Team Transfer Monday

Section head text.

Silly season is here! Who’s going where? Which teams are back, which teams are folding? Discuss.

And no, this isn’t an invitation to flame. I’ll start. ML lost Adam Duncan to Razorfish and picked up Pascal Sauvayre from Blue Ribbon. What could this mean for the Ladies’ Sprint Champ? Can Schmalz unleash his mighty wombat sprint with torn allegiances?

In other news, Delroy Walters is a <a href=”” target=”blank”>World Champ</a> again, winning the 70+ 500m time trial!


Another Champion Rider interested

Iquiring minds what to know..
Anything to get away from a team manager that thinks he is Fabeo with black hair. Doesn’t look good for Champion next year anyway.. More wanna be managers on the bench anyway.

Pro !,

unless you are running 2:50 after your 112 and racing the reat of the tri weenies are just training! You like coming in 20 hours later, anyone can do that.


I don’t understand why you all pick on Melito, you all do the same crap just with different result I bet who ever is writing stuff used all kind of it make you a real doper.


I only know that Melito is one of the best Mechanics out there.
I brought my bike with some problem that toga bike shop,master bike. Larry and Jeff
could not fix and I’m very happy that he fix it for my.


Naaaa….It’s different. I cant get with the dismounting, mounting, carry the bike etc. I want to roll fast and hurt your feelings……

Spread the Happy Guy

We all are filled with angst because we can’t race. Look on the bright side; there is a club race in about 3 weeks!


Where’s Liz? Was nyvelocity just another stop on her pr tour before getting the big piece in cyclingnews?
I feel so used.


…there Mr. Morality. Amazing how many people have a holier than thou attitude. The man was caught and took his suspension and everyone knows – so yes he took some humiliation as well. Sounds like that is what you’re looking for – public humiliation and apparently a hug. Move on!!…..he’s clearly trying to do just that.


Honestly, if Melito or anyone else who cheats and gets caught would simply post an open letter of apology, admitting the mistakes and recognizing the damage to the sport, and then begging forgiveness of the community, then I would welcome him back as long as he promises not to repeat them. Otherwise, no second chances without it. Period. If you cant own up (publicly), you arent a man.


So no one should ever support/hire someone who makes a mistake and they should end up homeless, living on the street. What a wonderful sentiment.


Yes he made a big mistake(s) and paid the price. His actions only had a direct impact on a handful of racers in this area. With that said, he should be given a second chance. I know if I made a mistake for what ever reason that did not have a huge impact on life as we know it that I would hope to get a second chance. The guy is just tring to put food on his table. To compare him to Tyler H is a complete joke.


….Melito, he’s already paid the price. He’s probably one of the nicest guy’s you’ll ever meet. Great rider and mechanic and all around nice, nice guy. We all make mistakes…


I’m interested in entertaining. As usual, I’m sorry I even posted about the experience as, as always, you people can shit on anything.

Chris "dork" M

So many dorks and jerks around here its understandable if a few get confused. Why even try to keep ’em straight?


The anon person said “check into Melito’s history.” I said “I know the history.” I then said the history is not relevant to what I was posting about.


This is so funny. Jay is like “oh shit. How do I make sure Melito knows I dont care about his ‘past’? I need to keep going to his damn shop!”


I simply told the story of going to a new shop and having a pleasant experience. That’s it!! Others made comments unrelated to my experience. I do almost all the work to my bike and rarely need the service of shops so this is not about that.


So Jay, you’d happily go to Tyler Hamilton’s newly-opened Chimera Cycling if he greased a mean headset and smiled real nice when he took your money?


Melito’s history was mentioned. You alluded that you knew what the anon was referring to. Please share (in spirit of the thread)


helmetless rider with earphones who disrupted the ride (probably Paulie). Ride club dork is the NYCC ride leader Robert M. who was leading the ride. Lets get the dorks and the jerks straight.


