Lactate and Vo2 Max test at Cadence

Threshold and VO2 max with Collette

Cadence Multisport and Fitness Center generously offered to show us how they use V02 max testing in conjunction with lactate threshold testing to get a clear picture of a cyclist’s training zones and fitness potential. It was a chance for them to show off their expertise as well as their shiny new hardware.

We tagged along with Colette Levy, a new cyclist but an accomplished athlete – can you tell? She estimates that she has only been on her new black Cervelo Soloist ‘about ten times’, and we were confident she would make for an interesting test subject.

It’s easy to get lost at Cadence. At 11,000 square feet, the Tribeca ‘campus’ is massive. I followed Colette past racks of gorgeous Cervelo bikes, past the café and the huge Computrainer room, to what looks like a doctor’s office furnished with computers, a treadmill, yet another Computrainer, and a Parvo TrueOne 2400 for V02 max testing. We were told this is the same machine that NASA uses to test astronauts, and that the only other one in the city is in a hospital. The machine looks pretty impressive, and it’s not even tuned on yet.

Coach Mikael Hanson will be administering the test. A pro-am racer in college until a nasty crash sidelined his career, Coach Mikael worked on Wall Street for fourteen years and then decided he’d had enough; he wanted to work for himself doing something he loved. He began coaching out of his home and competing in biathlons, triathlons, and cross-country skiing, and he looks ready to race even sitting behind all of these machines. After a few years of working at home had become too tedious, he jumped at the chance to be a part of Cadence’s Tribeca facility.

Before the test began we noticed that Colette, who has never had a proper bike fit, looked like she was sitting a bit low on her Soloist. When I commented upon it, Mikael quickly produced a tool to measure the angle of her knee. Sure enough it was bent at 142 degrees, well below what Mikael told us was the range for even a triathlete, who usually have a 148-150 degree angle, let alone a roadie, who have an angle of 150-154 degrees. He raised the seat until her knee was at 148 degrees, not wanting to make the change too abrupt, and set her seat back a bit, too not a full fitting by any means but helpful nevertheless.

The protocol Cadence uses to determine a rider’s lactate threshold is a pretty standard Conconi-type test. The rider warms up on a Computrainer, and after an initial interval of 4 minutes the machine’s resistance increases twenty watts every three minutes. Between each interval a tiny prick of blood is drawn from the cyclist’s finger and it is then measured for lactate on the LactatePro analyzer. When the rider’s blood lactate reaches 4mml/L, the power level is noted, and the lactate threshold is determined. All the data gathered becomes a window into the athlete’s current level of fitness and will assist the coach in determining the athlete’s heart rate and corresponding power zones, as well as the athlete’s most productive training zones.

Colette was a bit nervous – unlike most beginners she actually has a lot of experience with these sorts of tests. It turns out she was an 800-meter runner with the French Olympic team. But she hasn’t really done much after she stopped running twelve years ago, except maybe a bit of Salsa dancing. She started exercising again recently and some friends introduced her to cycling, which has quickly become a passion.

Beginning at 90 watts, Colette completes the first couple of intervals with a blood lactate level of 1.1, about the same it would be if she were sitting on the couch. I ask Mikael to predict how many watts she will have at 4mmls, and he says 170. I thought maybe higher as she was spinning so effortlessly, but sure enough, at the 190 watts interval she was way over. Mikael has hit it on the nose, although Colette clearly still has plenty in the tank. Mikael lets her do two more intervals just to keep recording the hockey stick pattern of her results. After an athlete’s blood lactate goes above 4mmls the body is no longer able to ‘cycle’ the lactate efficiently, so not only does lactate production increase but the excess isn’t cleared. The resultant ‘heavy legs’ sensation are actually not a direct result of blood lactate, a popular misconception, but due to an increase in hydrogen ion concentration (a condition referred to as acidosis) inside the muscle cell. This seems to happen at the same time as the onset of higher blood lactate levels but it hasn’t been determined to be the actual limiting factor in and of itself. (We’ll save that discussion for another article.)

