Pocket Protector Monday

Section head text.

Ok, since we seem to be geeking out, here’s a special slide rule friendly page for you. According to this page, clinchers are faster than tubulars. What psi do you run? Did you all know Cupcake likes to go to 180 psi? Do you realize that beer then liquor=never been sicker? At what pressure do overinflated tires start to convert too much forward momentum to vertical deflection on rough roads? Anyone exploded a clincher rim before? Did you know bike obsession = birth control?


Mr Thrifty

I have spent 2 hours pasting coupons and comparing prices to save $10 on a piece of cycling equipment. I could work a second job the hours I have spent searching for bargains…


is there really a website called slowtwich.com . that confirms everything i thought.

I am going to bask in the glory of my slow twich genitics and join a tri club,



Welcome to tri-greatness. Brick workouts are on Tuesdays (inside, at Equinox…treadmill to spin bike cause it’s too cold outside).

What color Cervelo P3 would you like?


ps: Clinchers are faster than tubulars. The right tire will save you 14 watts over 112 miles at Kona.


Cervelo P3 ??- I thought all Tri-Guys were obligated to ride Trek bikes ? Some of them , or so I hear , even manged to finish "Every Second Counts" before terminal boredom set in.

Dang, Tri-Guy is right about something

Clinchers roll faster — all else being equal (comparing clincher and tubular version of the same tire)


Please…Trek? I might as well be riding a Dave Scott Centerion from 1986. Anyone who’s anyone rides a Cervelo P3, althought those Kuota’s are pretty nice…and cost even more!!!

"Every Second counts" when you’re trying to swim laps and that POS book’s pages keep getting wet.




I see CRCA is having it’s award voting on its website.

Typical members only crap. Why can’t non-members vote? Why can’t non-members win? Elitism.

b field

maybe after the "official" results are revealed weds night nyv can do an online "popular" version. todd and tri-guy (and jp) would get their chance….


I also want to vote for the Central Park Track Club year end awards. I like sticking my 2 cents in whereever I can. Even in clubs I’m not a member of. I want to vote in the Democratic primary even though I’m a registered Republican. I want to vote at AARP meetings even though I’m 23. I want to speak my mind and tell people who I think is the best racer. Why is the CRCA depriving me of my right to vote. Why? Why? LOSERS!!!


For the record, that last post by "Todd" was not me!

And to be clear, if CRCA opened voting for year end awards to ALL local riders, the results would show who really kicks ass in NYC.

But real riders do their talking with their legs. Which is why I say, shut up and ride!


real riders suck it up and pay the measly $60 to join the CRCA and race.

cowboy up, that’s one less mankini you have to buy

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