I posted about my pleasant bike shop experience. Others responded by making suggestions of the mechanic’s history as if I was unaware or that it was relevant to my shop experience. I only replied that I was aware and it was not relevant.


Whenever I ride I will make it a point to make u-turns and berate any jogger who looks at me. I will explain that I am a professional racer and they should be lucky to even be in my presence.


Hey, pal, how would you like to have your girlfriend cut off by a bunch of nude backtracking riders? Show some empathy, ya big blowhard.


Your friend the jogger isn’t very observant. That’s the skin suit for the new Bear Naked Granola sponsored team. The human body is sublimated on the fabric, it’s very photorealistic. If she was paying attention, she would have noticed identical sized, and shaped schnitzengruber.


Get your friend some glasses and a dog or some mace. Get her a spine as well. This way she’ll stop the chain effect of whining to you and hopefully you’ll stop accusing everyone…don’t be an accusing ahole

Sandy V

Hey jackass – Gabe was a no-show at the Van Dessel hole shot. I was there and I was looking for him ’cause he owes me some money. Furthermore, This year (god knows why) they are enforcing your racing catagory in cross and I would bet that Gabe’s a CAT4 for cx. He is extremely strong but hasn’t put up enough results in cx to upgrade.


A friend of mine was running in Central Park this morning. She said a group of bikers in matching kit stopped and made a u-turn. One of them came stupidly close to her. She got excited and asked what he was doing. He responded aggressively telling her that he was a professional bike racer and something or other. I asked what his kit looked like and all she said was that he was nude. Buck nude. Now I seriously doubt this was the work of Empire or ML as those guys are all a bit too mature for this sort of thing. Other nude teams are Foundation, Razorfish and Adler, of course. This happened earlier in the morning, so I don’t think it wasn Foundation. Maybe one nude guy can wake up that early in the off season, but not a whole group. I also don’t think it was Sothebys. I’ve never seen a Sothebys rider nude in Central Park on a weekday. So I’m guessing Adler. Although maybe not. Who knows who these mystery nudes are. But whoever it is, if your reading this, DON’T BE A NUDE A-HOLE!!!


I use headphones quite a bit in the park, and often ride there w/o a helmet. I don’t care if people ride without a helmet at all — in fact it’s refreshing to see.

But yeah, I don’t like people running red lights if it gets in the way of other road users that have green. I’m freaky that way.


That when someone posted about some guy with headphones and no helmet in central park acting dickish yall didn’t think it was me.

A Conscientious Conscience

“I know Melito’s history”
If you’re lauding Melito’s shop that’s one thing. If you want to subversively spread rumor innuendo it’s another. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.
I met him on the GWB handing out cards for his new shop. I brought a friend that had an issue with his bike and he had a great experience…


riding a road bike for all of about 1-2 years, but is currently the riding club know it all on their message board. Not sure why Paulie wanted to hop on a 19 mph pace line, but having interacted with him a few times riding in the park, nothing would surprise me.


Gabe Lloyd of departed ReMax team, got second at Craigmeur this weekend in the As. Raced at Van Dessel Cross last month in hopes of snagging the frame preme in the Cs.


The thing about Paulie is that, he doesn’t take a hint. Or screaming. If it were so simple he would’ve stopped ages ago. Instead he’s as squirrelly as ever.


the thread is becoming aware of itself. soon it will discover that it has its own emotions and give itself a name.


Favorite Paulie moment this year: Some random club race, a few guys attack on lap 4 or so. They get maybe 100yds up, Paulie freaks, and starts yelling at the guys on front to start working harder as sits comfortably sucking wheel mid peleton. Spontaneously, unrehearsed, and in unison, about 3 or 4 guys in the peleton yell, :”FUCK YOU Paulie, YOU go chase them.” Everyone got a good laugh then got back to business.


ok, we’ve got dope talk, baseless rumor and innuendo, homophobia, empire and adler bashing, possibly a coach L sighting, a ken harris conversation, a run-in with a jogger… i think we’re missing a sandbagging accusation.

