New Season

Section head text.

Are you ready?

The season begins this weekend. Have you been out in the snow and cold or running up gerbil-esque trainer miles? Are you on a new team and don’t have any clothing yet? Did you all agree to buy some cheap matching jerseys to make do in the meantime? I love seeing the early season teams in their solid colored stand-in uniforms.

And what’s with all these people able to get out of town for training camps? There’s so many that they’re running into each other on the road for crying out loud. How do they do it? If I asked for a week to train out of town my wife would fork stab me in my sleep. It’s getting harder to dodge those night stabbings…



Simple. Rockland Lake TT, 6AM start, 2 or 3 laps, over by 7:30, get to work everyone. Oh yeah no one wants to do the work.

OK no TT’s this year.

Just so you're all aware:

Nothing counts. You’re all going to die. The earth will be consumed by the sun. There is no god.

TT Gets It

"if WE (the membership) wanted it to happen we would need to step up in greater numbers than just the board group to make it happen."
Man, You get it. Waiting for the Almighty Market to magically produce a race ain’t gonna happen. There’s not enough money to attract people interested in making money. It’s just about people interested in creating cycling events. CRCA is a membership club of close to 700. You can make the club what you want it to be. It can be the best vehicle to do the impossible. The Market Gods will not deliver no matter how many times Chris M. genuflects before them. There just ain’t no damn market . If the board doesn’t want to pursue a good idea, get a new board. It’s the members club and the board probably does want to do things and would do more if anyone ever stepped up to help without their hands out.


the big apple traithlon club has run duathlons for years in verious venues in the boros. there used to be one on the grand concourse, i remember one in staten island on a smallish (flat) highway. point being that there are venues out there that are close-able for an event. but jt makes the right point about how hard it is to do all that work for a club race. seems like if WE (the membership) wanted it to happen we would need to step up in greater numbers than just the board group to make it happen. maybe some of the people who are especially invested in the whole TT thing should think about getting together to help make it happen. anyone interested?


i sniffed around the idea of doing an out and back on the west side bike path. From 57th street to the Freedom Tower and back. Out (the hwy lane closest to the path) Back (the path itself). The stumbling block there is that it would also require a "serious" marshalling effort + and most importantly, I never really got a handle on when the development would be complete or its final circulation resolutions. It seems like its been under construction forever. I noticed that there would be a dedicated area close to the water for pedestrian traffic and the current path would presumedly be designated for blades, bikes and park vehicles and such. Mike Green mentioned bringing SBR Multisport on board as a co-sponser, which could help things out a bit logistically.

I'm not sure if realist is on CRCA board

In any case, I was on the board when began to lose the TT possibility, and I started some venue reconnaissance. I suggested Orchard Beach in the Bronx, which I think would work OK and is accssible, somewhat, by subway. And I rode out to Randall’s Island/Ward’s Island, which has possilbities, but would require fairly substantial marshalling. Left an email report with the board on this — it’ll be in the board yahoo group archives from october 2005 I think.

The thing is, in CRCA org structure, TTs outside CP sort of fall through the cracks. The head of club racing’s job focusses on CP, and the head of open racing has a huge job to do that focusses on events that are open. A CRCA TT, even if "open" is sorta like a club race in size. So, as an outsider, I’m worried about it happening.

there have been at least 2 TTs on River Road

in the last 20 years. Columbia had a collegiate race there in the mid 1990s. No aero bars allowed. The winner rode over from my house…a guy from Yale.

And I heard Errol Toran ran a TT there, probably in the early 1990s.

ideas for other venues

I always wondered about a TT on river road. Probably would never happen and it’s not even in NYC but…


Whew! Didn’t mean to sound like a hater. I stand by my opinion about the early season, but realize that maybe this applies more aptly when one looks at all the fields, not just the P-1-2 alone.

And as I mentioned, there are notable exceptions. I wouldn’t want to give Eugene a big head by giving him as one of those exceptions, though. 😉


Whew! Didn’t mean to sound like a hater. I stand by my opinion about the early season, but realize that maybe this applies more aptly when one looks at all the fields, not just the P-1-2 alone.

And as I mentioned, there are notable exceptions. I wouldn’t want to give Eugene a big head by giving him as one of those exceptions, though. 😉

Spring Series has permit.

Spring series permit is listed on usacycling as of this morning. Getting USCF permit is necessary to have insurance needed by City to allow race to take place. Posting of results is a totally different issue and has nothing to do with permit.


