Since racing bicycles share this aura of disposability, it stands to reason that the best bike for racing would have a perfect balance of disposability and performance. I’ve been riding and racing a Cannondale CAAD9 for about 5 months now, and I think it’s very close to having that elusive balance that makes a race bike both expendable and valuable at the same time. There are a lot of very nice and very expensive bikes out there that will outperform the CAAD9, the Cannondale’s SuperSix for example, but if you’re looking for a bike that will perform admirably without risking the emotional upheaval of seeing a $9,000 bike thrown into a cartoon cloud of limbs, bikes and Primal Wear jerseys, the CAAD9 is hard to beat.
A Brief History of CAAD
Right now I’m forgo the usual bike review format (thus relinquishing the opportunity to say the bike tracks like a bloodhound with OCD) and delve instead into the history of the CAAD line of bicycles from Cannondale – as no one else has done it – at least according to a my very thorough 30 second Google search. In 1994, CAAD began as CAD, or “computer assisted design”, which is a generic term, not specific to Cannondale in any way. In 1994 computers were a big deal, unlike today they were not yet able to play little movies of cats boxing nor could they serve as an electronic strip mall – allowing us to order Canadian Viagra and shirts with wolves on them. So a bicycle designed with the aid of a computer was a significant development, significant enough to warrant naming the process, but not significant enough to apply that label to the frames. In 1994 the Cannondale frames were labeled according to their weight in pounds – what was to become the CAD frame was known as the 2.8 series, because the frame weighed 2.8 pounds. This frame was, of course, more popular than the 45.6 series Cannondales, which were sold only to lumberjacks.
In 1996, the notion of computers designing bikes had apparently become passe (perhaps the engineers at Cannondale were tired of cat boxing movies), and Cannondale began describing their framemaking as CAAD or “Cannondale Advanced Aluminum Design”, dropping any mention of computers. They introduced the CAAD models 1, 2 and 3 – with CAAD3 being the top of the line, and CAAD1 being the lower tier model. CAAD in this instance only applied to mountain bike frames with traditional UCI friendly “double diamond” shapes, and, confusingly, the frames wore decals stating they were “CAD” 1, 2 and 3 frames. The road frames were still labeled 2.8, and the 45.6 series was dropped due to lack of interest from the lumberjacking demographic.
1997 though turned out to be a landmark year in the history of CAAD, the CAAD name supplanted the 2.8 monicker; and Cannondale began sponsoring the Saeco team, and in the process, becoming Marco Cipollini’s costume enabler. The CAAD process was labeled as “CAD” on the frames themselves, proving that the people who wrote the Cannondale catalogs were not allowed anywhere near the people who made the labels for the bikes, which must have made for awkward lunch times at Cannondale. The CADs ran from CAD3 to CAD1, the CAD3 had a carbon fork, the CAD2 had a steel fork, and the CAD1 was mostly reserved for hybrid bikes. Cannondale developed a CAD0 frame to appeal to the zinc mining demographic, but the idea was scrapped after market research showed that (duh) zinc miners would only ride frames made of zinc.
1999 saw the end of the internecine lunchroom battle of the CAADs at Cannondale with the introduction of the CAAD4, bringing an era of peace and shared luncheon meats at the Cannondale facility, as the CAAD4 name graced both bicycle frame and marketing materials. The CAAD4 also introduced the hourglass seat stay shape, which was promptly banned in Denmark for being too suggestive. From 2001-2003, the CAAD frames ruled the roost at Cannondale until finally in 2004, when the “Six” era of carbon fiber began, relegating the aluminum CAAD frames to the second tier of the Cannondale line. Adding insult to injury, the CAAD frames are re-labeled as “Optimo” frames, while still holding onto their CAAD description in company literature. The tenuous peace at Cannondale lunchroom ended, and luncheon meat stockpiling began.
