension as they declare, “So what? Bunde is a great guy. He’s not really guilty of anything and he’s still awesome.” The man was found guilty, the gloves fit and you can’t acquit; Mr. Bunde has sunken down to the depths of cheating and will forever be associated as a cheater, a liar. The podium of Paris was never in his future, ever, but we must make certain that all podiums are clean and we should shun those who attempt to weasel their way onto one. Why attempt to spin this story, redefine what the word ‘is’ means; Mr. Bunde was given due process, found guilty and is shamed greatly. Greed, lust, pride and gluttony fueled his cheating, science found the truth. Laws exist, those laws must be enforced and although you may not like it, it’s not about your feelings or your emotions, just the facts. Liars can figure, but figures don’t lie and cheating a little, is cheating a lot. “Where there is an injustice somewhere, there is an injustuce everywhere” said one honest man and everyone should be angry, disappointed or shocked, but they should not defend a cheater.


Can anyone (especially the most angry ones) tell us what clomiphene does to enhance performance? Or if it has a significant effect on performance?

And if someone over-did it with caffeine, should he receive such harsh criticism?


Bunde tested positive for clomiphene, which is available in many over-the-counter supplements. Also, I am fairly certain it was only added this year.

Does this mean he was doing steroids? No. Does it mean he wasn’t doing steroids? No, it doesn’t mean that either.

To reiterate: he did not test positive for steroids or a masking agent, but something that is, among other things, used at the end of a steroid cycle.

And yes, I consider him a friend and think he is a great guy. So yes, I am biased.


guys per race that Jared won were really affected. Sorry for the rest of you that were placed 32nd instead of 31st. If you are one of the top 4 you gotta point, and I am sure would man up and write your name. All others: get over it. Mind your own store.


I believe Mengoni gives its riders a stipend, maybe +/- 10K a year, and racing expenses paid, including bikes. Jared works part time as a mechanic, and lives very simply. I don’t think he has an inflated sense of himself as being pro-as-shit.

having said that, I’m still disappointed in this. I’d like to think that banned substances got into his system by accident but that requires a suspension of disbelief.


fair enough about the possible unintentional use (i’ll look at the link later). as far as the renumeration from racing goes, i was speaking more conceptually than anything else. these guys are not racing for tresso star cloth tape and french threaded headsets like their predecesors! if he’s doing the big stage races and the superweeks, money is involved. regardless, i hope it all works out for the best – for him, and for those he touched.


Good luck dealing with your future in cycling. I really thought the cycling community were somewhat liberals I guess I was wrong. if it was up to some of you Jared would be burned at the stake.
we all make mistakes in life, Jared your mistake will only cause you temporary humility. Be the man that you are, keep riding, look everyone in the eye and move on.

the management

e-RITCHIE, you are hereby barred from posting on this site. You have abused your multiple refresh allotment and are no longer permitted to post comments.

Additionally, you are not permitted to engage with any child who uses the internet, or who intends to use the internet.


“Maybe because he doesn’t have the resources to fight and knows people will all diss him anyway even if he does, eventually, win? I’m not saying it was unintentional (sorry Jared – I don’t buy that), just that maybe he doesn’t think he can win.”

fair enough. alot hinges on the ‘maybes’ and ‘what ifs’. he’s on a good team. if he was not guilty and believed it to the core, perhaps his team might have stepped up to the plate and added support, be it finacially or emotionally. has gs mengoni made a public statement yet?

Matt P.

How many of you guys rushed to pay 30 bucks plus another 20 to get Landis’ autograph? How many of you got pics with him at the roller race? how many stood up for a guy they didn’t even know? Jared is a hometown boy… that doesn’t condone or make anything acceptable, but I for one am not ready to throw a guy ive known for a couple of years under a bus that quick… drugs or or not.


how many times did Floyd admit he doped? How many times did Floyd accept his suspension? How many times did that lab in France breach procederal etiquette? PLEASE don’t compare the 2 cases…
besides none of us paid money and raced against Floyd..only to have him walk off with the prize $$$


i get it –

my question was kinda sorta to taliah because she wrote, “…I don’t think Jared intentionally doped.”

my feeling is that it doesn’t matter. at this level of the sport, the athlete is in charge of what’s ingested. perhaps his team organization is as well. what i haven’t heard yet is denial. if there is a reason that clomiphene is ingested by an elite level male athlete, i am interested in knowing why. if there’s an explanation that the substance was mistakenly ingested, i’m all ears on that as well. to a certain degree, i think it’s a privilege to earn a paycheck from a/this sport. when one cheats and still gets paid, others behind him lose income as well as a possible spot on a team. it’s all connected. unlike the analogy where a cat speeds and has his license revoked, that driver possibly harmed no one on his way to walking. in (this) sport, when you cheat, you have kept others from making their living as well as they’d trained for.