To get a basic understanding of lactate clearance in your body, picture a plastic cup with a pinhole in the bottom. Now start pouring water from a pitcher above. As you increase the amount of water being poured, the cup fills to the rim. That is like your lactate threshold: the point where you are pouring as much water as you can into the cup with it only escaping from the pin hole, not over the sides. Once the water starts spilling over the sides you have gone over the threshold. At this point, your body only has a couple of minutes where you are able to produce the same effort, hence the terms ‘super’ or ‘above threshold’. To be able to pour in more sustained power you will need a bigger cup.

In between tests Mikael lets Colette spin for about ten minutes. I took the opportunity to ask her where she came from. As it turned out, this was an unexpectedly difficult question to answer. She was born in Paris, and moved first to Madrid and then London as a child. Although she speaks English without a trace of an accent, she only first moved to the U.S. to go to school: Brown as an undergrad and then Wharton to get a Master’s. She then moved back to France to run on the Olympic team.

Following this interlude of cultural biography, Mikael straps on a scary mask for Colette to breathe into, and fires up some fancy software to chart the progress of the next test. VO2 max is the maximum volume (V) of oxygen (O2) in milliliters that you can use in one minute, per kilogram of body weight. Oxygen consumption happens to be linearly related to energy expenditure: when oxygen consumption is measured, we are directly measuring an individual’s maximal capacity to work aerobically. Mikael tells me to pay close attention to the number under the initials ‘R.E.R.’

Later, Chad Butts, head coach and resident exercise physiologist – not to mention super-fast Cat 1 cyclist – explains to me that R.E.R. stands for ‘Respiratory Exchange Ratio’, the ratio of carbon dioxide to oxygen. From this ratio a coach can determine when the body switches from efficient fat burning to faster but far less efficient carbohydrates for fuel. In a way, the R.E.R. at 1 in the V02 max test is like the 4mmls in the lactate threshold test. Except that in this case when the number reaches one we can determine what kind of potential an athlete has for a long effort.

A person’s V02 max is for the most part genetically determined, and if you are in reasonably good shape then it is quite difficult to improve the number very much. Maybe 5 points, Chad says. So in and of itself it’s not all that interesting. You don’t need a number to tell you that you’ll never run a sub four-minute mile or smoke Levi up Alpe d’Huez. But after completing both the lactate threshold and the VO2 max tests a coach can compare results of the two to get an even clearer picture of an athlete’s fitness and how much he or she may improve. For example, if a highly trained professional athlete can sustain 500 watts at their V02 Max, and their lactate threshold is 460 watts, they are at 90% efficiency and are not going to improve much. Chad tells that me the most a person could conceivable go is about 95 percent, and even eight-five percent is extremely well trained.

On this test Colette gets to give it everything shes got, and impressively she runs the machine up to 55 – her VO2 max is well above the average of 34 for her age. At 55 she is produciing 250 watts, her watts at VO2 Max. Obviously she is already in great shape: as a runner she tested at a 63 V02 max, not surprising since a running test will give you a 5-6 point boost.

Perhaps even more interesting is her R.E.R. number: when it was at an even 1 she was producing 210 watts, well above her lactate threshold of 170. In a well trained cyclist this number would be even, or in some cases the RER of 1 would be even higher than the lactate threshold, but Colette’s test reflects her situation predictably.

If someone had just showed me this test I would have said it was taken by a very fit athlete who was new to cycling. As she continues to progress as a cyclist her muscles will adapt, her pedaling will become more efficient and then her LT will come to be about the same as here RER, Mikael told us. So the good new is, as strong as she is, she has a lot of room for improvement. Her power at lactate threshold is only 68% of her power at VO2 max (170 divided by 250).

Mikael slips all of Colette’s results into a neat Cadence folder and meets with her in the Cadence café (not to be confused with the ‘lifestyle center’) to go over the results again. They pass on the paninis and cappuccino, although both are readily available. It’s almost surprising that the bill doesn’t arrive on a silver tray, but what is undeniably remarkable is that the two tests and the consultation come to the low price of just $300 dollars, about what you’d spend for a night at the W Hotel or a glass of Chateau Petrus.

