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No plans to cover the Tour just yet, we’ll stick to the races that really matter to you, yours.



well, technically he upgraded to a chubby cat 4. the rules of grammar are totally different.


Ugly, That’d be awesome- i realy appreciate it. What’s your email? I’ll get in touch with you.


Not so sure upgrade from 5 to 4 is really worth a congrats, considering you only need to start 5 races……it only gets harder


Has little to do with balls. Some people value their privacy and have little interest in defending an easy snipe. It’s such low fruit, who can resist? CJP puts his whole life out there, willingly, and walks around naked for all to see. I find it a little


i want to see your owasco post. curious being a new 4 what you thought. it’ll get easier from there.

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