i get it –

my question was kinda sorta to taliah because she wrote, “…I don’t think Jared intentionally doped.”

my feeling is that it doesn’t matter. at this level of the sport, the athlete is in charge of what’s ingested. perhaps his team organization is as well. what i haven’t heard yet is denial. if there is a reason that clomiphene is ingested by an elite level male athlete, i am interested in knowing why. if there’s an explanation that the substance was mistakenly ingested, i’m all ears on that as well. to a certain degree, i think it’s a privilege to earn a paycheck from a/this sport. when one cheats and still gets paid, others behind him lose income as well as a possible spot on a team. it’s all connected. unlike the analogy where a cat speeds and has his license revoked, that driver possibly harmed no one on his way to walking. in (this) sport, when you cheat, you have kept others from making their living as well as they’d trained for.


“This sends the complete wrong message. I hope you rethink your position on this.”

Get a grip. This sort of zero tolerance stuff is lame. He cheated. It’s bad. Does that mean he should be out of anything related to racing forever? Are you like that in other aspects of your life? Does the doping mean whatever help he gave kids in the past is tainted? If he’s doing the same things with kids before and after doping, what’s the difference between those two times?

Oh yeah, I guess the difference is the “message” that sends? Whereas you want a message of “zero tolerance”, “never forgive” etc etc. If your kid ever cheats at anything I hope you make sure he’s never involved in that activity again. Ha. Live like that if you can.

“said doper had the endorsement of the region’s USCF official. ”

What are you trying to say? Are you trying to imply Alan endorses doping? Because he dares say a doper can also do good things? Jared did do good things for the community – that’s a fact. If you think the doping outweighs that, that’s your perogative. But doping doesn’t mean he didn’t do good stuff or could not do good stuff in the future. Your attitude is messed up and simplistic.

and to Richie’s “if he tested positive, and agreed to the 2 year ban, how can he have doped unintentially?”

Maybe because he doesn’t have the resources to fight and knows people will all diss him anyway even if he does, eventually, win? I’m not saying it was unintentional (sorry Jared – I don’t buy that), just that maybe he doesn’t think he can win.


“Maybe because he doesn’t have the resources to fight and knows people will all diss him anyway even if he does, eventually, win? I’m not saying it was unintentional (sorry Jared – I don’t buy that), just that maybe he doesn’t think he can win.”

fair enough. alot hinges on the ‘maybes’ and ‘what ifs’. he’s on a good team. if he was not guilty and believed it to the core, perhaps his team might have stepped up to the plate and added support, be it finacially or emotionally. has gs mengoni made a public statement yet?

Matt P.

and ive heard no denial yet either, But as i said yesterday until i do then i will stand up for him and if he tells me that he intentionally did it i will be upset and very disappointed for all the reasons you mentioned, but id never turn on him or anyone else i considered a friend


“Maybe because he doesn’t have the resources to fight and knows people will all diss him anyway even if he does, eventually, win? I’m not saying it was unintentional (sorry Jared – I don’t buy that), just that maybe he doesn’t think he can win.”

fair enough. alot hinges on the ‘maybes’ and ‘what ifs’. he’s on a good team. if he was not guilty and believed it to the core, perhaps his team might have stepped up to the plate and added support, be it finacially or emotionally. has gs mengoni made a public statement yet?


“Maybe because he doesn’t have the resources to fight and knows people will all diss him anyway even if he does, eventually, win? I’m not saying it was unintentional (sorry Jared – I don’t buy that), just that maybe he doesn’t think he can win.”

fair enough. alot hinges on the ‘maybes’ and ‘what ifs’. he’s on a good team. if he was not guilty and believed it to the core, perhaps his team might have stepped up to the plate and added support, be it finacially or emotionally. has gs mengoni made a public statement yet?

Matt P.

An athlete is responsible for what he puts into his body whether or not he/she knows it may contain a banned substance. If your not paying attention and i spike your bottles with something and you come up positive. YOUR FAULT! read the rules… This is how you can unintentionally dope but still accept a ban or a suspension.I’m not saying he had spiked bottles i’m saying that it can be unintentional.However,regardless of Whether Jared did it unintentionally or not he is responsible… I hope that answers your question.


…because it’s a suspension, not a ban. If you think the penalty should be more harsh, petition USA Cycling to change the punishment.


If a auto driver gets his license suspended, he’s not permitted to drive. And that’s where the punishment ends.


“It’s a license suspension, not a ban. And the penalty is only the result of the circumstances, not of intent.”

he’s suspended from participating in the sport due to the positive, right? all i am wondering is whether the sport encompasses the rank and file, card carrying clubs/members that make up the usac. it’s a general question to be sure. but if a caught doper can’t race, why is it okay for him to affect the sport in other ways, such as coaching, or admistrating events? i wrestle with this.