Women’s VO2 max

Men’s VO2 max


  • US College Track, Male: 57.4
  • College Students, Male: 44.6
  • Steve Prefontaine, US runner, 84.4
  • Frank Shorter, US Olympic Marathon winner, 71.3
  • Derek Clayton, Australian ex-Marathon World Record holder, 69.7
  • Jeff Galloway, US Runner, 73.0
  • Greg LeMond, cyclist, 92.5
  • Matt Carpenter, Pikes Peak marathon course record holder, 92
  • Miguel Indurain, cyclist, 88

Thanks to Niko T and Robert Grover for their help with this article!



Great explanation of the science behind the tests + lots of pics of a hot very fit women = my new fav NYVC article.


Certainly makes the tests look intriguing, my last lactate threshold test alone cost 250.00- which I think is pretty typical, I’d like to give this a shot next.


Nice look Colette, I never knew muscle could look so good! Good numbers too, you’ll be tearin’ up womens racing in no time.


Saw her riding on 9W on Saturday. Brains, brawn (in a graceful kind of way) and looks. What more can you ask for……I see Hollywood – action heroine – in the future


This was such a great learning experience for me and, with Alex and company there, a lot of fun! The detailed explanations of the different tests were very helpful…but when do we pop open the Chateau Petrus? Looking forward to getting more time in the saddle and having fun! 😀


Interesting to see NYvelocity learning what has known for years, although it’s a little more icky than the “Daily Distractions.” And by icky I mean sexist: “an interesting test subject” indeed.


Calling out these guys for being “icky” is a misguided form of politically correct puritanism.How can you compare Pez cycling’s cheesecake photos of girls who are only peripherally related to cycling, podium girls or spectators, to this athlete getting tested? This women is a serious athlete and appears an excellent test subject, if she was also chosen because she is attractive and or has an interesting background, all the better it will help make men realize a women can be all three; strong, smart and beautiful.

As a women I always enjoyed watching Michael Jordan, does that mean I objectified him because he was a beautiful man or was it purely as an athlete? I enjoyed him as both to be frank and so did plenty of my girlfriends. And I have no problem with men enjoying this strong attractive women the same way, why should every fitness article use a man?


Actually, quite a few of the daily distractions are female cyclists, but many are also podium girls, spectators, etc.


True some of the Daily Distractions on Pez are women cyclists, but they never say much about their athletic achievement, let alone VO2 max.

I can’t see one reference in this article that treats her any differently than it would a very fit man with the exception of having so many extra pics. But hey she is extraordinary looking and I can’t blame them. I like looking and I am a straight women.


Franz: We’d like to take this time to announce the opening of our new gym in Wayne, New Jersey.
Hans: That’s right. Ya! It’s called the Pumpatorium! Ya! And soon you will meet Victor. He manages our new gym.
Franz: Ya, you know, because we don’t have time to babysit you losers. But believe me, we have trained him well.
Hans: Ya! And he’s one tough biscuit, believe me! Ya, come on out here, Victor!
Victor: Hey, Hans! How you doing, Franz?
Franz: Yes! Do you ever show pity on those flabby losers?
Victor: No! These losers, they need discipline! They’re fat, lazy pigs, who should be only dead! You hear me? Dead! Dead! Dead!
Hans: Ya! Ya! Alright. Interesting. Now, tell us, Victor, what would you do with a girly-man who wrote a baby letter?
Victor: Here me now, and here me now, girly-man! Don’t be thinking I can’t come to your house, and pummel your head with a 2×4 and knock some sense into your fat, lazy lard-filled ass! You should be dead! You hear me! Dead, dead, dead, dead!


Just ran into her last night as I was walking to dinner. She was non spandex-clad and very feminine. Very much a woman. Wow!


What a fun coincidence that you recognized me on the train yesterday. You should definitely stop by Cadence for testing, as it could really provide great knowledge base for your winter training. Let me know if/how I can help! Happy riding.


Wow! Colette was amazing! I hope that you do a follow-up on how much improvement she makes from her training. I have been a skeptic on all these tests for triathletes but the article described the principles so well I think I now have a different perspective. Might go over to Cadence at some point this weekend and check it out.