Innovation shop

I too discovered the Innovation shop a few weeks ago. Nice guys, took care of a busted spoke on the spot.

Mystified but amused

Im starting to like this thread. Getting kinda funny and cool. Paulie trashing is like good old times. Melito trashing too. Both deserve it for actions on bike. Both probably nice guys off the bike. NYCC guy the funniest though. As if CP pickup rides are cool and ok in CP – DANGEROUS, man. thats why CRCA bans participation, but Paulie maybe didnt get the memo, confirming hes a D.B. on the bike once again. Love that they were rocketing along at 19 mph in a paceline though. Must have been quite an effort. I guess in his paceline theres a “back” – funny too that he cares where a rider goes in. Or that he cant figure out how to either politely or just directly or even rudely tell a guy to piss off, instead stewing for days over the conundrum. So many people with so little clue. Not sure who is the worst.


Jay, there’s nothing directed at you personally. Check into Melito’s history.

Paulie’s a disruptive rider. Squirrelly as hell, likes to jump into groups instead of sitting in back, can’t hold a line out of the saddle, then opens gaps ’cause he can’t hang on.


In the beginning of the post he says… “Last nite on our Monday Nite CP Pick-up lap ride”
and he’s complaining that someone joined his “pick up ride”
Do I sense an oxyMORON


like that it was just play in the headset and I just had to tighten it up? No, there was no play and the headset was tight, I checked. That I should have had the headset replaced? For 20 bucks, I was happy to repair it and having watched, I think I can probably replace it myself now. So what exactly do you need to tell me?


but just a quick plug for the fairly new Innovation bike shop. I live a few blocks away, but had never been in. This past year I’ve forced myself to learn how to do most everything on my bike outside of the bottom bracket and headset, so I rarely need to go to shops now. Yesterday I get a new noise that sounded really funky and after eliminating other things and reproducing the noise holding the front brake and rocking the bike, I figure I have a bad headset. I no longer care to leave my bike at shops as it usually gets scratched, so I was prepared to try and make an appointment to get the work done where I wouldn’t have to leave it. However, Leo at Innovation listened to the sound and immediately threw it on the stand. He tried to change the headset, but didn’t have the right size, so he regreased it and put it back together while I watched and waited. After getting the headset back together the noise was gone. Meanwhile, the shop dog was fun to play with and Leo’s girlfriend was fun to talk to.

All in all a pleasant surprise to go into a shop unknown and have them drop everything and fix your bike.

the free foundation foundation

ALL of us have had our faux pas throughout our amateur cycling careers. Why is this riding club dork even posting here?


“Last nite on our Monday Nite CP Pick-up lap ride which had 10 or so club riders we had someone jump in on our double pace line ride. I assume he was a racer type from the [WHICH TEAM – see below for answer] shorts he was wearing, but who knows, theses things are available on ebay.

We had no real issue with him jumping in except on Four points and I would like some thoughts on it.

a) He squeezed himself mid group
b) He had no Helmet
c) He had an Ipod with headphones in both ears
d) Oh Yeah, when I asked him to kindly go to the back,
I was nicely ignored or maybe he could not hear me as I was 2 inches from him.

I always thought one should ask if they can ride your wheel, especialy if you do not know them and of course join on your group.

That said, He did peel off, we caught up, he jumped in
again and this happened maybe 3-4 more times.

My solution when I kindly asked him to go to the back,
again was ignored was simple, we went from 19-20, down to 15 and said bye bye.”

Answer is here:


Suspicious sudden lack of spelling ability in the last 2 paragraphs of that “news” article indicating some add-on thoughts from our anon contributor.


It’s going to be a long winter. I better break this nyvelocity habit now.
As a wise man once said “the ship be sinkin.”

Serious person

This thread is silly, and I will not tolerate silliness!
Good bye – I must dress in lycra and go ride my bike in a serious manner.


Blueberries. Fudgie the Whale. Coach L in cognito. 7th grade humor. A mercedes bigwig. I can’t stand it anymore.


