Monday Monday

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Well, the first races are just a couple of weekends away. What will they prove, who’s best at enduring indoor training? Are you ready to start racing?



Stop… I said a long long long time ago that I deserve nothing – no park benches no funny statuetts somewhere for pidgeons to crap on. Just plant me in the middle of the track and drink a lot of Jose Cuervo.
Eddy Albert another former club champion is giving a speach at USI’s hundred year party. He is a good source for material and would like the call. Good luck to all on a new season. Man, 5 laps in the park felt like crap today.

Campo, Thanks...

This is very encouraging. . . I do remember Ed. I’m on a deadline now and going out of town after first spring race, I’ll contact you privately about this stuff when I get back. Once we get Lou and Al taken care of, we’ll discuss the 9-foot bronze Campo monument on the infield at the Velodrome.


Cranky – most people I know ride rollers with track bikes. Sorrry for my whatever… The Crunch story was for real.

George – I personally have enough stuff to weigh you down considerably, and I know others that have car loads.
Ed Merryman has Lou’s motor pace bike he set records with. Just before the hundred year party we had, the club looked up in the NY historical society the old news letters from 1900 and earlier. They were quite amazing to read. The club was called Century because it did hundred mile rides on a weekly basis and people would get a braclet that badges were hung off showing how many century’s one did in a given year. Most of these rides were done on dirt roads.

None of us are getting any younger so act now and get a free set of wooden wheels and a can of shelac…

No one wants to chew on the sponsorship thing? If you can find sponsors for teams, finding a sponsor to suppliment a bike race, shouldn’t be half as hard. That is what is happening now, only it is for the ones that can pay and still by a $10,000 dollar bike to ride.

If Anthony gets $10,000 up front from a sponsor $5 entries come back and so do kids like Wilson in cutoffs and sneakers dropping the fields cold.
That is, if you like that sort of thing?

Okay, I’m ready to get flamed.
Someone just squashed me on YouTube, and I’m still oozing.

Campocat. . .

well, I don’t know about incident at Crunch, but I’ll waste just bit more time and say what I’m describing is not the stuff of urban legend or like Wile E. Cayote shooting though the wall. . . it’s just: back tire slips off drum, grabs rail, continues to carpet, grabs carpet, rider lumbers forward several feet (at about 2.5mph), front wheel punctures sheetrock. . .

Anyway, what I really wanted to ask is this: do you know any old timers that have old pictures, medals, trophies, from the past that could actually be the basis of a CRCA web archive? I’d certainly be willing to donate some time to this now that I’m getting too old to hang and bang with the "hater" generation. Some really old stuff would be very interesting, like from the turn of the century to the sixties. I realize these people/events aren’t that well documented (unlike today!). And Lou and Al should have plaques someday as well. Perhaps I should move over to CRCA mail list for this topic.

Cranky and Schmalz...

Now I’m wasting time defending my dubious "honor," rather than working like I should be, but yes, indeed you can jump right off a set of rollers (if they’re low enough) and keep going if you’re still spinning your legs nice and hard. Most of the time when you lose balance you will instinctually stop pedaling and just tip over, but forward motion can be achieved, believe me. . . it’s about the same as curb-jumping really. Of course I’m not advocating it for sport.


I’m confused – perhaps this is just a bit of urban legend, but there have been a few posts here in reference to roller mishaps, people crashing through walls, windows, etc. When riding rollers, your wheels are spinning, thats it all. There is no forward momentum (inertia) to propel the rider through a wall, window, or christmas tree when he leaves the surface of the rollers. The wheels just stop spinning, and you fall over next to the rollers. Flame on…


great discussion guys, I’m impressed.
Craig upholding history? Way to go… and I couldn’t agree more.
It all comes down to someone has to do it.
This promoter thing has been crabbed about since Al Toefield died and the races went from $5 to $10.

Putting on a race, especially in CP, is a terrible experience and if you are just doing it for the money… I’d try selling apples instead, you’ll make a bigger profit. You have to love the sport, so what it is, is what it is. Unless you can get a sponsor who will pay everyones entry up front. That is what we did last year. It is not easy, but can be done.

Salut! the roller mishap was great. I’ve heard a guy went crashing through the window at Crunch.


I don’t know what y’all are talking about NYRR races are expensive. If you are a member (something like $40 for that for a year), if you pre-reg you can run their events for $11. So it is about equvalent to CRCA for costs. If you are a non-member walk up for a race it costs $35 so economics of it means that most runners are members.

Better comparison

MS Bike Tour and other charity rides, or the 5 borough tour. They are closer to nyrr than our bike races.


Big difference is this: runners moving at 5 to 12 mph are not a danger to clueless park users that can’t be bothered to read a sign, listen to a marshal, leash a dog look before they cross while talking on a cell phone etc, like a pack of cyclists moving at anywhere from 15 to 35+ mph in the park


8 am bike races is not about money. Bike racing after 8am means totally closing the drive. We’re talking a whole different thing than a running race.