What a fun coincidence that you recognized me on the train yesterday. You should definitely stop by Cadence for testing, as it could really provide great knowledge base for your winter training. Let me know if/how I can help! Happy riding.


Wow! Colette was amazing! I hope that you do a follow-up on how much improvement she makes from her training. I have been a skeptic on all these tests for triathletes but the article described the principles so well I think I now have a different perspective. Might go over to Cadence at some point this weekend and check it out.


Just ran into her last night as I was walking to dinner. She was non spandex-clad and very feminine. Very much a woman. Wow!

Governor Schwartzenegger

Franz: We’d like to take this time to announce the opening of our new gym in Wayne, New Jersey.
Hans: That’s right. Ya! It’s called the Pumpatorium! Ya! And soon you will meet Victor. He manages our new gym.
Franz: Ya, you know, because we don’t have time to babysit you losers. But believe me, we have trained him well.
Hans: Ya! And he’s one tough biscuit, believe me! Ya, come on out here, Victor!
Victor: Hey, Hans! How you doing, Franz?
Franz: Yes! Do you ever show pity on those flabby losers?
Victor: No! These losers, they need discipline! They’re fat, lazy pigs, who should be only dead! You hear me? Dead! Dead! Dead!
Hans: Ya! Ya! Alright. Interesting. Now, tell us, Victor, what would you do with a girly-man who wrote a baby letter?
Victor: Here me now, and here me now, girly-man! Don’t be thinking I can’t come to your house, and pummel your head with a 2×4 and knock some sense into your fat, lazy lard-filled ass! You should be dead! You hear me! Dead, dead, dead, dead!


Saw her riding on 9W on Saturday. Brains, brawn (in a graceful kind of way) and looks. What more can you ask for……I see Hollywood – action heroine – in the future


This was such a great learning experience for me and, with Alex and company there, a lot of fun! The detailed explanations of the different tests were very helpful…but when do we pop open the Chateau Petrus? Looking forward to getting more time in the saddle and having fun! 😀


Interesting to see NYvelocity learning what has known for years, although it’s a little more icky than the “Daily Distractions.” And by icky I mean sexist: “an interesting test subject” indeed.

Carol Weiss

Calling out these guys for being “icky” is a misguided form of politically correct puritanism.How can you compare Pez cycling’s cheesecake photos of girls who are only peripherally related to cycling, podium girls or spectators, to this athlete getting tested? This women is a serious athlete and appears an excellent test subject, if she was also chosen because she is attractive and or has an interesting background, all the better it will help make men realize a women can be all three; strong, smart and beautiful.

As a women I always enjoyed watching Michael Jordan, does that mean I objectified him because he was a beautiful man or was it purely as an athlete? I enjoyed him as both to be frank and so did plenty of my girlfriends. And I have no problem with men enjoying this strong attractive women the same way, why should every fitness article use a man?


Actually, quite a few of the daily distractions are female cyclists, but many are also podium girls, spectators, etc.


True some of the Daily Distractions on Pez are women cyclists, but they never say much about their athletic achievement, let alone VO2 max.

I can’t see one reference in this article that treats her any differently than it would a very fit man with the exception of having so many extra pics. But hey she is extraordinary looking and I can’t blame them. I like looking and I am a straight women.

Captain Ed

Nice look Colette, I never knew muscle could look so good! Good numbers too, you’ll be tearin’ up womens racing in no time.

Ward Graico

Certainly makes the tests look intriguing, my last lactate threshold test alone cost 250.00- which I think is pretty typical, I’d like to give this a shot next.


Great explanation of the science behind the tests + lots of pics of a hot very fit women = my new fav NYVC article.


The VO2 max test is second nature for women…and gay men. Also, heterosexual men who have served time in Attica seem to do really well too.


If I were testing this bionic Colette chic, I would make sure to schedule her test after hours up on the rooftop of Asphalt Green under the romantic city glow of the East Side……have some candles going already (“Gee I wonder who left these up here,” I would say to Colette)….and then explain to her all the details of the test… and that the computer can get a much more accurate reading if I use menstrual blood to measure lactate levels.