I’m sorry – I forgot that’s why Washington crossed the Delaware — so you could gay-bait local Cat 3s.


Keep the gay-joke free-for-alls coming – sponsors that would pay Velocity’s bills love that sort of thing.

In fact, the other day, I was in a Mercedes Benz board meeting and one of the corporate directors was like, ‘What we’re really missing is the angry anonymous local amateur cycling demographic….can someone make that happen?”

Insult Patrol

Make up your mind — are the Adler guys pro, gay, smart, stupid, goofy or serious….

Also are we really making gay jokes — it’s 2007, Henny Youngman…

what ever

According to Fox Sports on MSN

NEW YORK (AP) – A Brooklyn pharmacy targeted in a state steroids investigation transformed itself from an old-fashioned neighborhood druggist to a national supplier of substances used to enhance athletic performance, according to investigators and court records.

Investigators with the state health department’s Bureau of Narcotics Enforcement said they seized $7.5 million worth of human growth hormone and anabolic steroids on Monday and Tuesday from Lowen’s Pharmacy, a decades-old shop in Brooklyn’s Bay Ridge section.
The pharmacy’s vice president, Edward Letendre, was arrested during the raid. Police initially planned to charge him with diverting controlled substances, but he was released by the Brooklyn District Attorney’s office and has not been charged in the case.

Prosecutors declined to comment on the move, other than to say that the case would be presented to a grand jury.

It is not illegal in New York for a pharmacy to dispense steroids and human growth hormone for valid medical purposes, but it is a crime for a doctor to prescribe drugs without examining the patient.

Several professional and amatuer athletes have been identified as cutomers at Lowens.These athletes range from well known pro to unknown local amatuers. The group which seems to most affected on a local level are amatuer cyclist who are attemting to increase their performance in regional racing.

In the last two years, well known professional cyclist have been convicted of the use of UCI banned performance increasing substance and have faced stiff punishment. Most still claim that they are innocent.

Santa Claus - I know when you are training or not

I think he found a new team quickly enough. I see him on 9W with the Princeton Review guys but I don’t see Ricky Lowe with them. Maybe Ricky moved onto greener pastures with some more support?


In order to beat the Adler team next year, I am starting to train 35 hours a week next week. 25 hours on the bike over 7 days, 5 hours swimming, and 5 hours in the weight room – if that doesn’t get me ready then I’ll stop bike racing.

what ever

Just heard two of the Adler studs are going to be on the cover of “Out” magazine next month. Who could it be?

what ever

Just heard two of the Adler studs are going to be on the cover of “Out” magazine next month. Who could it be?


I hope you did not dump Morris and/or Kansas. Those guys made the Cat 4 Bethel series fun. If it was not for them who would have yelled at DC Racing and DKNY for not chasing down there own riders off the front.


Awesome thread. Encycolpedia Brown. Blue camaros. Adler hate. Crazy runners and whipping boys. Awesome. I think I see a new term here. Pulling a “blueberry”. Nice.

Fred Flinstone

Below comments edited by my secretary. God I am RICH.

“Gotta love the Adler hate— yeah, boy, don’t you just loathe teams that like to ride and have fun and don’t take themselves seriously. Go back to your Fortress of Attitude and boot up your Pro Cycling Manager demo.”

Wow, is the above really true? Have fun and dont take themselves to seriously? I guess thats why they are trying to go pro, drop a bunch of guys and get some big name riders. No thats not taking themselves to serious.

So who are their new riders exactly. I am sure they will have a lot of “fun” and “not take themselves so seriously” with the new additions.


Fred Flinstone

“Gotta love the Adler hate— yeah, boy, don’t you just loathe teams that like to ride and have fun and don’t take themselves seriously. Go back to your Fortress of Attitude and boot up your Pro Cycling Manager demo.”

Wow, is the above really true? Have fun and dont take themselves to seriously? I guess that why they are try to go pro, drop a bunch of guys and get some big name riders. No thats not taking themselves to serious.