It’s a license suspension, not a ban. And the penalty is only the result of the circumstances, not of intent.


anyone of doping? Chris Shaw dopes! He totally dopes! I just know it! I can tell by how skinney he is! Oh, wait is my name attached to this?


i figured that he’s banned from racing if the feds revoke his license. ergo, is it prudent for a usac club to allow him to help, or coach, or even participate at any level while suspended? i’m only asking, not passing the sentence.


i think it’s pretty pathetic what he did. the suspension is an appropriate punishment and i think all the negative reaction is deserved to some extent. he’s dirtied a sport we all love. he’s taken another little piece of the joy we have in racing. i for one got completely discouraged while racing against jared, when he ripped my legs off, and now all i can think was that he cheated. while that pisses me off it doesn’t make him a criminal. yeah he seemed like nice guy, but a nice guy who was a selfish jerk to cheat as he did. not sure why his friends et al need to insult all of us for being upset. it just makes them and Jared look worse.

to NYVC – open this forum back up to anon posters. this community needs to vent and you guys look bad for choosing certain people to protect. you admonish anon posters for accusing people of doping but when you have one actually caught, you still restrict the comments.


i figured that he’s banned from racing if the feds revoke his license. ergo, is it prudent for a usac club to allow him to help, or coach, or even participate at any level while suspended? i’m only asking, not passing the sentence.


i figured that he’s banned from racing if the feds revoke his license. ergo, is it prudent for a usac club to allow him to help, or coach, or even participate at any level while suspended? i’m only asking, not passing the sentence.


“should he really be permitted to be part of all this while serving a suspension?”

Part of what? It’s a suspension, not a ban, not banishment, not excommunication, not a prison sentence. So what do you mean?


I feel more pro for having ridden in a break with a doper!

To bad he didn’t drop me at Floyd fair and square like everyone else does…

Doping at this level is just silly


I have no problem with Jared racing again…as long as he registers at every race as an “athletic offender” I want to know when he is in the field.


if he tested positive, and agreed to the 2 year ban, how can he have doped unintentially? i’m still waiting for the explanation he mentioned was forthcoming. no matter, if the sport’s governing body revokes his license for this, should he really be allowed in the game before the 2 years are up? i’m sure he has friends who will stand by him, and rightfully so. but he doped (according to this story) and got caught. should he really be permitted to be part of all this while serving a suspenion? is there a halfway house for cats in his position?


I don’t think Jared intentionally doped.
He’s a great guy and what he’s going thorough is rough.
He’s given alot to the cycling community, and inspired many people to ride bicycles and to race. I hope he continues to work with the kids at the track. When he’s back racing, I’ll be there to cheer for him.


I don’t think Jared intentionally doped.
He’s a great guy and what he’s going thorough is rough.
He’s given alot to the cycling community, and inspired many people to ride bicycles and to race. I hope he continues to work with the kids at the track. When he’s back racing, I’ll be there to cheer for him.


I don’t think Jared intentionally doped.
He’s a great guy and what he’s going thorough is rough.
He’s given alot to the cycling community, and inspired many people to ride bicycles and to race. I hope he continues to work with the kids at the track. When he’s back racing, I’ll be there to cheer for him.


Why train at all? How about next season half the field do full laps in CP and the other half take the cut off and dodge 110th. That

Ray Alba

pissed in a cup, I bet something would be found that is deemed illegal! How many times have I heard and seen novices take over-the-counter stuff to help their ability -that can be tainted with stuff. Maybe it should become mandatory that all of us get a URINE or DNA analysis – but – that would be impossible! It is just to expensive but, maybe the expense should be put on the cyclist! Prior to getting your license – you have to get a urine analysis – that will see if you are conditioned to ride or not. Problem here is tricks exist to show you negative for banned or questionable substances.

Jared – he is a great guy – and YES HE F’D UP! Maybe it was by pure coincidence, maybe not. This of course remains to be seen. Having known Jared as both friend and sportsman the last several years – I have a hunch it was a mistake – so much stuff over the counter – like RIPPED FUEL or even some of the NON-LISTED stuff at GNC can provide you with higher levels of testosterone. I bet some of you guys – maybe the ones that are to CHICKEN or are COMPLETE P*SSIES (on and off the bike I might add) to post their names are taking supplments too that are questionable or can produce an effect that ultimately benefits the rider but, can show you as positiive……

When you think about it – all of us dope in some way. Taking multi-vitamins – drinking Gatorade – having protein health shakes and for many of you taking supplements like CREATINE to boost muscle growth or HMB to reduce muscle fatigue or dozens of EAS to FIZOGEN products (all legal BTW)are essentially doping (well not technically)! All of these things are not NATURAL – it is processed but, our culture has taught us it is ok to take these things – because they make you perform better. Risk are never looked at – HARDLY EVER – IF EVER.

