Katie Lambden

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Katie has a couple of new articles on DivineCaroline. Click over and give them a read:

<a href=”http://www.divinecaroline.com/article/22335/30111/2″ target=”blank”>”Title IX Yesterday, Don Imus Today: Where Will Women’s Sports Coverage Be Tomorrow?”</a>


<a href=”http://www.divinecaroline.com/article/22340/30102″ target=”blank”>”Power-to-Weight: Cycling and Body Image in a World Where Skinny Rules”</a>



A few years ago when Katie had just started racing, JT and I were riding behind here and it was obvious to us that she was a special rider– smooth pedal stroke, quiet upper body. We said something to each other like, "Oh, she’s going to be good". Occasionally, we’re right.


Nice article but Katie’s so modest she didn’t even mention her impressive 7th place GC in the San Dimas Stage Race.

And her teammates even said that she could have won the road race if she didn’t pull off to help Kristin Armstrong get overall GC lead.


How about Lambden and Billington, two of the future stars if given the chance!!! Too Bad Beamon has no clue and isn’t racing Lambden when she has made such a huge jump. And Billington doesn’t even have a team, and was top 15 in almost every big NRC stage race!!

lil' sis

kt Rocks my world!
thanks for the loner, all the gear, beta and unending support. Without your encouragement i’d be a whale of a sister.

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