So who are their new riders exactly. I am sure they will have a lot of “fun” and “not take themselves so seriously” with the new additions.



but my team is really motivated for next year. The training is going well. Nothing too hard…yet..just turning the legs over and keeping sharp. A couple hours steady tempo each morning in the park or over the bridge with a few hard jumps for sharpness added most days. Then either weights (not too heavy) or a quick 10-15K run in the PM for cross training. Fridays we only do the two hour ride with no jumps.

Saturday is 5 hours steady with just an hour at AT, nothing higher in intensity. Usually Perkins three times steady for the AT work. Sunday the same, or sometimes just 4 hours if we’re feeling tired.

A few of our guys are doing cross instead on Sundays – usually the A race then two hours steady on the road afterwards to keep lean.

Monday is pretty much a day off — just 90 minutes on the bike, a massage and some stretching. Plus, of course, core training on the swiss ball every day, no exceptions.

We’ll step up the volume and intensity on December 1.


i saw the blue team. it was a bunch of guys wearing edgemont jerseys. they bought them on ebay apparently

Chris M

I was in the park this morning. I rode like 50 mi and did it avg around 26 mph, with some harder intervals thrown in. I passed all the tri gomers, some guys dressed like the Oompah Loompahs (sp?), and Albert Enstein riding a commuter bike. Then I woke up, yawned, and hit it to the train to get to work!


Frequently double back on the road more than roadies. Did you consider that? does your friend know enough to differentiate?


I was in the park this morning. There were some rec. training groups on the verge of control. Not CRCA or racer types. Guy called out On your right and passed by me as the rest of his group passed me on the left. They were in blue. Probably on of them. There were a couple of Columbia riders too. Blue is popular.


is powder blue. Maybe they weren’t local…I guess you really like this ‘friend.’ You’re really doing a lot of detective work here. Who cares if someone badmouthed your crush focus. It happens everyday here in NYC. Get over it……..

Rob H

I was the only NYVelocity rider in the park this morning that I know of, and this wasn’t me. Please lay off the (anonymous) public accusations with next to no information. If you see or think you may know that a rider has done something that would make the NYC cycling community look bad, why not try contacting him/her or one of his/her teammates before publicly chastising him. Thanks.


A friend of mine was running in Central Park this morning. She said a group of bikers in matching kit stopped and made a u-turn. One of them came stupidly close to her. She got excited and asked what he was doing. He responded aggressively telling her that he was a professional bike racer and something or other. I asked what his kit looked like and all she said was that he looked like a blueberry. Blue top and bottom. Now I seriously doubt this was the work of Blue Ribon or Axis as those guys are all a bit too mature for this sort of thing. Other blue teams are Columbia, Sothebys and NYVelocity. This happened earlier in the morning, so I don’t think it wasn Columbia. Maybe one college kid can wake up that early in the off season, but not a whole group. I also don’t think it was Sothebys. I’ve never seen a Sothebys rider train in Central Park on a weekday. So I’m guessing NYVelocity. Although maybe not. Who knows who these mystery blueberries are. But whoever it is, if your reading this, DON’T BE AN A-HOLE!!!


why don’t we pay more in membership fees and get better services? Why don’t we hire marshals with the extra money?


I didnt volinteer to wake up at 5:00 to watch a race on a date that wasn’t supposted to be a race in mid October in the first place for a bunch of guys who are so crazy that they don’t understand why I slept in insteaad of going to blow the wissle for them. I slept in. And fooled around with my girlfriend. No guilt.

please direct your hate to me

it’s me. I prefer to call it constructive criticism instead of whining. I will not volunteer because everyone but me will enjoy the friuts of my labor. I want other people to do the work for me and I want it all done perfectly.


All the sub-team captains were notified, the lack of volunteers was not a result of poor communication from CRCA.