I like to see Jared come clean on this – and if he did intentionally take something then – you know what – I will be pissed but, I believe people should give Jared a chance to REDEEM himself. The last thing I want to see is a bunch of us ganging up on him, threatening him or others because what – we lost a bicycle race – THIS IS A GAME – A HOBBY and most of us – at least the ones that frequently POST on this site – probably don’t do all that well in the first place.

Ride your bike – try to have some fun – let’s make this sport fun again. Most of you don’t – most of you suck – I do. I know I do – so don’t bother telling me something I already know. Jared was good – he got better taking something – whether or not he knew it was ILLEGAL or contained ILLEGAL product – though his suck while not being on stuff was much better than most of the guys in the NY METRO AREA.

If you have a comment to make – tell me to my face – STOP BEING PUNKS – post your real name – BECOME MEN not the littel boys you are for not posting your name.

Also, hats off to Alan Atwood for not abandoning Jared and for his time committed to this sport. Without guys like Alan – you non-name-posting fools wouldn’t have races to suck in.

Jared can still do good for this sport -let him serve his time – his act of penance – and I bet that some of you may re-think the things you have said.




said doper also is paying a pretty steep price. i’m pretty sure he would tell your kid not to dope so he can keep racing.

Connor Sallee

well, this sucks. he made a really shitty choice and now he’s going to pay for it – mostly derived from the hate from everyone in the community, and a little from the embarrassing two years to come.

i, for one, am not going to hate. i kind of appreciate it – this has taught me a few lessons. i’m definitely going to look closer at who i look up to in cycling, seeing as how some role models can be pretty detrimental to someone’s developing mindset.

another thing – don’t bring mengoni into this, that was jared’s choice, not those of mengoni.

and don’t say anything about eugene.

otis birdsong

Regardless, of how well you liked Jared. As a father and cyclist, I would be very disappointed and offended if I brought my son to rides/races that I later found were run by a convicted doper AND said doper had the endorsement of the region’s USCF official.

This sends the complete wrong message. I hope you rethink your position on this.

otis birdsong

Regardless, of how well you liked Jared. As a father and cyclist, I would be very disappointed and offended if I brought my son to rides/races that I later found were run by a convicted doper AND said doper had the endorsement of the region’s USCF official.

This sends the complete wrong message. I hope you rethink your position on this.

otis birdsong

Regardless, of how well you liked Jared. As a father and cyclist, I would be very disappointed and offended if I brought my son to rides/races that I later found were run by a convicted doper AND said doper had the endorsement of the region’s USCF official.

This sends the complete wrong message. I hope you rethink your position on this.


I agree with you. You should also understand the frustration of all the riders. Some competed against Jared and probably came up a bit short. Those opportunity may never come again.

PS. Not signing your name does not make your comments shallow. I don’t sign my name simply because I don’t feel like it.


I am sorry. I am not a englis major.
If your head wasn’t up your ass I doubt very much you would find it necessary to make such a coment. I think you got the point I was trying to make though unless ofcourse your head is literally up your ass.

Alan Atwood

I love the folks that reply here and don’t leave their name; makes your comments so hollow.

Yet, I feel compelled to reply to one of them, specifically to 11/21/2007 11:09:00 AM — should I be distancing myself from Jared. Absolutely, positively NOT! That’s the difference between you and I — just because I would still like to see Jared involved doesn’t mean I’m condoning his actions. If he were to come up to me today and say, “Alan, I’d like to help run the junior races this year”, I would jump at the chance.

Like I said before, take the blinders off people. Just because he made a bad choice doesn’t necessarily make him a bad person.


then something good might come out of this.

clearly this will damage his team.
clearly this is damaging to the sport.
can’t be good for health, long term.
interested to hear his perspective on how widespread…he should know.


for erasing the post i was responding too.. makes my post seem a little bit empty.

man do you sit in front of your computer playing Hall Monitor all day? go ride a bike or something.

Mike Green

Interested to hear what Jared has to say about
2.damage to his health
3.damage to his team and sport.
4. how widespread?

Dolan <-- see signed name. try it.

just has a collection of the best guys in the area. easy does it with the blanket accusations – and this is coming from someone who doesn’t sugar coat anything in this sport.

Mr. Mengoni has a CLASS program and for that reason every racer in the NY area would be honored to get a chance to ride for him.

unfortunately when you go out and pick the top 15 riders in the area… one or more of them might not be so squeaky clean. that just comes with the sport – not just NYC, not just Mengoni.

Jared is a very good friend of mine. let’s be quite clear on something – his situation has nothing to do with the jersey on his back.

been around long enough to buy myself a pair of glasses

Now, anyone who decides to stand up for a man who has fingers pointed at him, they’ll be burned, too.