2005 saw the introduction of the CAAD8 Optimo to placate the warring meat factions, culminating in the CAAD9 Optimo of 2007. The CAAD9 had a top tube with a larger diameter at the head tube, and a down tube and seat tube that enlarged as they reached the bottom bracket. In 2008, the Optimo is dropped, and the CAAD9s are given names with numerals that range from 5-6, with the 5 being the top of the line and the 6 reserved for the blacksmith demographic. 2009 saw the introduction of the CAAD9 7, after market research found that blacksmith’s found Shimano’s Tiagra components too “hoity toity”.
Currently in 2010, Cannondale offers CAAD9s in numeral 1, 4, 5 and 6 – models 2 and 3 are special “secret frames” offered only to chimney sweeps and bootblacks through direct purchase programs. Also, for 2010, Cannondale reintroduces the CAAD8 to make all the people who bought CAAD9s feel better about themselves.
Where does this leave us?
So there you have it, an informal (and partially un-factual) history of a bicycle frame naming convention that no one asked for in the first place. But what does this tell you about the Cannondale CAAD9? Well, it’s a solid racing bike that won’t force you to Twitter about losing your best friend should it be hurled into the ground during the maelstrom of a category 4 park finish.
I should mention that I’ve found the CAAD9 to be a great performing bicycle. Plus, this bike has a bitchin’ paint (or decal) job (which is all I really care about). I have no performance issues with the bike. It is solid, well balanced and predictable. My one issue is that one of the water bottle mounts has come loose and it will require some fixing from a certified Cannondale dealer, and as soon as I get around to it – I will get that fixed. In the mean time, I have engineered a zip tie solution.
use a fiber washer between the cage and the frame. that will take up the slack and put pressure on the bolt as to keep the annoying rattle away. this has always been a problem with the thin wall tubes and cannondale.
Interesting, what’s a fiber washer exactly?
generational iteration jokes are so pre-Ipod Classic.
That no one has caught the Marco Cipollini mistake and thrashed Schmalz for it yet.
go to home depot and get a rubber o ring. you will have a harder time finding a felt washer. the point is that it needs to compress.
Oops, I always think “Marco” when I think “Cipo” – as they are both very similar personalities…
The Caads are great but they were hard to get last year due to the demand and distribution problems over at Cannondale. Other nice alum frameset options that wont break the bank and build up pretty stiff and light:
Planet X Alum Superlight = $450
Van Dessel Hellafaster = $750
Spooky = $1200
The planet x has almost a cult like following and gets great reviews.
Yes, I remember Jeff Foxworthy’s generational iteration bit in ’98. Pretty much the death knell for that genre. Then Carlos Mencia stole it, of course.
planet x are indeed nice machines. i owned an one early on and it was a champ. decals were also very cool. caad 8 didnt fit right, never got comfortable riding cannondale road bikes. mtb was a different story, great mtb rigs.
NYVelocity deal = bias? Shilling? You guys are better than that…
I purchased the bike.
….if you use Windows 95?
Is the bike beefy where it counts?
Are you coming on to me?
not unless you have the perfect balance of disposability and performance.
had the same issue with the water bottle cage screw mount thing. You actually need to go to a Cannodale dealer. He has a special tool that allows them to tighten it down. Took two seconds and has not come loose since.
Anyone ever used Time RSX pedals?? Are they better than Keos?
+1 for the CAAD 9. Price is right. Super solid. Love the geometry. No crying when a guy slammed me and I went down in a park race crash.
Did you throw your bike at him, since it has an aura of disposability? That would’ve been the proper thing to do.
This bike is excellent for throwing at other riders who wrong you or over the finish barriers should your chain come off during a cannibal time trial.
“Anyone ever used Time RSX pedals?? Are they better than Keos?”
yes, they are.
other than being a little lighter, which is pretty meaningless around here. i believe the geometry is exactly the same & I can’t imagine the alu is less stiff than the carbon.
why is it meaningless around here? just because you don’t race outside of the parks doesn’t mean others don’t.
(triple negatives, score!)
Didn’t you answer your own question? If all things are equal and it’s lighter, then the frame would automatically perform better, as a lighter frame would be faster than a heavier frame at the same power output.