It’s good to think positive and try to move us forward but one has to be a realistic as well. CP does not give us carte blanche as to the dates and times we choose. They have strict regulations about when we have to be finished and they have to balance our request for dates with the requests of many other groups, not the least of which is Road Runners whose membership dwarfs CRCA. The CRCA Board would love to expand into new venues that are less restricted. Time Trials are no longer permitted in CP so they are now held at FBF. Got any other ideas for other venues? That would be a good way to improve the state of racing in the city.


did anyone confirm if the spring series actually has a permit? not that it really matters… but it is nice sometimes to see all your results on the usac website at the end of the season.


Did I hear solutions? Wiff stated obvious facts? or speculation? Either make a comment that moves us foward or stay under the bed.

Victor put together Grants Tomb and now it is a venue safety concerns and all. Tony and Millie put together FBF with a little sweat and foresight. It didn’t take tens of millions either. I’m not looking for wiff comments and I have nothing to prove. Either you want to improve the state of racing in the city or not. I know it can be done, no speculation there, only fact son. I’d tell you what Lou would have said, but it would be deleated.

Spring ahead. Fall back.

Daylight savings time starts next weekend. Does this mean racing at FBF will start earlier this year? What about Wednesdays at Kissena? Inquiring minds want to know.

Relax and So What

Maybe I didn’t express my feelings as well as I should have. I train, race, and love bike riding. I don’t like the postings that express the lack of importance of the races I participate in because they are important to me for all of the reasons you mentioned. Spring Series, Floyd Bennett, whatever, just get out there and enjoy. In the grand scheme of cycling events, none of our races mean much to cycling, they mean a lot to us. So I may attack from the gun and show everyone my great form, because I am trying to peak for week 1..Beware…

Brian G.

Did the Tour of California steal some of the Tour of Georgia’s thunder? Would pro teams cross the Atlantic twice in the early season?

Looking forward to Saturday at Branchbrook…



I think the Tour of Georgia is more a result of the downturn in the auto industry (or at least that’s what the pundits on cyclingnews suggest) than the current state of cycling.

Big boys in trouble

UCI Pro Tour blowing up-

In US – Is this Landis fallout?
Tour of Georgia – no main sponsorand
Tour of Virginia(- no sponsor (formerly Tour of Shenandoah) in doubt.

So what?

Racing locally is a good time, fun way to stay in shape and an excuse to be a dork about something. All well and good. I don’t think that most of the people racing in the city are shooting for much more than that. If they are, then great, good for them.
It’s all fun and games until someone gets their panties in a bunch on a message board.


Whoa there, take it easy man. Ithink most of us are aware that no one else cares about our races but us. But, within our own community we do care and we care about some races more than others. Is there some threshold of external interest at which it is ok to take something seriously?

It’s pretty sad if you are that cynical to be so condescending of others enthusiasm. I think we are all lucky to have a hobby that we can passionately pursue even if others think we are crazy. A number of people I know have commented that wish they had something like that in their lives.


Just so you guys are aware, NONE OF OUR RACES COUNT. We’re not in the Tour De france. Race, enjoy it for what it is, AND shut the F-UP.


Oh Eugene, you know I could never believe something like that! Typing it on the other hand was quite easy…


Dumbest post ever on nyvelocity. Eugene’s one of best riders in metro area and a classy guy. Can’t forget him leading Tour of Ct. into town in 2005. Not many around here could do that

It's about winning

A win is a win no matter when. Football players don’t complain about playing champioship games in snow and rain. Training my ass, everything counts. Legends have been made in early season downpours and cold. Eugene’s a domestique, what does he know about real races and training races. Win baby win.


it’s too early…it’s too cold…it’s too dark…the potholes will get us…early season races "don’t count"…

bah! Are we not men (in tights)!? let’s do as schmalz suggests and just race our damn bikes.

Chris M

Yeah, geeze, what happened to the "thank god its March and I can race again" attitude? – thats what most of us are thinking – NOT overthinking the importance of the bloody races early on. They are what they are, and if some guy wants to focus all winter to win in March, God bless him. Others can use them to train, and still others just to get out of the damn house and compete for the first time in 4-5 months, results be damned!


Dear God! It’s racing season. Time to have some fun. Take off your skirts and race your g-damn bikes!

Surprise, surprise

I agree with Eugene. And with NJ AM and the guy writing to NJ AM.

Unfortunately some people hype the early season stuff too much. And locally CRCA isn’t helping by including March races in its season long series. Not good.

I like to think Grant’s Tomb is special. Too early, but special


Responding to NJ AM, I’d like to address your three points:

"The proliferation of early training races …caters to our worst impulses as racers. Namely, our compulsiveness and weakness towards peer-pressure."