I think those of you who have condemned and back-stabbed Jared on or off of this site are all blind, deaf, and ignorant.

There’s always more to the story than what you see.

Do you believe everything you read in the paper? or what you see on tv?

Deaf, Blind and Ignorant

And Lost. You’ve lost a great competitor to a System that you aren’t even supporting.

If you want the sport to be clean, why don’t you pool your fat crca wallets together and pay for testing at your central park races?

No? That costs too much? but don’t drugs cost a lot of money, too? oh, but obviously, if a man who donates more of his time to his jobs can get a hold of some RARELY USED ANTI-ESTROGENIC… your naive accusations are disgusting. And the thing that pisses me off the most is that most of you who’ve bad-mouthed him here, would probably pat him on the back in support when you see him. Or is your pride too big for that. Almost like if you are seen with him, then you’ll be accused, too… sound familiar?

Sincerely, and with all the time that I’ve spent with him, and everything that I know about his character, I support Jared, just as I would any of you if you were in his position.



WTF Alan. “just because he incurred a drug suspension” aren’t you missing the point? as a USCF official you should be distancing yourself.


So because someone does a lot of good for cycling its okay to do some bad for cycling? I know Jared personally and so I am temped also to shadow what he has done with the thought of him being a nice guy but one has nothing to do with the other. What he did was disgusting. He has lost my respect and thats partly because if anyone had told me that he was doping I would have sworn up and down that he would be the last person that would.

Mike Green

Incredible to go near anything in present atmosphere, selfish, stupid.
It would be too bad if the Mengoni team goes the way of Toga, but this area has a problem. Almost all sub-elite riders busted in US are from this region. Since testing is not prevalent, the test/positive ratio is off the charts.
For those who want stuff, it must be very easy to find.

Alan Atwood

While I’m shocked and saddened by the news, it does not change my opinion of Jared as one of the nicest guys in the sport. I hope he continues to work with the kids at the track, and while he cannot race, he will ALWAYS be welcome at the velodrome.

I’m not going to be one to distance myself or lay wrath upon him just because he incurred a drug suspension; for those that are judging Jared by this fact alone, take the blinders off and see the big picture — this guy does more for cycling than all of us combined.


In the current atmosphere of a sport in chaos with teams disbanding due to scared/disgusted sponsors, this is a really selfish act.


Of course, I hope that there was a mistake and the system will find Jared innocent. If Jared did take PED’s and does admit to it, it would be fascinating to hear how difficult making the choice was and what difference they really make. (Really hope you didn’t do it though dude)

K king

More akin to cheating on the SATs to get in a better school or lying on a resume to move up the food chain than speeding.


This is a really sad day. I’d like to see everyone else who is doping on the local scene fess up. Maybe turn this negative event into something positive and clean up the sport.

As I said last week or so, I don’t have any evidence that others dope. But I would be surprised if Jared is the only one.


Jared can come back in 2 years and race with the masters. He’ll fit in well with the muscles that defy aging crowd.


“bad analogy”
“c’mon, everyone speeds”

I think that was the point of the comparison– people think it’s normal (and acceptable!) to do something that commonly kills the innocent.
But then get outraged at cheating in a bike race. Where are the priorities?


They’re the ones who’ll hate you when you think you’ve got the world all sussed out
They’re the ones who’ll spit at you. you will be the one screaming out.


I don’t think he should show up at any local event.don’t personally know the guy but seemed cool.still no excuse


Jaoa, get a clue. You are the last guy I am going ot listen to regarding integrety on the bike,. Werent you seen getting in a fist fight on the gimbels ride with a local Cat 3 because he was not riding the way you and your Boss felt was proper? As for Bunde, funny that he was in a minute plus break at Jamestown on October 8th well after he tested positive., I am not sure how sorry Jared – maybe just sorry he was not more careful.


It’s really strange that people who just two weeks ago were openly attacking dopers as bad people who are ruining the sport are now making excuses for Jared.

I personally don’t care what his explanation is. It doesn’t matter. Pathetic.


First, Jared is the one that put the crosshairs on every Mengoni rider.

Second, No one here is trying to change your perception of Jared. One would think that if Jared admits to doping and puts his teammates in the “crosshairs” that might in itself change your perception of him.


“And it’s not like he tested positive for HG or EPO.”

This is the sort of statement I’d expect from an ex-real pro. And this is why a-holes like Bunde dope. Because a-holes like Joao tell them it’s ok.

clean cat 4

is not like he was gonna ride the tour anytime soon,the sport does’nt need this shit.i hate people who say they love cycling and do this things. Shame on him!