You could leave CRCA and run your team as you like it and not as a subteam. Then you will have to put on your own event and do all the work yourself. Have fun with that.


is the club a little off the pulse on a few occasions. I hope that if there is a team rule then we’ll know about it asap. As far as marshalling goes; they should have emailed everyone as soon as they got the 10/14 date. All is saw was a half-ass post here at about 3pm the Friday before. That’s really lame….


The club could have gotten a permit for Oct 14. The membership voted not to have the race by not signing up to marshal.


The RLX-Aquafina-Lipton team has not been a local team for 2 years. I’d be surprised if the UCI Lipton team that grew out of the the local team is folding.


The comment about 6 man teams and more races seems bogus but it would be good if the board announces any team rule changes now. If there is no announcement keep your eye on Adler before you get caught with too many or too few riders.


That doesn’t make sense. A permit is issued for a given day. What difference does it make how many riders participate?


Park should give more dates to Van Dunk.

I’m sure he submits his list of 30 marshals one week before every race he runs.

One a load of garbage.


I have on good authority that CRCA is going to limit subteams to 6 riders per race next year in exchange for 4 more race dates. Any info on that?


Tested by another facility and confirmed by yet another. It sounds like the checks and balances are kickin in but sadly a bit to late for Floyd.

The Pie Maker

Yeah as a Cat 4 or 3 I dont want to know how Bunde and the likes train in the offseason. I would rather talk shit about a guy who turned Cat 2 after busting his ass all season and how Harris wont fit into a particular team. Thats meaningful discussion.


99% of people on this *site* would not care about what Mengoni or empire do to prepare…worry about more important things


99% of people on this sight would not care about what Mengoni or empire do to prepare…worry about more important things


to JFg….its called white trash talk, I see alot of it here when people can talk without any meaning. So can’t be to serious, you know….negitive rings load


like this one (who cares that Harris will race track in different Jersey)and more on how the top guys in NYC train in the off season and how the top NYC teams prepare for the big races. I would love to see how the Mengoni Guys and Empire etc train in the winter and how they prep before a race (nutrition wise). That kind of thread would benefit 99% of the readers on this site.


And I guess the TDF is harder then NRC……come on you have division 1 races and 2, just like in teams. Discovery is a division 1 team and will kick Heath net or JJoes etc…..b/c they division 2 if even that.


It was a post by someone on their team after the first or second club race the team ever did, written in the third person and signed Team Adler. About how Adler rode a good race.

Worth a chuckle


not sure if it’s 11 years, but the team that started as Jose Alcalas’ Cafe Vol Vox and evolved into RLX, Aquafina and lately Lipton (with other names, sponsors along the way) finally passed on

Not Scare to race NRC races

You are so correct !!!!And being able to hold that speed of 26-27 mph comes from training.You upgrade to do the Bigger Races isn’t that the point of upgrading or just to say Im a cat 1 or cat 2 but just do local races but never challenge ur ablity at the next level.


In my experience, having raced both the New England “classics” and many NRC races this year, the NRC races can sometimes be easier than regional P1-2 races. At the big NRC races, there are only a few riders who can reasonably expect to win. Their teams control the field and set steady tempo (after the mad dash of early attacks) for most of the race. If they time it really well, they will make the catch close enough to the line so that no one has time to attack the field again. What this means in terms of difficulty is that if you are not attacking, all you have to do is hold a wheel at 26-27mph for 100 miles or so usually over rolling terrain. Not easy, but not as hard as trying repeatedly to ride on the front or keep attacking a regional race.
The main difference is the level of ability needed to win at the regional/national NRC races.

Not scare to Rider NRC races

So what if the crits are badass thats how u gain experience.Pro 1,2 once u put ur wheel to the line u should have one Mine set WIN .not to care if ur Jittery Joe or Healthnet all they have on is a jersey and a name like me.


those are not the only races around there are big NRC race he can do now to make big money Good Luck Chris !!!!!!!


So are you saying a big NRC race is easier then a hilly Regional race like Bear? Races like the Sommerville Crit against the likes of Navigators, Toyota, and Healthnet?


