Nancy Burghart

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John Campo sent in this NYTimes clipping from 1968. Enjoy.

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here’s another article about nancy and other champions from usi’s club web site: the way otto (if this name doesn’t ring a bell, you should ask around) described her, she was a dominating force road & track. she had recently visited us to do the “unemployment ride” in westchester. i believe she lives in maine but she has a sister and mother living in ny not too far from here.


Is she riding a fixed gear without brakes? Maybe we need to show this to the hipsters riding w/o brakes, to show them it was cool 40 years ago. It’ll crush their little egos, that thought they “discovered” riding fixed gear on the road!


Reminds me of Ray and Rennie Alba at 11 yrs olds racing each other, those guys were always racing each other.


USI has reached out to her because they are compiling a history of the sport and there club; as, per, Gimbles ride.
Nancy is going to be inducted in the hall of fame soon. I’m not sure where she is living. I’ll keep VN updated – maybe she’ll read this and set us all straight.


100 mile races in Central Park in midday. 13 year old kids racing. Big articles in the Times. Seems like a past golden age. Of course at the time no one thought it was a golden age. Americans winning the Tour would have been incomprehensible as would full Tour coverage on American TV and 40 year olds training like the pros with power meters. Sports was for kids not old men.

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