Isn’t public humiliation one of the deterrents of drug use? While threats to the guy are in really poor taste (and should be deleted) it’s ridiculous to think this isn’t the kind of reaction this news would get. And to those who say to wait until they hear his side, the burden is on Bunde to bring any other side to light, and then those who wish can take that into account. The other side right now is that he tested positive and accepted the penalty. That’s an admission of guilt. Being a nice guy doesn’t change that. In fact that was an initial Floyd defense, wasn’t it.

{Jackie voice} Awww, come on! He’s a great guy!!! {/Jackie voice}


Isn’t public humiliation one of the deterrents of drug use? While threats to the guy are in really poor taste (and should be deleted) it’s ridiculous to think this isn’t the kind of reaction this news would get. And to those who say to wait until they hear his side, the burden is on Bunde to bring any other side to light, and then those who wish can take that into account. The other side right now is that he tested positive and accepted the penalty. That’s an admission of guilt. Being a nice guy doesn’t change that. In fact that was an initial Floyd defense, wasn’t it.

[jackie voice] Awww, come on! He’s a great guy!!! [/Jackie voice]


Hey Guys, don’t let us condemn before we get the full story from Jared. Maybe there was some damn good vitamin aid in that bottle that day!!!

Martin Lechowicz

First and foremost I’d like to apologize to everyone for this mess. Being a member of the Mengoni squad, I’m deeply disappointed to hear the news. I don’t come to this website often, but when I do, I almost always see smack talk here. As you all probably read from people who know Jared, he’s is a super nice guy and has always offered a helping hand when needed. I can’t remember how many times he pinned my race number correctly when someone had pinned it wrong. We would have a little talk on what we could have done a little better during a race at times too. He rarely got mad at anything. We even shared some good laughs in the process.It’s the little things I remember about him when we raced together. He a great guy, this is how I’d like to view him. No one is going to change that perception of him for me. I know for a fact, that the man cares about cycling. He lives,breaths and sleeps it. He helps kids and works at a bike shop, just to get by for Christ sake. The man made a bad judgment, and he’s paying for it. You don’t need to insult him any further, his punishment is already a hard lot.

The second thing I’d like to address is that, this does NOT mean everyone in Mengoni is doped! I want to make this clear, I for one thing, am NOT. I’m totally against any type of performance enhancing drugs. Please don’t be that naive and put a cross hair on the head of a Mengoni rider or past rider for that matter ether, just because of this predicament. I know it’s easy to assume things, however when you assume, you sometimes can make a ASS of yourself. Once more, I’d like to express my regret and apologize to everyone this has afflicted, I do believe it’s the whole cycling community.


re: sex offenders, YES, Jared does need to go door to door, just like Jesus in “The Big Lebowski.”

Love all the little Bunde groupies here as well– that he played to your own myopic delusions doesn’t make it any less true.

Oh yeah, he’d become a “pro” alright– his national road results are “stellar” for sure.

Keep him away from kids AND the racing scene. I have more pity for the young rider who gets swept up in it; Jared’s excuse is what precisely?

As someone else noted, it’s almost FIVE months and counting: got writer’s block, champ?


He is going to use the “I have no idea where it came from” excuse, thats what the Aussie Rory Sutherland said when he got nabbed a couple of years back.


And he is going to say that he never tested positive for steroid use and that clomiphene has no performance enhancing qualities. The defense is predictable

ya ok

“beating established international pros from all over the world from the Borajo brothers to Pete Fitzpatrick to Ryan Nelman to Simon Vanvelthoven, etc.” Never happened. Ryan Nelman – last olympic Sprint champion – You must be on crack.


If he’s so “sorry” and repentant why is he waiting for more than a month to issue his “side” of the story. He accepted the ban on OCtober 15th. It is not November 20th. Remember how we all thought Tyler Hamilton was a “nice” guy. The nice guy has turned out to be a psychopath. Don’t buy into this “Jared is such a nice guy, give him a break” BS. With the sport at a breaking point with sponsors running away from it in droves it is so incredibly selfish for these assholes to continue to play everyone else for fools.


from Wikipedia (see url in earlier post

“Clomifene is commonly used by male anabolic steroid users to bind the estrogen receptors in their bodies, thereby blocking the effects of estrogen, i.e., gynecomastia. It also restores the body’s natural production of testosterone. It is commonly used as a “recovery drug” and taken toward the end of a steroid cycle.”


come on, everyone speeds when they drive. if you go 10 mph over the limit it’s totally not the same as doping and cheating other people out of wins.

sorry, it’s just a weak analogy.


“his name, as a racer, is dirt to me”

Yeah, I don’t think anyone’s arguing with you there. But why pour salt in the wound? The fact that it’s self-inflicted makes it all the worse anyway.

I am not protecting him but I think that some of the comments here are way over the line. What he did was over the line too but that doesn’t mean everyone else should take the opportunity to compare him to sex offenders, name-call, or threaten. I mean, come on. People have a right to be angry but at least make an attempt to rise above it rather than act like vultures.