But before I would even let her respond, I would tell her that most women prefer just the finger stick “for obvious reasons” and that the menstrual blood sample is only something “the top professional women cyclists like Marianne Vos and Evelyn Stevens do since it’s ridiculously more accurate”….. “Yeah, it’s what the latest software is calibrated for”… software that wasn’t available when she was on the French Olympic team 10 years ago…”in fact, the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs is doing it for all the 2016 Sochi girls.”

“Oh really,” says Colette.

You betcha.

And then my cell phone would ring (prior to the session, I had sent Schmalz an email with “URGENT” typed in the subject line telling him to call me on my cell at precisely 1:32 a.m.)…

The call by my unwitting accomplice comes right on schedule….(SOUND of Chumbawamba – Tubthumping ringtone)..

“Oh Hi Evie… just talking about you….yeah, hey can I call you back because I’m doing a VO2 max test on a cyclist. Awesome. Yeah, we’ll do yours again…just let me know when you’re in town and you’re on your period. Later. Ba-bye. Nah…what’s that? Oh yeah, that’s hilarious… you’ll have to tell me about it. Matt says hi. Later.”

(Colette can’t hear Schmalz grumbling on the other end, “Dude what the fuck are you talking about?” before I hang up on his clueless ass).***

“Sorry Colette, I gotta turn this thing off…these pro cyclists..they’re very needy…”

“So well just do the finger stick test then okmay, Colette………oh, are you sure? Okay, it’s up to you. If that’s what you want.”


***If the DA ever gets an arrest warrant, I can always request full immunity and agree to testify against Schmalz, who I explain is the real kingpin of the New York cycling scene (“look, the guy even writes for this website”). This is the evil man who put me up to it and wanted me to record it on video. What’s more, “I even have the cell phone records to prove it.”

As for the URGENT email, turns out I had sent that from a dummy Google account I set up days prior that I registered to Schmalz’s email. Schamlz’s lawyer will tell him through the glass over the visiting phone at Riker’s to just take the plea and do the 6 months. “It’s only a cyclocross season, Dan. You’ll be out in time for Paris Roubaix.”


I heard Lance’s VO2 max was measured at 116 after he was seen exiting Michele Ferrari’s motor home parked at switchback #17 on Alpe d’Huez on a recon training ride Lance was doing a month before the tour and 3 months prior to Lance transfering 600,000 Euros into a Swiss Bank account registered to someone named “Ferrari Testarossa.”


Clearly took him much more time to write it than it did for you to read it, and comment. You are clearly all kinds of busy, you master of the universe, you

Quarqy Thatcher

time to go back on the meds, C-Bomb. you were making some good points for a while but now you’ve veered off into Eli territory


This is in incredibly poor taste and hope that Andy and Dan delete it. It shows zero respect for women, or common decency for that matter. How would you feel if someone said this about your mother or sister? This has no place here.

You may want to explore the concept that people, including women, are not mere objects and that to have any kind of relationship with another person requires the ability to relate to them as such. Otherwise you will have an unlimited amount of time to ride your bike and watch porn.

Dino Compliant

Arbiter = Captain-Save-A-Hoe

Please cut the feminist bullshit. This is a free country and we are free to post whatever the fuck we want!

Please excuse me while I head to the construction site to gawk and whistle at women..

Tom Threadlock

If this comment thread doesn’t scare Colette or any other woman from cycling, I’d be amazed. Hopefully, it’s just a few immature trolls commenting who don’t know how to interact with women. I’d like to think most of us aren’t like this.

Lucas Lube

OMG SHE IS SO STRONG!!!, I LOVE THE WAY SHE LOOKS!!, her arms, her muscles…JESUS CHRIST SHE DRIVES ME CRAZY!!! I would love to kiss her just once! she take my breath away!!


It’s been a very long time since this article was posted and almost as long since I’ve ridden due to life circumstances. Today I re-visited the article and was, of course, “entertained” by the fairly recent commentary.

Thank you to the awesome folks who shared kind words and who have been supportive, even without knowing me as a person; means the world. Your comments “erased” the ones made by other who felt the need to criticise or be crude. Big hugs!

Comments are closed.