$425 Planet X frame with a SRAM Force Gruppo and light clichers or tubulars will build up for about $2000 and under 17lbs. Not sure the extra $3000-$5000 and 1lb of weight savings is worth it for local racing or even out of town hilly courses at any racing level. If you are fit and strong a 15lb bike vs a 17lb bike will make no difference if the frames are stiff and fit properly.
Some of the NE Cat1 teams race alum (Mt Khakis, Target Training in 07-08, Fiordifrutta). Avoid the Carbon its bad for the Environment and is just overpriced plastic.
that planet X bike is butt ugly and the name is retarded
good light alum frame wont make a difference in your racing if its a 1lb or more than the carbon super bike.
sara palin might agree
sarah palin jokes, real topical
You can build up a CAAD9 to weigh less than 15lbs.
Carbon is a marketing scheme. The trade term for structural carbon (the stuff bikes are made from) is CFRP, or Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic. Racing a frame made of plastic, that costs $2 more than aluminum to manufacture but $2,000+ more at retail, is not for me.
And CFRP also has serious durability issues – my Materials Sceience professor in college once lectured, “if a CFRP rep tries to tell you his product sample is the strongest thing you can buy, just bend it 90 degrees from the weave. Watch it crack, and watch the rep walk away.”
Someone wrote:
“Carbon is a marketing scheme. The trade term for structural carbon (the stuff bikes are made from) is CFRP, or Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic. Racing a frame made of plastic, that costs $2 more than aluminum to manufacture but $2,000+ more at retail, is not for me.”
I tend to agree for the most part. The CAAD Series (I think I had a 7) are great bikes and good value. If all you did was go straight uphill, or park races and crits, CAAA9 would seem to be the best. But I have a System 6 and the big difference is the way it hugs the road when descending or cornering. It is simply way better in that regard. I don’t know why, maybe your professor can explain it to all of us.
is 2010 the year of the anti-crabon?
Where can I find the details on the CAAD9?
Oh yeah? Well my anthropology professor could beat up your materials science professor.
i would think the cannondale website would be a good place to start. if not, try craigslist.
Professor Soboyejo will to take on your anthropology professor anywhere, any time. He’s a one-man wrecking machine.
if racing\training like a pro:
Alum – 3-5 yrs
Carb – 10 yrs
Chromoly – 20-30 yrs
Titanium -30-50 yrs
Bamboo – Timeless!
i know a metallurgist who is terrified of flying
I think I got an email the other day from a Mr. Soboyejo. He informed me, in strictest confidence, of the expensive ideas and money expended to fine-tune all the preparations for a major transaction to meet all legal and administrative requirements in Nigeria and those of International Arbitration as the modalities applied in the case before him. All he needed was my mailing address, bank name and address, account number and account name (if any), my telephone and fax numbers and any other relevant information I considered helpful. He told me that with the above information, he will use my name to re-award the contract, put up the letters of claims and apply for payment. It sounded kinda fishy at first, but he assured me that the personalities involved in this transaction are of the highest level, and influential government functionaries who will not like any form of exposure and as such would want me to keep the business highly confidential. I was rest assured that the transaction is 100% risk free on both sides.
difference between caad 9 and super six: .6 lb. or about 400g.
can’t imagine that that amount would make any difference, at all, in any race around here including the alpine hill time trial. maybe in the wheels, but not in the frame.
the 2010 caad9 has BB30 cranks and full sram force for $1800 or 7900 dura ace for 3000. the only other bikes equipped like that for that price are the crabon bikes on the back of the performance catalog or colorado cyclist. somehow i think the cannondale is a better deal.
I know a pilot who is terrified of metallurgy
That this is the frame given to the FBF winners
How about a review of that VW Passat Wagon is it the Ultimate Bike Race Vehicle? what is the perfect vehicle to drive to a race?
Well, I could be rude and say I’d ride “someone’s mom” to the race, but I’m not feeling rude tonight. The Passat is hard to beat, but I do think that Diesel turbo Jetta would be hard to beat – or a Ferrari, just because I’d like to drive one.
