FBF argument

Section head text.

It’s Floyd Time! Not that Floyd – Floyd Bennett Field! FBF starts on next Tuesday. May 1. Who’s ready for the Brooklyn Tour de France? Is it sad for me to look forward to this series of weeknight races so much?

Should we start calling it “Bennett” now? How about the “Field”? We don’t want to get in trouble with Dick Pound.



The guy that won Stage 3 said it was one of hardest he ever did. No embarrassment getting whomped on a stage like that. 110 miles! Check da profile, looks Euro.

There used to be

separate masters and 4s fields at Floyd but the master’s didn’t muster many. So combining the master 3s who didn’t want to race 123 into the 4s cuts down on too many fields, too small a master’s field.

Buttermilk Jones

Yes! I love watching guys get dropped. Or at least reading about it on cyclingnews. It is great to see some guy take a week of work. get his hopes all high and then, pop, off the back like a sack of wet laundry


What is Buttermilk’s problem. Mr. Jones – Are you hoping guys fall off the back of the TVA like a recently upgraded B racer in their first A race?

Buttermilk Jones

ToV is only going to get harder. I can’t wait to see who is going to get dropped. If anyone finishes, it will be Mr. Eugene Boronow. That guy is tough as nails.

I was surprised to see so many Mengoni guys come off. I wonder if they had mech. problems.

Tour of Va.

Very strong showing for Gavi.
He beat a bunch of pros.
4 more stages left, keep it up.
Basil should be real happy that he picked him up.

Also an aging Mengoni domestique has emerged as the team leader and showed he can climb with the big boys. (lol) Good show Mr. Boronow.

Buttermilk Jones?


wow, just checked out the results. there are some serious time gaps going on. must be brutal racing down there.

Buttermilk Jones

Hey Empire. Finish your website already. What’s the dizzle dazzle? Your website designer on vacation?

Chris M

…and for the record, based on my results year-to-date, Id say I could be considered mediocre pack fill. But thanks for asking…


Wow, I can convince people to play in traffic, or at least convince people that I am dumb enough to play in traffic just to up the ante of unnecessary risk. I must be some kind of wheelsucker svengali.

wheelsucker svengali

let’s call it a wrap, boys, that’ll be the highwater mark for the day. kudos to those of you using irony and sarcasm correctly, you all get a box of rice-a-roni (the san francisco treat) and "Central Park Roubaix – The Home Version" as parting gifts

Buttermilk Jones

I wasn’t being sarcastic. 36th is a very good result for such a young rider in a race like that. He is very good. (not sarcastic)

Re: Empire all in the race. I think Zmolik dropped out of the RR

Chris M

Ok, I call for a moratorium on sarcasm on posts – I just dont give most fellow riders the benefit of the doubt and assume they are being sarcastic when they post something that sounds dumb…Hey, I know these people! If you want to be sarcastic, I suggest you follow the playwright technique recently used by Mr 60 and include (smirking) or something at the end. Sarcasm, which relies heavily on tone and expression, does NOT come across well in writing, ok?

Tour of Virginia

Gavi Epstein was top local in stage 3 finishing 36th, 9 minutes behind the winner. Great race for former Sakonnet rider Andy Guptil finishing 50 secs back in 10th in first group behind breakaway winner. Loehner led Empire finishing 58th with Eugene right behind, both 12 minutes back. Lisban was top local after 2 stages, just 19 seconds back but had a bad day losing 29 minutes in stage 3. On the positive side all of the Empire guys are still in the race.

Buttermilk Jones

That TVA race looks really hard. The big pro teams are not there, it is mostly amatures but looks like some good guys are there. Is it NRC? Looking over the RR results, looks like Gavi is the strongest NYC rider. Sakonnet is representing CRCA well.

X Game Offender

That was me. I usually get the sarcasm. I thought your last post was serious. My bad. There are lots of crazy people on this site. And if you watch the things people do in some of the local races, you can’t help but think people are retarded for taking some of the unnecessary risks they take.


To "God dammed X Games generation."

Of course it is dumb…could it possibly be sarcasm. No, that has never been used on an internet post before. Quit being a dumbass and taking thing said in a discussion literally (you’ll save yourself some money on blood pressure drugs). Oh and one more thing, thanks for assuming that I am actually of the X-Games generation, maybe I’ll get carded for beer tonight too, that’ll really make my day.

Pardon my spelling, but get real people

Floyd is guilty. Accept it. Everything to the contrary is just noise.

Tyler also doped. Chimera-ism is funny, but not a valid legal defense.