Also take a look at triathlon prices. Even the guy in the park charges $50 for early reg. for biathlon.


What does CRCA do better than NYRR?

Cycling can’t even compare with the NYRRs. Not in any way. I’m not a runner, I don’t run but there are literally 100 of them for every one of us. I was in the park the morning of the superbowl and it was a frigid 15 degrees and there were 4,500 runners waiting in corals for the running race to start.

If you add up the aggregate cost and money the NYRR makes, it would be more than what cyclists pay but they also provide 10xs as many services. They have a ton more marshals than we do, an actual facility to service members, even the little t-shirt is a nice touch. They also have a better relationship with the park and the central park mafia – errr, I mean concervancy because of the money they donate. Its nice that cyclists and the CRCA can give six figures to the park every year but its far short of the six figures the NYRR can give for every big race they hold in the park. Once we as cyclists can donate that much, maybe we can have 8:00 am starts but then we might also have to pay $100 to race. Also keep in mind runners pay $20 to race 1/2 hour and we use it for 2 hours.


Income from races is different world. $2,000 for CRCA race with 200 riders, $70,000 for average NYRRC race with 5,000+ runners.
Costs are much closer. how much could water tables, a fancy clock,annoying announcer and paid for chip timing cost? CRCA provides more and better marshals.

Chris M

Hmm. Its not clear to me whether there is comparability between bike races and NYRRC – I think they have far more expenses – more people working etc., but Im not sure. Anyone that can elaborate on this? As for fees, Im not exactly clamoring to pay more to the promoters – I imagine they make enough to keep going…or we’d see them drop out…and then fees would rise to get someone else to do it…Free market!


$40 for a damn park race!? that will be the surest way to chock the life out of these events. i would never have participated in races if it were that much and some poor kid who might have talent might never race because they can’t afford the entrance fee.

If you charge they will pay

Races are way too cheap. Promoters dedicated to the sport are donating time and effort. Even AVD is charging less than NYRRC does for running races. It’s time for rider’s to be charged real prices in accord with expenses and for promoter’s to make a fair profit. $40 for local races and $60 for regional races sounds about right. Let’s get prices up to what the market will bear .


I think the point about dollars/mile was more addressing the cost of similar races in the area. I agree that this is a fun hobby we share, and that the money really does not matter. Perhaps it just costs more to put on a race in Branchbrook than in NYC or CT. Who knows. I’m just glad we have so many choices about where we race each weekend.


To all who complain about race fees —

Just PAY up, spin your bike, race and shut up! Or take up another sport… maybe bowling…. or perhaps…. armchair racing….

if the entry fee it too high

don’t do the race. FBF is still relatively cheap, as are CRCA club races if you join that club and give your time "volunteer" marshaling.

just win, baby

top 15 prize winners in spring series get 1000 bonus. …

but personally, bike racing is the one thing I do in my life for pure enjoyment. I don’t give a shit about entry fees, prize money etc – not that i’m so rich either but it’s not a factor compared to everything else you have to pay for. If I take home a few bucks the joy is purely symbolic.

Chris M

Oh, and I dont judge the value of an activity like a race by $ per lap any more than I do skiing by runs per day or movies by laughs per minute. It just doesnt work that way… Its about whether you judge the experience overall as "worth it" – my bet is enough will agree it is, and we’ll have some fun races this spring! Look forward to seeing you all there – or least many of you…


If all promoters and clubs operated on market principals,ie to maximize profit, races would cost a lot more money and there wouldn’t be any races for women.

Chris M

OK – its cool. We just have different expectations. I dont go to races looking to win money necessarily – nice if I do, but not the point for me – its about enjoying my hobby and getting the competitive juices flowing, and enjoying the company of other riders with similar passion etc. I think the promoter needs to make good money to keep them happy and coming back to repeat, and not sure what that amount is, but so far it isnt enough to get people like me to switch careers, and I dont see a lot of other people piling into the promotion biz to mimic them, so Im saying the market agrees it aint too much… If you think you deserve more of the pot vs the promoter, then we come back to a more subtle argument about why most people race, but again its ultimately settled by the market voting to race or not. Maybe this race becomes the high price option, but there should always be a high price option in any market until its more saturated.

Btw, care to define a LOT of money by your def? By my calcs he likely isnt making more than a few thousand bucks, max, assuming 200 riders show up. OK with me…If its a ton to you, why not go promote a race? Better things to do with your time? Me too…

what the...

for the record – he makes a LOT of money on those races. I don’t have a problem with it, in fact I think people should make money on races. they put the work in, they should reap the rewards.