Many of us are probably compulsive (obsessive, really). But peer pressure?! I don’t know where you see that. Perhaps you’re projecting.

"With a few exceptions, the vast majority of those racing well in March can’t get out of their own way come July and August"

I just went through some March results from CRCA and Branch Brook races, and the names on top were the same in March as they were throughout the season. Take a look:

"don’t think you’re the man if you’re placing well in March"

I don’t use racing to get reassurance about my manhood, and I’m not sure who you’re referring to. Again, perhaps you’re projecting.


The proliferation of early (and I mean late-February early) training races has been a baffler to me. I think it just caters to our worst impulses as racers. Namely, our compulsiveness and weakness towards peer-pressure.

With a few exceptions, the vast majority of those racing well in March can’t get out of their own way come July and August. I have lots of respect for those who actually treat the March races, CP, PP, or BB, as training.

Lesson: don’t think you’re the man if you’re placing well in March. There’s a reason the prize lists are pitiful.


I would say that your line of reasoning extends to all park races. The fact is, there are no major races in March (except maybe Grant’s Tomb). Not to completely diminish the value of winning park races, but I don’t think anyone seriously puts winning a June park race on par with, say, Jiminy Peak or Bear Mountain.

Anyway, I see no problem with trying to win park races once you are there, but it is silly to target them.


The Pro Tour teams don’t want to miss Paris-Nice or Tirrenno Adriatico because there’s no substitution for the preparation benefits that racing gives them (over training alone). Similarly, we have early "training races" to better prepare us for the the real races that start in April and May. They’re not an end in themselves, but a means to an end.

Mengoni race date move

CRCA moved the Mengoni race to last August for two reasons. The principal one is that Central Park is simply too crowded for a big event like that in late Sept/early October. The other, smaller reason, was to get a few people passing through en route to the Chris Thater race the last Sunday in August.

Not that old

I don’t want to sound like JT or Campo but I remember the days when you could race in October at the Oyster Festival (mid 90s) and the Wantaugh race and Mengoni Grand Prix was in October too (late 90s). October was a robust month of racing around here. And then it died. Must be a good reason that happened (likely the weather is too unreliable and people stopped coming from burnout).


Campocat’s money comment is a big whiff. Races after 8 am will require completely closing the park drive. With tens of millions of dollars in donations this could be done a few times a year at the most. There is a legitimate safety concern about bike races that can’t be pushed aside by money. The amount of money needed isn’t a total payoff either. It is really very expensive to close the park drive to all park users. Police overtime etc. Closing the park drive to all other users will also not go over well with the public.


I agree races later in the season would be nice, but the earlier ones are also. Why do we have to sacrifice one for the other? If you don’t want to race in the cold/dark, DON"T. That way I’ll have one less person in front of me…


i like having the option to do early season races, but i’d really like to race later in the year through october at least. the weather is still good, most people aren’t burnt out yet. ending in september seems too premature….i have nothing to do for the next 6 months.


I can’t believe what I’m hearing. Logical suggestions?
You are correct, more racing starting later in the year. However when you get a permit in CP or PP or anywhere else in the city on an event that has gone on for many years, you have to keep it going or lose it. It is that simple.
Pushing the time earlier and earlier was done for saftey since fat an lazy people are getting up earlier. In my day they were up from the night before and hadn’t gone to sleep yet. It comes back to money, if you have the
money you can put on a race any time you want.


I agree races later in the season would be nice, but the earlier ones are also. Why do we have to sacrifice one for the other? If you don’t want to race in the cold/dark, DON"T. That way I’ll have one less person in front of me…

Training races

The rationale behind having early season races early is that they are training for later events. They help motivated NYC-area racers get a jump on the season, so they are ready when important stuff starts to happen in late April and May.

If they don’t help your goals, or you find doing them too much hurts your ability to race well later in the year, don’t do them.

Dark Horse

Are you serious that CRCA wants to start even earlier? What part of this don’t people get? Racing bikes at 30+ mph in the dark is dangerous and stupid.

I'm a big pussy, I freely admit it.

Why the heck do we have to start racing 1st weekend in March? Just because the Euro-season starts then? It too freaking cold. What if we started racing in April and extended the season until October? Anything wrong with that?


,You don’t have to race this weekend. I hope you realize that. You’re not required to race. Just a reminder.


The European road calendar started a few weeks ago.

And they’ve in racing in California for weeks or months.