Lance doped. It was all but publicly admitted last year when 9 of his frozen samples from 5+ years ago were tested (positive) and matched to him. But his PR/Legal team made it go away. Another violation of an "athlete’s rights".

Pantani doped.

Ullrich doped.

Heras doped.

Basso doped.

Museeuw doped.

Virenque doped.

Brouchard doped

Botero doped.

Riis doped.

Vino doped.

They all dope at one time or another. It’s a fact. Pro cyclists dope. This is not a conspiracy on the part of the people who wish to catch them. The only conspiracy here is on the part of the "pro cycling machine" trying to hide it. You guys who want to believe that Floyd is innocent are cute, but you’re completely blind to reality.


first of all, it’s not a 3/4 field. it’s a 35+ 3 and 4 field. the quality of racing is much higher and much more aggressive with 3’s thrown in. It’s good for the 4’s to mix it up with the 3’s.


Why on earth, when we have at least a thousand Cat 4s in the area, do the FBF promoters ONLY offer a 3/4 field rather than a separate 4 field? Just plain dumb.


Oh yeah lets get it on. who cares how you get there. couse if you’re riding the 34s JJ will beat us all in the sprint. becouse everybody seams to be working for JJ.
everybody knows that he’s a sprinter. but people seam to forget that during the race and chase every brake that they’re not in. so dont complain after every Tuesday about a certain sandbagger
if you cant beat an 80 year old in a 34 race think about it.
and oh yeah I will probably be the first to get drop
Is there a price or prime for that?
good luck to all
and happy racing

The other Floyd

The B sample positives don’t look good for Floyd but how could the lab not let Floyd’s people in and how could USADA not show for the tests after reportedly being at the lab the night before.
And then they leak the results.

to Prospect Park from Manhattan on bike

from the Brooklyn Bridge, straight on Brooklyn Bridge Blvd/Adams, left on Dean, right on Flatbush and then you’ll see the park at Grand Army Plaza.

Obvious question

What is the best way to get out to the Spring series race in Prospect park from Manhattan without a car (train or bike)? What route on the bike? What distance is each lap?
Thank you,

Obvious question

What is the best way to get out to the Spring series race in Prospect park from Manhattan without a car (train or bike)? What route on the bike? What distance is each lap?
Thank you,


Hehehehehe……try this. I used this route commuting to and from work, even at night time without night. 😀 Get your behind to Union street in Brooklyn. Take either 3rd or 4th ave. Turn left to Union Street and go straight up until you are at Grand Army Plaze/Prospect park. Go through the park and head to the exit right after the long, down hill section, right before the Temple. Take Coney Island Ave until you reach to Foster Ave. Turn left to Foster. Head straight up until you reach Bedford Ave. Then, turn right and onto Bedford (see the bike lane) until you reach Sheepshead Bay, the end of the bike path. Turn left and go straight until you reach to the entrance of Belt Parkway East. Next to the Belt Parkway entrance there is a bike path (near the parking lots). Get on it and follow it through.

There you go. You just avoided Flatbush and Ocean parkway.

Floyd dangers

The last section of the ride out on Flatbush, where you cross the belt parkway, seems the most dangerous to me.

And I’m pretty sure that the ride back is much more dangerous once the sun sets. I see too many guys w/o a strong rear light or no light at all. That’s unwise. I wear a light colored top and usually a reflective vest. Plus a rear light.

Strong tires are important at Floyd. But I think a lot of the flats come from stuff the tires pick up on the ride out and not at the race itself. You pick up glass from 10-15 miles of city riding, then it gets ground in. Check your tires before the start to flick stuff out.


That last post is really dumb. Anyone who would throw caution to the wind just because bike racing is a potentially dangerous sport is a retard. You’re an amateur bike racer. Don’t throw your life/health away just because you like to pretend that riding around in FBF constitutes serious risk taking. God dammed X Games generation.


Are you all suggesting that battling it out on Flatbush with the crazy unlicenced van drivers, homicidal bus drivers, and generally bad Brooklyn rushhour traffic is potentially dangerous?

Do we race bikes or are we all at the old folks home chewing on gruel and polishing our walkers? We all take unnecessary risks everyday to race, what’s one more?

to LK

I don’t think anyone minds people following. And it’s not a team thing either. We’re all just trying to get there in one piece.

another word of advice…ride strong tires & wheels…plenty of glass and debris on the way there and even on the course.


flatbush is the most direct way, although that street scares the crap outta me (heavy traffic). i usually head down bedford to the end (emmory, i think?), take a left and end up on the bike path that runs right beside the field.

a little longer, but probably a bit safer.