Folks who quote lifespan in years are making up numbers. Good bikes can be made from aluminum, carbon, steel and titanium. It’s up to the engineer to properly design the bike based on the material they are using. Mr CFRP and his professor need to go back to school. A well designed CF bike will use tubes with the CF in multiple directions, so it won’t break that easily. The expected loads have been taken into consideration when designing the layup. Same thing for his idea that CF only costs $2 more to make. He is not taking into consideration development costs which are substantially higher since they have to figure out the optimum carbon layup patterns. Just check the budget of a F1 team to see how much carbon parts cost.
For most of us the decision to change a frame, or bike, is because we got tired of it, not because it is fatigued, the excuse used by many.
Cannondale makes a great bike. The only negative thing about them, which is not really a negative if you keep the bike, is that they depreciate quite a bit. That’s good for bargain shoppers who can pick up a used Cannondale for a small fraction of new.
douchie bars stem and pedals
I dont know anyone who buys a bike because it holds it resale value well.
I think Serottas are traded on the commodities market.
My stem is douchy?
Technically it is difficult to properly assess the Serotta market when correlations to exogenous markets are so high. The Wednesday break below was invalidated yesterday on Q3 US GDP, but we do not have a positive cross-over of the five and nine day MAs, and overnight the nine day still stood out as the resistance level.. In between we will not trade any pattern outside those set by the Dollar and Equities. For the last two days Serotta and the Dow Futures have run an R square of 0.9 on the intraday 10 minutes. At such a ratio it is just possible to beat the theme of purely trading the Dow on Serotta futures.
beautiful bikes.
but unfortunately marketed and sold by douches for douches…
I think with a Giant, Spec, or even Trek, you will not be able to tell the difference properly set up, (wheels/tires, stem, bars, saddle, and post can make up for nearly any custom geometry) and you get the Di2, Zipps, complete, not just a frame (not even a fork) for your $10,000!
As if, I am in the used $1000 race bike market…what will that buy me? 3 year old Ridley?
I agree to all of the points made about CFRP by Mr Kevlar. It’s true, details (which we can discuss if you want) were left out. I’m just making the point that carbon is not God’s gift to building materials like much marketing says.
The point I was trying to make is the same as yours – that you can design a great frame to have all the various properties you want using a range of materials. Sheldon Brown said it years ago, and it’s still true. Carbon is not the end-all of frame material. It has disadvantages like everything else.
When you buy a carbon bike, you’re paying for a ton of incremental R&D, and a touch of incremental manufacturing cost (maybe it’s $2, maybe it’s $20, but it’s sure as hell not $2,000. COGS is often a very small part of the cost structure of goods like bikes). I wish people understood that this is what they’re paying for; an incremental advance, not a giant leap.
Racing a carbon bike is not for me. I simply do not want to see my $7,000 pile of R&D sitting in a twisted heap on the ground after a crash.
I like double butted tubes and I don’t know why.
2010 is the last year that the CAAD9 will be made in the US. Mavic Neutral Support for the TDF uses CAAD9s making them the only aluminum bike used in the Tour and approved by the teams.
While many agree with the earlier comment about the virtues of the Cdale System Six it has not been made for 3 yrs.
Some say the System 6 was better than the Super 6, so too bad it was discontinued. But you could try the new one.
Does the CAAD huggie the road like Huggie hugged the ladies?
any news?
Schmalz the economics of riding a semi disposable aluminum frame seem to be at odds with racing on $3000 Zipp 404’s with a powertap. It seems tantamount to driving a hyundai compact car with $10K “Spreewell” spinners. In either case, should you crash you are still out the cost of the wheels. But man will you look seriously frugal doing it!
you could spend five times as much on a frame and be exactly 0% faster, while aero wheels add speed. powertap, well… could be the best equipment investment you make, or the worst. depends on whether you use it properly.
aero wheels make you faster…no question. Good ones cost more than a good carbon frame. They seem to be the best place on a bike to buy speed. The powertap? just took mine off the bike as I never used it properly. Its advantages were limited to the benefit of carrying an extra 1/2 of weight on the bike while training for me. I don’t hate my powertap but to quote Mickey Rourke in bar fly, “I don’t hate you…I just feel better when you are not around.”
just think, that local phenom girl was kicking all of your asses even on her 20+ pound heiferbike with un-aero anything. face it, you all suck. it’s just by varying degrees. now if you’ll excuse me, i have a chicken parm sandwich to go argue with.