Chris M

Dudes, Im already the total geek in my crowd for going to bed well before midnight on fridays before races so I can at least catch a few winks before these early events. CRCA holding races at 5am or whatever is just silly – no WAY would I get up at like 4am to race in the park – and its not a safety issue for me – the lights are ok and make the first laps do-able (no holes are too big to ride through in the park really) – just cold in March before the sun comes up, which does add to the suck factor for the early-season races…

maybe not the next couple of weeks

when it’s wicked cold

But I’d be very up for 8 or 10 laps races in Central Park with a 5:30 start if such a thing was feasible.

Back in the day the Spring Series had a couple races in Prospect scheduled for 68 miles. They usually had to be cut one or two laps, but still, doing 60+ mile races in April was awesome for fitness. And the races broke up a lot by the end. Really cool.

Chris M

I agree that longer would be very cool and more selective, but maybe just a few times a season, cause I just cant get out of bed that early on a regular basis like some kind of farmer…


i’m down with BigP. i think the season should start a little later and run further into the fall. why aren’t there more october races? i wouldn’t be so burned out if the racing waited til april to begin.

that guy

who will be "that guy" – the one who attacks from the gun, thinking they will solo away from the field to victory?

answer: Somerville, who else

CRCA has considered earlier starts

but the challenge is getting all the marshals and race production crew in place. People will not show up at 3:45am or 4am to marshal.

Racing in the Dark

Will be fun. Why are CRCA races beginning before sunrise just to get an extra lap in? Who cares about an extra lap when the price is riding with 100 rusty guys in the dark who don’t know where all the new potholes are?

BB long course

The hair pin is not a safety issue — speed are not that high there and any accidents would likely be minor. But there are other places on the course where riders are leaned way over for extended turning that could be scary in the rain.

Chris M

Wow – impressive re; O’Neill – was that an attack from the gun or a Harlem attack? didnt realize that has happened much in CP…

BB long course

The hair pin is not a safety issue — speed are not that high there and any accidents would likely be minor. But there are other places on the course where riders are leaned way over for extended turning that could be scary in the rain.


willingham’s from-the-gun attacks in march have quite often worked. he’s usually fitter than most of the field at the start of the season.

cool to see so many new crca subteams this year.


There – just type the word – don’t be a pussy.

Awesome how "Ditto" copied the fuck part character for character from the prior poster! Who are these people?

Captain Ed

They run two courses, the "short course" and the "long course". Last year they ran the long course early. It’s approximately a 3.5 mile loop that starts out flat. You leave the start finish, go out for a 1.5 to 2 mile loop then come back past start/finish. From there it’s basically a long slow climb, I’m guessing 2-4% (like Prospect only longer and a little flatter). Only hitch is at the top of the hill is a 180 degree "time trial style" hair pin then back down again. The 4/5’s are probably doing four laps. Generally the field eases up around the hair pin and I’ve raced it four times with-out incident. The short version is 2 miles, flat and fast, no hills, all wide sweepers.

Of course this is assuming nothing has changed since last year. Hope this helps.

Chris M

I havent raced Branchbrook in past – I assume from flat and shorter course that its pretty tough to get away in 3/4 field – anyone disagree or see good breaks in past? Im just psyched to get out there, slow race or not! Like a little easy teaser for races down the road… Maybe Ill wear goggles just for the cool factor – sooo cool – like Speed Racer!

Captain Ed

We’ll be up at Branchbrook, most of us attempting the ever-popular 4/5 – 3/4 back to back double. I’m just trying to see how fit I am and if 100’s of indoor trainer hours translates into Schmaltz-ian mighty-ness on the road. Here’s to hoping I don’t get dropped and the pack decides to let "that guy" go until we at least get warmed up.

PS- Anybody remember last year the cat 3 race was won by George Reeves from Peddler Shop with bare legs? Twenty degrees out and no leg warmers, gotta love it!


Last year at Branchbrook, I recall the pace being very slow and no one made any attacks until the very end. Of course, it was twenty degrees and very windy so perhaps this year will be different.

that guy

who will be "that guy" – the one who attacks from the gun, thinking they will solo away from the field to victory? that guy is pretty funny…


Everyone is gonna try to show how hard they worked this winter. You got the Cluster#$%^ part right on the nose. Though it will probably be more dangerouse than a caat5 miss-and-out on the track, i agree. REALLY looking forward!

oh i can't wait...

it’s gonna be like the first day of middle school all over again: people sporting new digs and bling, reacquainting with old friends, who’s hanging with who now, and so on…and with all the nervous energy, it will be a total cluster#$%^. But despite all of that, I’m still as giddy as a 6th grader.
Game on!!!

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