Mud Argument

Section head text.

Um, how do I put this one? Seems that a certain sprint winner may have had a “backfire” on his way to a sprint win. This bring on a whole bevy of “potty on the bike” related inquiries. That’s what were all about here at NYVC – classiness. And complaining about my missing wheel. And yes, I’m still going to be boo hoo-ing about that for a while – maybe a month, you can never tell about the grieving process.

Would you dirty your chamois to win a race? I have to think that I would dirty someone else’s chamois to win a race, but thats just me. Can you tell that Andy’s asleep as I post this?



Oh no– I may have mildly dissed Coach L on a previous thread. If he’s Lance Leener, he’s a friend! Oops.


Titer and Tittie are wrong. It’s just TIT.
Getting yelled at by your coach is appropriate for a TIT. They work hard to take fun and sport out of what they do. This charity stuff will turn out to be one of the biggest bullshit boondoggles.

I've got five tracks on my MP3 player

1. Venga, Venga, Venga
2. Don’t panic, you’re strong, don’t panic
3. Looking good
4. Catch the moto, catch the moto

and the hit of all time
5. Move up.

I’ve been looking for Coach L on Napster but haven’t found it yet


Whoa. Hold on now. It was their interval (the TiTs), not ours. We were just spinning around slowly today. Funny.

I’d like to know who Ron is. O’Malley should interview him.

tri people hammer

They dont’ race as much so they’ve got energy to spare midweek.

At least that’s my excuse for getting LAPPED by the TiT crowd.


some of then in the am are quite dangerous. also, why do they draft if they’re traning for a tt?

that TT/tri coach is Lance Leener

maybe that’s who you mean by "coach L"
he screams all the way around, every lap. i don’t know why anyone trains with him.


Anyone notice that those TiT’ers who ride in the morning have worse handling then a 3 year old on crack with a crayon.
Stay the hell between the lines if you can’t hold your own. The road is 2 lanes wide for fucks sake.

Come on Coach L show your riders some skillz.

coach L should offer custom iPods

With him yelling at the rider. Then it’s just plug and play.


Coach L Sighting? - by adm

This morning in Central Park a teammate and I witnessed one of the strangest things I ever personlly witnessed on a training ride. A bunch of TITs (or TNTs I guess) came by us in the middle of an interval. Their coach was riding next to the guy at the back screaming words of encouragement at a really high volume. "Go Ron. You can do it Ron! Get there Ron. Make it happen. Bury yourself Ron! You got i! Keep it up! You’re the man Ron. Etc." This went on for almost a mile. We wondered if Ron’s coach was . . . Him?

worse the other way -- "like a little Bear"

"You guys race in Central Park! What’s the course like?"

"Oh, you’ve done Harriman right, it’s pretty much like that without Tiorati. It’s like a little Bear – doesnt’ seem bac but after 6 laps Cat’s Paw and Harlem Hill really hurts."


I see Bandit and Empire are neck and neck in the CRCA team cup standings. It begs the question, is Empire going to contest it, or are they going to be doing bigger and better races this summer?


was just looking at the remax blog, there. firstly, i agree that the "i was the second cat3 but 20th overall" seems iffy in terms of upgrade points, but if they really aren’t counting placings in 1-2-3 races just b/c there aren’t enough cat3’s there, that’s dumb. …more importantly however, i propose a moratorium on the phrase "central park on steroids," which has been used in about 1,000 race reports to describe any course that has a few rollers but nothing crazy. yes, "central park on steroids" would have some lame rollers, but it would also have monster truck taxis and 20 foot potholes packed with explosives. also, i guess it would have one section with a thirty-foot-high mountain of shit running alongside the road. anyway, i didn’t make it to palmer this year, but that’s not how i remember it.

nasty but not that nasty

In the road race at Fitchburg one year it was raining lightly and on the main climb I was holding my glasses in my mouth since they were fogging a bit. I was pretty dehydrated (100 mile races on 3 or 4 bottles is not good) and found myself sucking sweat off my eyeglass strap.

Doctuh Squirts

Back to the turd talk. Yes, I have blown it during a race, twice:

Killington SR as a junior, circa 1993 or 1994, Burlington (was it Burlington?, I think that was the town) Crit stage. Just a little squirt–from nerves–right as we were clipping in and starting to jam. A classic "gamble and lose" case of trying to sneak the wind past the river. Ahh, the good old days.