Thanks. If end up following any of your groups, I apologize in advance. I don’t like to be one of those annoying people who come up and sit on your wheel.

The real Mr. 60

How tell the difference: grammar, punctuation and coherence.
But still, I’m more than happy to help you learn the English language!
You’re the best!

riding to FBF

if you go to Grand Army Plaza in front of Prospect Park around 6 pm you will find plenty of riders going to FBF…you can go straight down Flatbush but if you follow a group they will most likely take a different route with less traffic.


Mr 60, you know you’ve entered the ranks of folks like Tri Guy when people are imitating you. Better go get yourself a mankini now.


FBF is at the end of Flatbush ave in Brooklyn. So the answer is no you don’t have to drive, though it makes it slightly easier to get back to manhattan afterwards.

Mr. 60

What I really meant to say is" I like is a light spank on the bottom while listening to some Nine Inch Nails".

The real Mr. 60

Nice try w/ the impersonation, but everybody knows that Mr. 60 prefers bukakke to Iggy Pop.
Thanks for trying!


Mr. 60 is way to cocky if he is young, and Mr. 60 is anon so his snarky irony is as lost as his limp effort at humor.

Mr. 60

Constructive criticism is always welcome!
Thank you!
I have to ask, did you mean to say that I am "too cocky" or where you using "to cocky" as an analogy?
For instance, were you trying to say: "Mr. 60 is to cocky as my mom is to whore?"
Thanks for the clarification!


FBF is just a training race for many, so it is a chance to hang on, try out moves that you wouldn’t want to waste in an out of town race, get dropped off the back because the move you tried failed miserably then shoot the s*** with the guys afterwards. Getting worked up about bad riders or 90% waiting for the sprint. If anything they’re not waiting for a sprint, they’re hanging on for a hard workout but not really there to race.



mr 60 is young

JJ is old

when mr 60 says he was a lot like JJ when he was younger he is being ironic, since he is in fact younger than JJ but not as fast. he is not patting himself on the back.

Mr 60

Thanks for the compliment anonymous! Why, Yes! Mr. 60 will go right ahead and pat himself on the back!

Chris M

TH – exactly! – most people use the race for hard training, and it makes it a hard race, which is why its such a cool way to spend a tue evening instead of a solo hard workout!


i’ve only raced FBF a few times, but i seem to remember quite a few attacks and breaks. in fact, i would bet that most people aren’t waiting for the sprint…it’s just that they’re so worn out that the only thing they can do is hang on. i find racing at FBF quite hard.

Chris M

90% wait for sprint? – Im not sure I agree totally with that, frankly, but even if true, how is it any different from any other race in the region? Im my experience, its about the same, only faster most days than a typical race with regular periods of a strung-out field. If you read the post-race commentary, you will see that actually several teams usually are trying out multiple attacks etc, which is more than can be said of many 3-4 races. OK, Im actually sure I dont agree with you… Yeah, in the end everybody tries to sprint – shocker! – not sure how that is bad either – imagine a race where only 5 "real sprinter" guys make the effort in the end! What a bore…


Mr. 60 is apparently not shy about self-congratulation either. Even in the third person you sound stupid patting yourself on the back.


I’m attacking until I’m in a break or I get dropped. Yeah dropped at Floyd, there I said it. Better than finishing 15th in a a pack sprint I have no shot of winning.


He is 50+ and still you bitch about him. Wipe the sand out of your puss, train and maybe you can beat him. Otherwise shut up!!

ahhh… anonymity


i’m sure JJ still can outsprint the 3/4’s. i remember rufus and i off the front hammering (ok rufus was hammering, i was sucking) for a prime at FBF. i thought we were clear and then suddenly JJ comes by sprinting just dusting us. i was impressed.

Ephrata TT

Agreed – the finishing climb can take nearly as much time as the rest of the course – save something for the climb and have a set up where you’re comfortable climbing hard.

And what about

Last year’s 3-4 winner?
Whose wheel will he attach himself to now that Dimitri is an under 35 three?


anyone who has done this race have an opinion on whether a road bike with clip ons or a heavier TT bike makes the most sense on the time trial which is 4 miles flat and 4 more miles of climbing?

It's Floyd

Some guys from the NYC area know Floyd and asked him if it’d be cool to call Floyd Floyd. Floyd was cool with Floyd.

Concerned Citizen

Can someone tell the dreadlocked guy in the 3-4 (really skinny tallish one) to not ride like an ass this year? That guy is just scary – remember when he crashed himself once a year ago? SKETCH.

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