Damn that Evie Stevens and her natural talent on a shit bike. Made me feel like the cycling loser I know I am…
can I go get a cocktail, or transfusion or sorts, from my pharmacist/doctor type person?
I would like it to be just like LA or “B-Rad” Wiggo…maybe Pisterololo…
(And with the “Chicken of Monaco” coming back to Italy, do you really think he will race clean any more than Vino, and other “non-admitters”…or just try harder not to get caught?)
Where is the Millar litmus test? Thats right, police arrest, did that…
whatever, back to what you were doing…
Mickey Rourke does not say that anywhere in Barfly. Stop misquoting.
“Do you hate people?
I don’t hate them…I just feel better when they’re not around.”
— Charles Bukowski (The Movie: Barfly)
Do a quick google search. Also don’t tell me what to do.
I’ve heard this frame’s ride described like pancakes sliding off of a plate. IT made no sense to me either.
sowing the massive Max Watts that we all know the Daninator can generate in those park finishes????
I ride my stuff to a fine powder. The PowerTap battery was dead in that hub, and if you look closely, you’ll notice little pieces of tape on the rim where my mechanic marked the cracks in the Zipp rim.
that bike positively oozes coolness.
I’m not sure if that’s an ironic comment or not, but I’m going to go ahead and say I agree.
nop, not intended as ironic. best looking bike out there in the wide world of new york city. seen a few of ’em out & about and yep, they are cool.
Which bike shop is doing the paint on the nyvelocity CAAD’s?
That’s not paint – those are decals that are applied under the clear coat. The design (designed by Alex Ostroy) was coordinated with Cannondale.
one of the best parts about the NY area racing scene is watching the Dominican kid (on a $2K bike) school all the white dudes on $9K bikes.
Love the anti-NASCAR references. So witty! Do they teach you that in NYC?
NASCAR=sominex, learn to turn right, and race in the rain.
hey that sounds like a race in central park.
will there be free laundry detergent samples at the first crca race?
the caad9 may be made of aluminum, but it gives me wood.
In 1996, the notion of computers designing bikes had apparently become passe (perhaps the engineers at Cannondale were tired of cat boxing movies), and Cannondale began describing their framemaking as CAAD or “Cannondale Advanced Aluminum Design”, dropping any mention of computers.
Dan, can you say that the BH is noticeably better than a CAAD9, and if so, how?
I can honestly say that the BH is a better bike than the CAAD 9, in my informal tests in sprints, I’ve averaged about 50 more watts on my max wattage on the BH. I’m not sure whether it’s the BB30 bottom bracket, the carbon layup or Spanish pixie magic (I suspect it’s a combination), but the bike is faster.
50 watts. holy crap, that’s half of one of those cancellara cheater motors
maybe you’re just stronger this year?
Nope, not stronger, all other numbers have been consistent between the two frames.
Hmm…I’m still on a bike that was the latest & greatest in 2006, so I don’t know, but I can’t imagine that one frame could be that much faster than another. More comfortable, or better steering…definitely, but unless there’s sandpaper in the BB of the old frame I can’t see getting 50 watts out of it.
That’s 50 sprint watts, not 50 average watts, it’s probably due to better power transfer.
not to geek out too much on this, but you’d only be able to measure the difference with a powertap, but not an SRM, correct? (since the SRM measures power at the cranks, not at the rear wheel)
since all the pros (and most of the locals) are on BB30 frames with oversized BB junctions and assymetrical chainstays, do you think sprints have gotten faster? Just asking the age old question as to whether choice of equipment is really meaningful in a race, especially around here.
curt davis, who often races PP on sats., has worked with cannondale for years. it’d be nice to interview him. terrific person.