Again last year at BikeJam or whatever the hell that thing in Baltimore is called. I do not know where or when during my very brief stint in the race, but my chamois clearly showed evidence of significant spillage.

crca website

Sorry about the team series — I’ll try to do it Thurs.

As far as the team list, I’ll put up the 2007 list if a club officer sends one to me.


"because some people care more about racing their bikes than counting their upgrade points and whining about the usac" yeah, guys who suck with no chance of upgrading


Agreed. But the argument that people are saying is if a less than 6th place should count it you were 4th or so out of the 15 cat 3s in the 80 person 123 race. that is stupid.


You have to admit that top 6 in a qualifying P123 event should count towards a cat 3 upgrade. Silly for it not to. It’ll be interesting to see if things are easier/more fair or whatever you think was previously wrong with someone new in charge for our region.


I bet the people that are winning the 45 mile cat 3 races will get their upgrades and the people that get 20th and complain about USAcycling won’t

The whole point about upgrading is that you have outgrown the cat. and are too good. Guys that get top 20 in races but never win are not too good for the 3s.

why put on a 45 mile cat 3 race?

because some people care more about racing their bikes than counting their upgrade points and whining about the usac


the point is there aren’t enough cat 3 races that are over 50 miles. why put on a 45 mile cat 3 race.


It is so USA cycling’s fault that I can’t win cat 3 races.

top excuses that are total bs:

1. the race wasn’t fast enough for me
2. the course wasn’t hard enough for me
3. nobody wanted to work

The fact remains that any good riders will blow through the 3s. i.e. Sherry, Will, etc. and guys who are not good get stuck there and dry like babies abuot USA cycling
And any decent rider that is strong enough to ride the 2s is good enough to place in some cat 3 sprints or drive a break to get away.
These guys that can’t get cat 2 points need to stop complaining and either change there training so they get better or just except that they are not good enough to upgrade.

to "Cat 3 McGe"

This was posted by cat 3 Gabe on the ReMax team site

"That brings me to another gripe. Too important to forget in the midst of this cycling rambling. I was denied my Cat 2 upgraed this month. Apparently P123 races without enough Cat 3s (!!!?????!!!?!?!?!?) do not count. WTF? So, i lost anywhere from 10 to 19 points, giving me a grant total of 10. FUUSACYCLING. The problemo here is that Cat 3 races don’t meet the min requirements for upgrading. 50 miles with 50 starters for road races or 25 miles and 50 starters for crits. Amazingly, promoters havea brain fart when it comes to this, so I always ended up racing the P123 races. It never occurred to me that there had to be a minimum number of cat 3s in a P123 race in order for a Cat 3 to get points. So, those handfull of top 10s –nadda"


A buddy of mine raced in Belgium in the U23 program.
During a race he got sick and had to GO!
His D/S said yer beat, but in Flemmish.
He rode and it got worse so he asked again to quit. No dice. The D/S said poop yer shorts. He did. Everyone around him was repulsed. Disgusting American, whats wrong with you.
After about 10 more km of riding with thin poo dribbling down his leg in the Belgian cold rain the D/S said, ok your done. Thats how we do it in Belgium.
He said it was the worst day on a bike in his life.


A buddy of mine raced in Belgium in the U23 program.
During a race he got sick and had to GO!
His D/S said yer beat, but in Flemmish.
He rode and it got worse so he asked again to quit. No dice. The D/S said poop yer shorts. He did. Everyone around him was repulsed. Disgusting American, whats wrong with you.
After about 10 more km of riding with thin poo dribbling down his leg in the Belgian cold rain the D/S said, ok your done. Thats how we do it in Belgium.
He said it was the worst day on a bike in his life.


A buddy of mine raced in Belgium in the U23 program.
During a race he got sick and had to GO!
His D/S said yer beat, but in Flemmish.
He rode and it got worse so he asked again to quit. No dice. The D/S said poop yer shorts. He did. Everyone around him was repulsed. Disgusting American, whats wrong with you.
After about 10 more km of riding with thin poo dribbling down his leg in the Belgian cold rain the D/S said, ok your done. Thats how we do it in Belgium.
He said it was the worst day on a bike in his life.

