Rocky Alba

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When I think of Ray, I picture him holding his son Rocky while cheering on his team at the Harriman finish line. It was clear that Rocky was loved, and as Ricky Lowe would say, Rocky knew love.

Rocky Alba passed away peacefully Thursday at 5pm. Our deepest condolences go out to Ray and his wife Alicia.

Please join the Alba family on Sunday, April 22nd in Central Park

to celebrate the life of their beloved son Rocky.

We will gather as friends and family at 1:00pm just outside the Wild West Playground at 93rdstreet off of Central Park West

Join us in remembering his life and the love that surrounded him

All are welcome to join the family after the memorial at the Keywest Apartments Community Room, 750 Columbus @ 96th Street

Casual dress welcome



As a parent I feel for you and wish you and your family strength in this period of loss. With deepest condolences, Jonathan S


Ray Im sorry to hear,it was my honor being there today in central park.feel better,and if there is anything you need tell me and I will do my hardest to help you,I’ll win another one for Rocky I promise

Nina, Alex, and Sasha

Sending you our sympathy and support. Seeing you all at the playground last summer, it was obvious to me that you are the best parents out there and an inspiration to the rest of us.

Leon & Frances

Ray – seeing you and Alicia with Rocky was inspirational. We’re so sad for you and we’re thinking of you.


My heartfelt thoughts go out to you, your wife, and your family. You have an entire community’s thoughts, prayers, and support behind you all the way.
We will see you tomorrow.

David & Martha

Ray & Alicia,

Please accept our heartfelt condolences, our prayers and thoughts are with you!

David & Martha


Sincerst condolences to you, Ray. You guys are amazing parents. Effie and I are thinking of you both.


Ray this is shocking news. I’m so sorry for your loss.
Send my condolences to the family, hope to see you soon.


my condolences to you for your loss. Ray, you are such a great presence and influence in our racing community, I want you to know that you have many friends whom you can call on for support. Please let us know if you need anything,

the guys at Affinity Cycles


My sincere condolences to you and your wife.

I met Rocky at Bear and was inspired by his energy, his spirit and your love for him.

Call me if you need anything at all.


My heart goes out to you, Alicia and Sandro, Ray. You have a wonderful family and were all so lucky to have the time that you did have together. I am so very sorry for your loss. Lise


Hey man, I’m really sorry to hear of this news. I hope the time of healing moves quickly for your family and the memories of Rocky will in time bring smiles.


I’m very sorry to hear about your loss. My thoughts are with you, your family and everyone deeply saddened by your loss. I offer you renewed strength. I know that you’ve handled challenges in the past and I know you will find your strength to make it through this difficult time.



When I bumped into Ray after not seeing him a few years, we cought up a bit walking on the upper west side, and he told me about his son’s condition. Rocky was about 3 then. Being a young single male, I told Ray I was so sorry. He said, no, no, don’t be, we love Rocky and he bring so much joy in our life.

Rocky was blessed to have parent like you and Alicia.


Ray, my deepest condolences to you and your family.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you each and every day.


Ray – deepest sympathies to you and your family. As JT said Rocky was lucky to have parents like you – you’re a good man and better luck with surely come you and your loved ones way. Hang in there.

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