“speeding is nothing like cheating because it doesn’t affect others as directly.”

Speeders can kill you or someone you love! Jared raced bicycles!


I find it ridiculous how you guys protect him. I agree that as a human, this test does not define him, but it does contribute to his character as a racer. Personally, off the bike, I have no issues with him. However, on the bike I have a very large problem with him. Indeed, he may be a good person, but his positive test shows a certain level of disrespect for his competition, the sponsors, and the sport. I would have no problem riding him into the gutter during a race because of it. This is not meant as a threat to him, and off the bike I would never disrespect him, but after the disregard he has shown for the intergrity of our sport, his name, as a racer, is dirt to me.


June 15: dropped less than 10km into Kieran Cup 30km points race, lapped 3 times, DNF’d.

July 13: wins 5-mile final, 3rd overall at North American Omnium Champs, beating established international pros from all over the world from the Borajo brothers to Pete Fitzpatrick to Ryan Nelman to Simon Vanvelthoven, etc.

He STOLE thousands of dollars of prize money and ROBBED others of the results they worked so hard and sacrificed so much for.

But hey he sounds like a great guy. I’m sure it was just a tainted supplement.


i’m curious about the medicine behind all this. why take a female fertility drug? does it mask something else? is it a counter to some monster testosterone doses?


not a good comparison. speeding is nothing like cheating because it doesn’t affect others as directly. a better one would be someone cheating on tests that are graded on a curve and being admitted to a great college as a result, taking that spot from others.

and that’s why he apologized.


Jared is a good guy, does worthwhile things off the bike. But that’s what makes this tough to hear. At the very least he made a very serious error in judgement, and is certainly paying a price for it.


Nearby resident quoted as saying, “F-you [driver], I don’t care what the circumstances were, there is no room for you [on] our [roads]. Enjoy the 2 years [license suspension], and when you come back I hope you enjoy the gutter for the rest of your life.”

Does that put these comments into perspective?

Razzy the Chicken

Sounds like you’ll be on a 2 year hiatus too…. Maybe I’ll see you out in Cancun? A quick game of golf, we can knock back a few and reminisce about old times. What do ya say?


Enough with the shit-slinging already. The guy is a real person. He trains kids because he loves cycling, likes kids, and wants to do something good. He also wanted to go pro, and thought that this is what he had to do to get to that point. He didn’t dope so that he could beat riders in local races, he did it because he thought that would get him to the next level. He just wanted something really bad. Yes it was wrong, yes, it was stupid, but comparing him to a sex offender and deliberately trying to shame him further is really over the line.

Pat McQuaid

Make the races easier. Make Floyd shorter, cut through the transverse in Prospect Park; 72nd street in Central…..

Rudy Penevage

So much for coaching kids at Kissena track. Is he now like a sex offender in cycling world who has to go door to door and tell everyone he is a dope offender and cannot be trusted with training kids or adults? Any ideas?

Joao Correia

As somebody who has competed against Jared and been beaten by Jared I am not angry at him for the positive test and having read his letter earlier today to friends and supporters believe that his positive test could very well be an innocent mistake that he made. I’m not questioning the validity of the test but here is what I am saying:

1. The US Suplement industry is very loosely regulated and although anybody can read the contents of drugs there has been cases where things are added that don’t show up in the contents. The only way to guard against this is to limit what you take and test everything you take against the banned substances list.

2. Having been tested a few times myself I can honestly say that I worry every time I’m tested not because I am taking something but because a) you never know when something finds its way into your system by mistake or b) labs screw up and they do sometimes.

3. You shouldn’t judge somebody based on one incident (that’s why they don’t give Nobels out for one time achievements but take somebody’s body of work into consideration). The guy is a great competitor, a frienly competitor and contributes a great deal to the growth of the sport through the work he does with kids at the Kissena Track. And it’s not like he tested positive for HG or EPO.

4. For those that somehow are amazed by how much better he’s doing than in years past. Or anybody else by that matter. I hate to break this to you and please don’t take it the wrong way. Local racing isn’t that competitive, I know a real shocker. Anybody with a little talent and some training will do well. Anybody with no talent and a lot fo work will do well.

5. Lastly it’s just local racing and a lot of fun so let’s keep it in prespective.

I hope Jared keeps riding during his suspension and that he’s back as quickly as it is over enjoying the local scene. I’d be happy to have him on my wheel.

Been in this sport a long time

This sport has sunk to an all time low. Risking your health by doping for shitty local races. Who’s next?


I don’t get why we have to reserve judgement until we hear his side of it.

He accepted the penalty on October 15. That is his side.

He should really give up the names of the people that supplied it and those that pointed him in this direction.