As a Cat 3 there is a big difference between a CP/PP A race and and a Regional CatPro1-2 race. The pace can be relentless and the races are much longer. A pro1-2 crit seems just badass…


are being sold by Piermont bike shop. that’s why there are different teams stuff. but don’t laugh, I know someone who got $80 for a local kit in good condition on ebay.


The Adler wind vest (size small) has this description: Used and in good condition, slightly dirty around the collar.

Now THAT’S attractive! I definitely want one of those. I wonder if the for-sale jersey pockets contain post-wash energy bars mash-up that wasn’t removed before getting taken to the laundromat. Good thing there aren’t Adler BIBS for sale.


But it is now more of a club with only about 5-10 mostly cat 4 racers. Also the only club around besides Mengoni with some past National champs.


I am not sure what it takes to upgrade to Cat 2 but I cant see Ugli in any Cat 1/2 race besides PP and CP. Not sure if he could hang in Bear, Jiminy, Battenkill or Housatonic etc etc as a 2.


Setanta is only one of many teams around that long.

By no means comprehensive, I can think of these:

Kissena, USI, Remax, Metro (although there was a definite change in management here), Setanta, Think Racing (the old Visit Britain, Union Square Cafe, Princeton Review), Toga/ Gotham, Mengoni, Global Locate (the old Sony Music Studios team), East End/ Kreb

Kudos to all that stayed in the game.


Should be based on friendships and not results hence the loyalty. The fact that some team members are on a squad for a while bodes well for that squad. I’d be wary of a guy that’s been on 3 teams in three seasons and the team said person rode for is still around. No matter what Cat.!


Gotta love the Adler hate— yeah, boy, don’t you just loathe teams that like to ride and have fun and don’t take themselves seriously. Go back to your Fortress of Attitude and boot up your Pro Cycling Manager demo.


but I’ve seen Adler’s hate on silly little recreational cyclinsts who want to beat them up Cat Paw. Lame.

Dare to There

You are a DB and there are people who do not care which There/Their they use when posting on their favorite blog.

Ned Rifle

You see, Simon,
there are three kinds of “there.”
There’s there…
“There are the doughnuts.”
Then there’s their…
Which is the possessive.
“It is their doughnut.”
Then, finally…
there’s they’re…
T-H-E-Y, apostrophe, R-E.
A contraction.
Meaning they’re.
“They’re the doughnut people.”
Got it?


Whats Adlers deal? Now they are a Cat 2 team? So now I guess Harris is leading out Ugli? Good luck. Those training rides should be a lot of fun.


Good rider and nice pickup by Adler but my question is – Who is there designated Sprinter now? Reed is much stronger overall then Ugli.

Someone who knows...

Rashad is Affinity, dont believe the rumors.

Tyler, and Karl are on and all riders from last year are staying. Arjan is also on for next year.


Still has Chaput and I hear Karl Roesler and Tyler Matta of DC Racing are going there. Karl Roesler is a strong dude on the track and in a sprint.


can i race on two teams? i want to race with a nyc team but i’ll also be spending a lot of time out of state and would like to race with a local team there as well. anyone know if this can be done?


Will Harris finally do some serious out of town races with Adler? He didn’t do any real racing with Empire but did well on the track. Is the CRCA Team Cup there main goal?


Chris Shaw, Justin Brown, Adam Duncan.

Rumor mill also has them sending candy and flowers to a cute little private equity type, but he’s rebuffed all their amorous advances so far. Stay tuned.


Sounds like Adler is picking up some Studs. Any Cat 1s get on new teams? I hear Jao is racing for Priority Health?

Sam F.

it’s hard to be on a westchester based team when you live in brooklyn. dc will still be around next year though.


I can’t tell you who we are getting, but I can tell you who we lost. Gabe, Alex, Craig, and Anthony.

You though ReMax sucked ass in 2007, just wait for 2008!

Comments are closed.