I’m just pointing out the fact that the entry price per lap and per reward is an outrageous ratio for this race when compared to others. maybe if i never won anything i wouldn’t care and I would look at an entry fee as i might a movie ticket…

i’m not asking for some sort of governing body regulation, i’m just pointing out the fact that its a ripoff compared to other races and as someone who cares i thought maybe others would as well. I was sounding off.. isn’t that what this place is for?

there is no better example of a free market racing scene than NYC where you can race 3-4 times in one week during peak season without a car. we as racers should take advantage of it.


Seems everyone is welcome on this site and it’s best way to communciate to cycling community so I wonder why he hasn’t even tried to reach out. Is there some alternative universe that I’m missing?

Chris M

Son, you just described a free market yourself. Limitation of venue supply does not negate this. There is usually limited supply in any market, and supply-side regulation (though it technically isnt…) does not preclude the market from developing in itself (you can see this in industries from railroads to sports franchises). The fact remains that anybody could promote a race and find a suitable location – even if not in same place as others. There are a surprising number of races in our region each season within driving distance, in fact. I agree that CRCA is a good model, and this is a free market at work in that its open to various models and promoters. As long as people can hold races and charge a rate that is accepted by the market without regulation, its free and open. Vote with your feet/wheels – $30 aint too much for me, but maybe it is for others. Supply/demand elasticity might just be determined this spring by judging the crowds at Branchbrook…in a free manner as it should!

Free Market?

There isn’t a free market for cycling events. Races can only be put on with the permission and cooperation of local govts. There are very few dates and very few locations. Local govts. have very strict rules that must be adhered to. These rules ensure public safety but make it very hard to make any money without either getting significant sponsor support or charging high fees.
Promoters abusing their privelge are endangering the future of racing.
By developing a cooperative where racers support and put on races themselves, CRCA has developed the best model. CRCA has kept prices down and kept races alive both locally and regionally and both club and open races. No one is making money on these races and except for a handful of big races no one is doing a better job.

Chris M

Yeah, I cant stand the whiners regarding entry fees. We are all blessed that there are guys out there that are willing to put on ANY races. We all need to realize that doing it is a huge hassle- you dont get a ton of credit for doing it, and the money isnt riches. We dont know offhand what fees Neward charges, but you can bet they are higher than FBF for example… Besides, its a free market, so if you think its too much, dont go. If no one goes and the promoter hears its because fees are too high, than they could change it. Otherwise, dont begrudge a guy making some money for his hard work. $30 is just going to the movies with your wife and kid, but Id say a race is a lot cooler…and well worth it! Id argue we pay too little at most races, given the entertainment value, but thats just one mans opinion…Also, I bet race costs havent nearly kept pace with inflation of other activities in NYC in the last decade. We still pay $10 for CRCA races, but the damn subway has gone from 75c to $2 just since Ive been in town over a decade or so…and pizza slices now like $3, nevermind the cost of tuition if I had a kid in school here… If entries dont rise, than promoters will go do something else and then where will we be? Stop complaining…

whether BB is worth $30 is an individual decision

I don’t begrude the guys charging that much. For all we know, they might only be breaking even — I don’t know the cost structure. And if the guys are making money, more power to them — I hope they keep their races going.

I did a few of the spring races last year, plus Branch Brook 101 a few years ago, and they were good events on cool courses. The course with the hill will scare me in the rain.


I’ve never done them, and 30 bucks is a bit steep, but we all need early season training races to get back into it and not everyone has the time to go up to CT or wherever. You’d spend more than that getting there anyway.


That’s my plan. I can’t really comment on the value of the Branchbrook races since I’ve never done them. To each his/her own. My thing is just not that race at that price. Miles/dollar. Peace.


I don’t think the issue is that he makes money. Making that argument is silly. But if he charges the same rate for a small training crit that others charge for larger road races then that is perhaps an issue. There are many road races out there where a $30 entry fee will have a much larger purse.

Its not Apathy

There is nothing wrong with saying you’d rather see the Spring Series done right than done at all. If you don’t take the time to do everything right (pace cars, marshals, registration, event promotion, officiating, prizes) it just isn’t worth doing. Most of us have been to a poorly organized event and it does a bigger disservice to do it just to keep the tradiiton alive.

From the Kissena or CRCA or NYVelocity point of view, you would probably get a lot more credit from the Parks Dept. if you hold off until all that is handled. As always, we are one bad event away from their being a lot less permits handed out in the park.

what the ...

branch brook entry fees are $30 for $350 prize list (p/1/2/3). that is total bull.

I want someone other than AVD to run the spring series right so there is at least some competition to put Ray Smith in his place. He makes a boatload of money on these races – believe me. if you go… you should make comments.

Mike Harris

"believe me. if you go… you should make comments."

Like what "How dare you put on an entertainment event that makes money!".