Wet n Dry

Can you guys please be clear about between chamois peeing in hard rain vs dry conditions? I think it’s an important distinction.

Pee McPhee

Try inserting a plastic bag, "d’agostinos" are good, in the chamois and pee away til’ your bladder’s content.

Dr. McPhee, M.D. Peeology and Bladderitis

Pee McPhee

Try inserting a plastic bag, "d’agostinos" are good, in the chamois and pee away til’ your bladder’s content.

Dr. McPhee, M.D. Peeology and Bladderitis


So peeing standing next to your bike before the race is illegal , will get you barred for the rest of the season and might jeopardize racing but peeing in or out of your shorts while racing is ok?


I agree with Buttermilk Jones. I did pretty well in the last B race, but I need to see the overall standings to know where I and my team stand.


Please guys don’t pee in your shorts. Peeing off the bike is really easy. Eugene taught me how to do it.

Peter Wiggins

i wanted to take a dump in a recent race, I tried squeezing it out, but alas, it wouldn’t come out. I guess my butt was too tightly pressed against the saddle…


McGee: I don’t think it works that way. The year I upgraded, I had a 6th place in a 123 race, which only counted for 1 point, even though I probably finished ahead of the other Cat 3s.

If they awarded points the way you’re suggesting, finishing 50th in a 123 race where you beat the other Cat 3s would get you the same points as winning a 3 race. That doesn’t make sense.

high and dry

This is soooo wrong! I guess it beats risking a permit revocation for peeing in the open. But still!

Cat 3 McGee


Is the no to the upgrade question? Or the peeing one? Thanks

Are you saying that you can not or should not use a 10th place but getting 3rd of the 3s to upgrade?


all those innocent little kids who like to roll around in and eat the weeds growing out of the dirt piles surrounding the abandoned airfield in the middle of nowhere, brooklyn… won’t someone please think of the children? i’m all for following the rules and not getting us booted from a race venue, but i don’t understand the outrage.

Steve - from Floyd website - we have been warned

*** Important Announcements About Racing at Floyd Bennett Field ***

1. Every Tuesday night the Parks ranger shows up to make sure the race is running smooth and last night he spotted a rider urinating. He was very, very angry and told me point blank – if he sees one more rider urinating out in the open he will revoke our permit. He is not playing around. Guys – there are bathrooms all around Floyd Bennett, there’s a port-o-john near the flower gardens when you enter the Park, there are bathrooms at the main building (aka The Ryan Center, where the flag flies), another between turns 1 and 2 and another on the backstretch. Use them! If you can’t then relive yourself in a waterbottle or something in your car. We all know that Central and Prospect Park races are on a tightrope – can you imagine what NYC racing would be like if we also lost Floyd Bennett?

If you are spotted urinating in the open you will be suspended from racing at Floyd Bennett for the rest of the year.

Peeing in Prospect

There was a whipping out episode down by the temple last Sunday – beats peeing oneself imo, unless it’s raining hard.

Cat 3 McGee

Sorry to be off topic but I have a serious question.

Can you use a 10th place in a 1/2/3 race for upgrade points by saying you are 4th out of the 3s?

If so, do you think this makes sense? I don’t want to rig my upgrade like some people do but some of these things are more grey than they are black and white.

Better to get flamed now for the question than to get flamed for doing it.

Buttermilk Jones

Buttermilk Jones
Hey JT,

I really think it’s cool that you do the CRCA website, thank you.
But, is it possible that you could update the Team Series standings for the last couple races? And also the team list is still 2006.

I want to see how l’equipe BMJ is doing in the B Challenge.

Has anyone ever tried to pee off the bike in a park race? That would be crazy


I go on jury duty and Schmalz goes poop right away. Now you all know who keeps the site somewhat classy.

If you start ‘just letting it go’, does that start you on the slippery slope to bedwetting?


a couple years ago, a friend of mine became a proponent of the "just let it go, man" strategy, did the deed in multiple races, and each time said that it had run down into his shoes. he later sold the shoes on ebay.


The pissing one-self at Palmer, was that out of boredem or out of fear? Cause those were the only two options I saw at that "race".

Tony S

I had to piss myself in the Cat 4 Palmer race. I think Tron might have as well. That resulted in quite the nasty chamois. I think some of my pee ended up in my shoes.

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