Chris Y

I’ve got dibs on the carbon Jamis, with carbon SRM cranks and those sweeet Dura Ace clincher tubular wheels…I may test positive if I even sit on that bike…but I’m willing to take a chance!!! just like Jared apparently…


I think its pretty amazing that in one week everyone can go from thinking racing around here is squeaky clean and yelling at anyone that suggests otherwise, and now people are blasting Jared for testing positive for something, rather harshly. Be as angry as you want, but he still woulda smoked your cat 4 ass any day of the week without the lady meds.


sad…& unfairly or not it throws just about any good rider under suspicion.

fertility drugs cost $$$, and, i imagine, are tightly controlled- if it is as it stands i doubt this is something he did alone & without “help”


I’m just sick of busting my ass all year and getting 2nd to these guys- Pulla a few years ago and now this.
I’m going touring in the Sierra Nevadas. Later.


28 Jul – tests positive
15 Oct – accepts provisional suspension
20 Nov – doping violation announced

taking a while to write that statement, huh?


“Please realize that there is more to every story than just a headline.”

i’ll be reading and am eager to hear an explanation.


I can understand the top guys in the city, who Bunde was sometimes competing against, being really mad. It’s not right to mess up competition like that. Really bad.


I’m dissapointed by this news.

But read what Jared wrote. He’s said he was sorry. He hasn’t denied it and from that news report has started his suspension right away. That sure doesn’t make it right, but the blanket hate is lame w/o more info.

Fan Forever

this makes you more famous
you’ve attained a new status
proven to be a real pro cyclist
plus you’re a sweet hearted guy,
good sportsman, teacher, gardener
i expect some good comes of this


I agree but how many times have we heard from cyclists who test positive that they have a statement that will clear things up. Really they are just trying to save face and they do not have an explanation. This is not a case of him having too much cough medicine in his system. This substance is quite rare to have in your system.


There are people around here who dope. I even have a riding buddy who went from getting dropped on mellow bike rides to now riding away from the pack and winning in a solo break. All in a few months. I find it hard to believe this is due just to training.

Matt P.

I hear/read from Jared that he did this purposefully I will find it hard to believe that there are no other possibilities for this positive. Multiple supplements/drugs are at times made in the same room and contamination can occur. If/when he makes his statement and he says that he knowingly did it, i will be upset and truly disappointed… But i will never act like a child and post insults on a website. Its easy to say dopers suck, but i’m betting that all the hate is coming from people that have never even talked to him before. Because if you had you’re head would still be spinning from the news to react that fast…. Also, if you’re gonna hate have some backbone and leave your name…


These are not “Blanket condemnations.”

He tested positive.

He has received a two year ban.

A female fertility drug was in his blood.


the test speaks for it self.i looked up to the dude,however i think his not the only local guy doing something.


Make your statement.

You tested positive for clomiphene.

There’s no way I’ll believe that got on your system by mistake, and just happened to coincide with your best year ever.

Tell the truth.

Ken Harris

Let’s hear what Jared has to say about it.
Blanket condemnations don’t make it any easier to make our sport cleaner: if you want it to change, you need to listen.

Haig M.

That’s a bummer.
I’d say hear him out. He’s always been fast and at 31 he’s hitting his stride. I’m not getting a “Tyler” on him, but let’s hear the backstory. Problem is a positive is a positive and it’s been legally logged. If there’s a medical reason this stuff’s in your system, there are exemption forms to explain why. I’d like to know why also.


For what? To say your cheating piece of shit that couldn’t finish a race in previous years, so took drugs to win at Floyd Bennett Field.


Hey Digger, don’t try to make this into the moronic Floyd fairness fund. Jared was busted and there’s no excuse.

The question is whether or not the Mengoni team will be involved in his “explanation.”


Get your head out of your ass. Clomiphene is used by women for infertility or by bodybuilders to boost testosterone production. Highly dobtfull ANY legal drug with clomiphene would be prescribed to a male.


“F-you Bunde, I don’t care what the circumstances were,”

Hmmm, what if he was busted for cold medecine? There are degrees of doping and I want to know the deal.

I’m really dissapointed to hear this news, but until we know more perhaps hold off on the hate. Maybe the vitriol is warranted — but let’s see what Jared says later.


F-you Bunde, I don’t care what the circumstances were, there is no room for you in our sport. Enjoy the 2 years, and when you come back I hope you enjoy the gutter for the rest of your life.


..truly sorry for this. I will issue a statement concerning this shortly. Please realize that there is more to every story than just a headline.


He got busted on July 28th. The a-hole won Maltese on July 7th. Wonder if he was doped for that win. Hahahaha. So many people in NYC were sucking his balls incesantly, he was the sweetheart of the NYC scene. I believe there is even an interview with him on NYVelocity. What a joke. Hmm. Guy flats at FBF, catches back on and rides away from the field for a win? I guess now we know how that happened.

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