We need to shut these guys down. Before we know it, movie producers will make money and when I go out to eat, I only want to pay break even prices for food, no profit for the cook.

But seriously, why do people always complain when races make money. They put time into it, they should make a profit. Bike races don’t have to be not of profit. What am I missing?

Remax used radios in club races a few years ago

This was probably posted by Badger, who rallied the team buy radios in the late 90s. Several teams used them back then. They proved quite useless, except to quickly regroup the team for breakfast. My favorite part of racing in the park.

Oh, and I’m oh-so-ready to race.


CRCA and Spring Series

CRCA does a great job in putting on it’s races and it would be great if they could take over the Spring Series if AVD doesn’t come thru. Just hope they keep them as USCF open races to carry on a tradition and so that at least the Cat 4 races count for upgrades.


If CRCA runs the spring series, does that mean you have to marshal one weekend of the series?

I’m inclined to think anyone picking it up now is going to have problems and I’d rather see someone do it right than haphazardly but I’m willing to CRCA the benefit of the doubt as it has successfully run its own race series for so long.


Daylight Saving Time starts March 11. How can races be run in CP and finish by 8:00 if it doesn’t get light out until 7 am, it is going to be very hard to finish in time. It is a dangerous proposition to start a race with too much darkness remaining.


We’re in danger of losing the Spring Series. 5 racing dates in CP and 5 in PP that have existed for 35 years. Does anyone care? Would you be more excited if they knew CRCA and Kissena could work together to continue Spring Series?


Nothing has been heard from AVD since December when he sent out some emails saying he had Park dates.
It would be a real shame if the park is willing to give 10 dates for cycling races and they go to waste. The Spring Series has been held for 35 years. Losing it would be a major blow to NYC cycling.


interesting and helpful article–i didn’t even know that when you guys have all been talking about "flaming," you were actually referring to Online Disinhibition Effect. …thank you, NY times!!


"a source of unruly impulses; like small children, they commit mortifying social gaffes like kissing a complete stranger, blithely unaware that they are doing anything untoward."

yeah, it's hard finding the motivation

normally I’d be outside riding doing big miles, but with the treatment Ullrich and Unibet are getting I just don’t have the motivation anymore to prepare properly for club races. Can’t we get some support? We’re all in this together!

I blame the media. They don’t realize they are hurting even clean cyclists like me.


Good job. . . but they don’t look too damned happy! Where did you come by that lovely old medal? I often think it’s a shame how 100 years of CRCA history seems to dissolve into vapor. For 20 years now I’ve had this trophy sitting here that says "Reginald Pilling Memorial" on it, and I still have no idea who he is. . . It would be nice to have a club archive, maybe even a Lou Maltese plaque at the top of Cat’s Paw (before he’s forgotton too). Hell, if they can put a life-size bronze statue of Fred Lebow (and rightfully so) by the resevoir, Lou shout at least rate a little bronze plaque. On the ground would be good. A constant reminder to people running rings aroung the bike path that we’ve been there 100 years. Ditto for an Al Toefield plaque at the Temple finish line in Prospect Park.


I fell asleep outside once, too, right after my daughter was born and we weren’t getting any sleep. I only know I fell asleep because I woke up while riding. I pulled over, wrapped my legs around the bike so it wouldn’t be stolen, and took a nap.


I think I’ve also been outside twice in feb. and zillions of trainer sessions which are actually pretty tough. Not having a powermeter or even a functioning HR meter I’m not sure if I’m really knocking myself out or have simply lost all of my hard earned fitness from the warm months (sept thru jan).

But everyone’s in the same boat…


George, I learned I can doze off on the rollers, too. Had to climb off the other day ’cause I was so scared of crashing.


although cold these past two weeks, this winter has been easy to train in. hardly any snow or even rain. i think there will be a lot of strong guys at the early races.

well, let it. . .

. . .there’s still fun to be had for all (but when radio headsets begin to appear on the start line of club races I may need to reevaluate that statement.

Roller World

I probably won’t be fit till June, but I’ve learned a great deal in the tidy little universe of rollers… about the minutiae of saddle position, weight distribution, twitchy Cannondale geometry, the decline of balance with age, and especially blood circulation to the beemus. . . many interesting little things that wouldn’t have occurred to me in the grim world of salt, cinders, potholes, and the bleakness of NJ exurbia rolling by. . . I welcome the winter weather, personally. It slows down the arms race a little, at least temporarily.


at least it’ll be more civil than last years opener when after a really mild winter, everyone was raring to go and we opened up with sub 14 min laps in March.

That wasn’t pleasant.


I haven’t been on my bike outside for a month and a half and can last about 1 hour on the trainer. Do you think I’m ready?

I’ll hold on for dear life and call it an intensity day in my training log.

Comments are closed.